First off, Pangolin, I didn't mean to quote you.. lol. I was just responding to the thread

furthermore... back OT..
I am 28, I swear like a sailor, I use derogatory terms all the time, and I don't really feel much remorse, seeing as how if you are letting some random stranger online hurt your feelings, you probably have it coming.. however, I AM immature, I'll grant you that.. but the point is. not everyone that acts immature is a kid, or whatever. I play games to have fun. You could call me a bully, but I get 90% of what I dish out thrown back at me. So it is fine. I am just an agressive gamer. I don't typically insult people on forums or in real life. but when I am playing a game, I get really competitive, and part of that competitiveness is gloating/being a sore loser/etc. Not exactly golden qualities, but that's just me, take it or leave it.
also, I try REALLY hard to stay away from racial slurs. very seldomly do I let them slip in a fit of black-out rage