Taxonomy of Obsession

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:33 pm

I cant complete this quest. When she asks me to bring her a baliwog for her to tame. She will cast that freeze spell on the baliwog and talk to me "thanks for bringing the baliwog lets go inside for your reward". However she does not go inside and just stands there next to the baliwog. If i talk to her "not now the spell may wear off any minute". If i use the wait function then the spell wears off and she kills it. But instead of asking for a new one she says "not now the spell may wear off any minute" Also the baliwog gets graphic glitched upon death and stretches out like rubber.
I tried to load an earlier save but no matter how i approach this quest, she gets stuck at "not now the spell may wear off any minute" I checked wiki in hope for a way around but, this bug is not even on the list.

edit: i tried it again a couple of times today. Still cant get her to pay me. At least the beliwog doesnt glitch anymore upon death
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:00 am

Every character that has attempted this, has failed miserably every time. I had this stumbling block once with the baliwog, but usually when I'm out and about, she dies every time. I just get a message that the quest has ended because she has died. I found out that you can make a better command spell (the reward) anyway. Sorry I couldn't have been as much help, but now I just don't take the quest. Anyone know?
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josh evans
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:30 pm

I usually make a fortify health + restore health spell and cast it on the creature when the woman 'subdues' it, eventually she gets it right. it is a really hard quest and I still have not completed it.
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Sun of Sammy
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:54 am

well the thing is in my game she does NOT attack it all the time. Most of the time she casts a freeze spells (i cant attack it then anymore). She tells me that it worked and that she will pay me inside. How ever she doesnt do anything, just stands there. If i talk to her she says "not now the spell may wear off any minute". The freeze spell lasts like 4-5 ingame hours and she either recasts it or kills the monster.

How is the quest supposed to work out? She beats it to near death and then it becomes her pet? She casts the freeze spell and is done? Wiki doesnt go into detail. I have tried it many times now and the result is always "not now the spell may wear off any minute" even if the baliwog is dead (cant give her more herbs/ask rumor)
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