That particular secret isn't mine to share. But its owner should be along shortly with a big goody bag.
Aha! So you do have insider knowledge! Are there any illustrations of Vehkships or Sunbirds in existence? Also did Nerevar use a spaceship to reach Secunda? (or was it Masser?) On one hand, I'd really love to believe all of this, given its author, but if I accept it, I also have to accept that I have no clue how any of it works.
I know! I will use all of you to help me!
Belief-engines, properly called the “Auxiliary Semi-Shockpoint Nilgularity”, provide energy for short dream-sleeve jumps in case a Vehkship’s main ego is damaged, allowing the C0DA Paravant to potentially get to the safety of a voidyard orbital.
Auxiliary- Secondary
Semi-Shockpoint- Not sure what the difference could be between a Shockpoint and Semi-Shockpoint, but I'd guess it refers to some sort of primer effect, an explosion or reaction to set another action in motion.
Nilgularity- Nil=0, so Nilgularity could mean a zero-point location or any location not dependent on location. Since this is referring to a spaceship, it could be referring to a hyperspace jump or some kind of space folding.
Therefore an Auxiliary Semi-Shockpoint Nilgularity could be defined as a secondary or emergency form of hyperspace (dreamsleeve) travel initiated by a shock to space time which could blast a hole in Oblivion into Aetherius to allow for a jump through the Dreamsleeve back into Mundus. Sounds like artificial wormhole travel.
Vehkship Ego- This one nearly stumps me. Does the ego refer to the body of the Vehkship or the engine? Perhaps the computer systems? Since the ASSN is required if the ego is damaged though, it makes more sense that the ego is the engine.
C0DA Paravant- A tough one, considering that I still don't know what a C0DA is. Back in my orchestra days that I've yet to fully repress, I remember a coda was a ending passage reached after several verses. You'd see a "To Coda" on the sheet, and then you'd go to the coda, so I guess it could be viewed as both an ending and a point of origin if you wanted to view music sequence like a map. This might fit in with the term's usage in Loveletter as well. As to why the o is a zero, I've only speculation. It could represent a zero origin, but its usage in Loveletter makes it sound more like a CPU or just a hard-drive, so the C0DA Paravant could refer to a shipboard computer. Its context though suggests the C0DA Paravant is more than a computer. Indeed when you have a GPS in your car, you don't say, "allowing the GPS to get to a nearby gas station", you just say the car. In this case, does the C0DA Paravant refer to the entire ship? Paravant is defined as "the front", but that offers little help. I was always reminded of Alessia though as one of her names was "Paravania". I can't correlate this with spaceships though. My only guess is that the C0DA Paravant is a detachable section of the Vehkship which houses the C0DA. Otherwise, why would it be referred to as being mobile?
By creating the equivalent of an Nu-class Mnemolic, shrinking it instantaneously via a creatia tesseract array, and then projecting the resulting moth-talk well to a nil-point just outside the ego’s hull, an ASSN can slingshot the Paravant into era-streams without the needed energies of nearby aetheric bodies or shockpoint application.
Nu-Class Mnemolic- I still don't quite understand what the "Nu" prefix means. Any help here is much appreciated. To list a few examples we have:
NUmidium, ANU, NUminatus, NU-Hatta, NUm, NU-Mantia, NUminit.
If I were to wager a guess, I'd say it has something to do with divinity or just Anuic forces, as the oldest use of it as a root and stem appears with Anu. If this was the case though, why is Anu called Anu and not simply "Nu"?
If Ockham's Razor is truly cutting deep, than it could just mean "New" or "First", but this is contradicted by the fact that Numidium was not the first Dwemer golem, Nu-Hatta was the second replacing Hatta, and Numinit just seems to be a fancier version of omit or censored.
Mnemolic- Also a stumper. The Mnemoli are the angel-like beings that come down whenever a Dragon Breaks (and ends/beginnings of kalpas?), but the root is Mnem, which means "memory". The "ic" suffix is used to denote being in a state of something e.g. Horrific, Static, etc. Mnemolic could mean being in a state of memory. The problem here is that Mnemolic is used as a noun. This would mean my theory of using the common usage of "ic" is completely wrong.
None of this may matter at all, as what's important here is the result; the function. We see that with this: creatia tesseract array. Creatia refers to creation. A tesseract is a 4-dimensional object represented as a cube within a cube where no three-dimensional space is lost because the cubes intersect through the fourth-dimension. Put the two together and we have a 4D generator that harnesses creatia; either that or it is made of creatia, but that is pure redundancy, like saying I have dirt made of earth. Still it could refer to a tesseract made of pure creatia, like some kind of Platonic Form, but I like the former definition better. 4D generator harnessing creatia it is! Even more importantly is what follows.
moth-talk well- Moth talk is obviously referential to memories and accounts of reality, which goes back to Mnemolic and creatia. Well could refer to a wormhole; a restatement of the ASSN. This is further supported by this: "to a nil-point just outside the ego’s hull"
Nil-point again is a zero-point, a "point and click" situation. If we were to visualize this, it would probably look like hole made of whatever Dreamsleeve energy looks like. The wormhole would then be a tunnel in memory-time rather than space-time, as suggested by "era-streams".
ASSN can slingshot the Paravant into era-streams without the needed energies of nearby aetheric bodies or shockpoint application.
A fancy way of saying that Vehkship can draw power from plane(t)s, but the ASSN can easily bypass this. Two problems exist here.
1. Does "aetheric bodies" refer to plane(t)s or any old hunk of space flotsam? In the case of the latter, it sounds like using a planet's (real life) orbit as a means of movement. Believing the former brings us to...
2. Don't plane(t)s exist in Aetherius? The Vehkship wouldn't be flying in Aetherius, as it already uses a very dangerous method to temporarily skip through the Dreamsleeve.
A third problem exists with the last phrase, "shockpoint application". Again, what is the difference between shockpoint and semi-shockpoint? Is this a mistake in the text, or is there really a large difference between the two? Maybe shockpoint only refers to the Vehkship's default ego locomotion? A thruster of sorts.
The ASSN is strictly Last Ditch technology, however. It’s often deemed as too dangerous for its own good, because it works on the rarified principles of Phynaster’s Inversion, a set of mathematics that doesn’t exist in our own dimension.
Most of this is straightforward save the last bit.
Phynaster's Inversion- Phynaster was the Altmer hero who taught the Altmer how to live longer by "...using a shorter walking stride." That quote can be argued a hundred different ways I'm sure, but it amounts to either slowing time or maintaining absolute efficiency to squeeze more years out of the body. The opposite of that is to die faster or just age faster. In spaceship terms it could mean to speed up time which by association means to speed up space. Concerning mathematics that don't exist in our dimension, I'd think it refers to 4'th-dimensional math.
Vehkships have vanished in nil-space trying to make an ASSN jump—indeed, the celestial irregularity known as the M4bV Legerity, in which the C0DA Oblivion Vanquisher appears and implodes in perpetuity, is the belief system’s most famous cautionary tale.
Here we have a usage of "nil-space" which may contradict my usage. I had thought that nil-space was an adjective akin to zero-point, but here it is used as a noun, implying that nil-space is some kind of void. Why not use void then? Is nil-space a new form of void only discovered with the advent of space travel? If I had to defend my earlier assumption, I'd say that nil-space isn't an all-encompassing void or some dark-space idea but just a term to describe a "hole in nothing" a black hole also called a singularity. Going back to "nilgularity" nil-space could just be a new way of saying empty space, and a nil-point could refer to a point in nil-space.
As to what "M4bV" refers to, I'm clueless as I have no frame of reference. Any guess I could make would be pure conjecture, so I will offer none.
Legarity must refer to another kind of point in space. A leg is one side of a triangle which forms a right angle. I'm very tired right now, and if I had more brain power, I'd be able to guess at how triangles figure (oh ho ho) into all of this. Blah blah triangulation bleh bleh blah space-time stability.
in which the C0DA Oblivion Vanquisher appears and implodes in perpetuity, is the belief system’s most famous cautionary tale.
The tense of this passage throws me off. This is a single event, yes? Also if the C0DA appears and implodes (appeared and imploded) in perpetuity, is it still happening? Also why is the C0DA mentioned as a stand-alone body? I thought it was the Paravant that housed the C0DA. Or is the full term C0DA Paravant and either word an acceptable abbreviation?
Lastly I'm confused by the designation, "Oblivion Vanquisher"; not by what the designation or name means but simply because it should have a designation at all. I'll rephrase an earlier question:
What is the proper name for this spacecraft? Is it called a Vehkship or a C0DA Paravant? Is Vehkship just a subcategory of spacecrafts, where
all spacecrafts can be called C0DA Paravants, or is this reversed? Also confounding is the use of C0DA here
without Paravant. Possibly only the C0DA inside the Vehkship implodes, but again why say it
appears. Rather say the Vehkship appears and the C0DA inside implodes if this were the case.
Its a long read, but do it for me. I'm losing my neuroexistential possi-point here.