"Taunt" Spell?

Post » Tue Jun 04, 2013 1:26 am

I'm trying to create a Summon spell that summons a creature that "taunts" nearby enemies (e.g. forces them to attack it).

I created a Cloak effect and put it on an Ability that I then gave to the actor that I'm summoning. The Spell that the cloak applies to its targets runs a script. I've tried:

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)akTarget.StopCombat()akTarget.StartCombat(akCaster)EndEvent

But that doesn't work 100% of the time and often causes the targets to sheath their weapons for a second, and:

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)akTarget.EnableAI(false)akTarget.EnableAI(true)akTarget.StartCombat(akCaster)EndEvent

Hoping that disabling then enabling AI will sort of "reset" the enemies AI, but this doesn't work 100% of the time, either.

Does anyone have a good way to 100% reliably cause an Actor to attack a target?

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Teghan Harris
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