Teabagging is also very very disrespectful as a cultural norm. You are bring in [censored] and anti-homosixual ideals as insults. That's absolutely inappropriate.
Ah, I knew this would come up eventually. Off topic, but eff it. I'm not involved with that crowd, but I will say it is not now what it started as or was intended to be. There are plenty of fine folks involved with that movement that have absolutely no ill will toward any sub-sect of the population, and hold the liberty of
everyone as their highest goal and ideal.
It's quite unfair to lump them all together and generalize like that, and claim the entire ideology to be "disrespectful" as a cultural norm. That doesn't even make sense, really. I mean you might think someone's politics in general are stupid, but disrespectful? Whatever floats your boat, I guess.
Anyway, the enlightened approach would be to hold people individually accountable for their bigotry and ignorance, not an entire group just because some people feel that way.