– a texture replacer for most architecture, giving Morrowind a clean look. Most mods try to make Vvardenfell look older, dirtier, and generally browner. This is not one of those mods. - allows you to toggle the Spell Absorption effect from the Atronach birthsign between 50% (standard) and 2% using a zero-cost spell. Stunted Magicka remains the same. This just lets you use a temple shrine more easily or allows you to make the game harder by lowering your Spell Absorption rate. - adapts the Herbalism Lite plugin to work with Tamriel Rebuilt flora. As the name implies, the scripts are easier for the computer than the full Herbalism script. Plants don’t disappear after you harvest them, they just can’t be harvested again until the next month. I prefer this version because there are still flowers and plants in the landscape after ,y character walks by

This thread is also a WIP for a mod I’m developing - Tealpanda’s Solstheim Creatures. It’s going to be a simple creature expansion mod for the isle of Solstheim. I plan to avoid adding new spawn points. It will be an esp, not an esm, so it will be easy to edit yourself if there’s a creature you don’t want (unlike many other creature-spawning mods).
For example, I want a way to have some of Cait’s creatures running around, without using the Wilderness Mod, Water Life, etc, which add lots of other things. I’ve run those mods before and found the following kinds of drawbacks (which I hope to avoid with this mod)
Big creature mods tend to:
- Drop frames per second, slowing down gameplay
- Add lots of ingredients (80 kinds of fish anyone?) that I never use
- Give creatures sounds that are really irritating after the first 5 seconds
- Add spawn points that have strange behaviors or cause conflicts
- Add creatures with buggy collision or that have trouble navigating
So this mod is going to be strictly Solstheim and probably only add creatures to the leveled lists. Compatible with most things, light weight, but still adding variety to the 6 creatures you can find on Solstheim. What do all those wolves and bears eat, anyway? There's nothing smaller than them...