Team eccentric recruiting

Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 7:34 pm


Im a member of a small, highly unrecognized elder scrolls modding team. (the reason we are so unrecognized, is because we are almost brand new. only a few mods released. (these include individual projects, and team projects such as 28 days and a bit 3 - a zombie mod)

we are quite small, maybe six members large, and were all rather busy with current projects. progress is slow. so, as one of the official idea men and eha dof home of darkness, i am humbly requesting that anyone with experience in the right areas join up.

We have openings for...

Idea men: I fall into this category. idea men merely supply concepts, ideas, and help flesh out the mods we make by proposing functions, features, and design possibilities.

Modellers: Im sure allot of you are slightly and the very least proficient in this category. stuff like models, armor, weapons, and other things. we only have one of those, and hes rather busy. so a few more would not hurt to keep productivity rates high.

artists: Pretty self explanitory. we mainly could ahve a use for them for loading screens, concept art, and maybe textures.

constructions et workers.: Again, self explanitory. we simply need people good with the game editors.

(im not sure if this is the right place to post this, by the way. if it isnt, then please move it.)

unveiled projects: 28 days and a bit 3: this major improvement over 28 days and a bit 2, simulates a full scale zombie apocolypse. (now with player infection)

The goal of this mod, is to simulate a sandobx zombie apocolypse enviornment that the player can mess around with. zombies are tweakable, so long as you have a working version, spooky weather is scary, and in the end, just make the best zombie invasion mod possible.

Heres a link to the page.


Inuyasha mod:I dont follow inuyasha, so i cant really tell much.

its tesnexus page was taken down, and i guess its goal is to bring the world, and story of inu yasha into oblivion.

WIP projects, yet to be unveiled.

Project darkness. (HINT: survival horror. my idea.)

This one was heavily inspired by amnesia the dark descent, and borrows some elements from it. the mods goal is to scare you, and even after beaitng it, to leave you wondering about what you just went through.

Project shades of gray: (HINT: no good or evil.)

The goal of this one is
To create a universe in which in the play-zone, there is no good or evil. only shades of gray. nobody is right or wrong, and no matter the outcome, people are still going to die.

If you would like to know more, send me a PM. if you wanna join up, go to

Our goal is not a specific one. we all focus on the next thing, with no true theme. we are very open to different ideas and other things.

Current members at the making of this thread:

Idea men: me, david, noctis.

Modellers: wolve. (i dont know what he is up to)

Artists: nope.

Construction set workers: Lord frostcraig: has a truckload of projects he is personally doing). Ddmlink: (is helping with Project darkness). Saadus: Is working on 28 days, and inu yasha.

team leader: Saadus.

Thanks for reading, and i look forward to hearing form you.

peace out.

EDIT: updating the first post with new information.
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:28 am

Idea men: I fall into this category.

Most authors of such threads do.
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Ann Church
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:53 pm

ill take that in a neutral way.
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Soku Nyorah
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:54 pm

ill take that in a neutral way.

Take it how you like. Threads like these are a dime a dozen, almost all for vaporware projects, and none that serve the author's intent (ie you'll never recruit people this way). Not trying to douse your spirits, really, trying to help. If you want to recruit folks for your team and you want to stand a snowball's chance of getting more than some flaming and a whelp with no experience/no staying power then you need to say what the project is, have a clear outline of what your goals are, a list of who you have and who is doing what already, and a few screenshots of finished work go a long way. No one is going to invest in a project or a thread that asks for all while giving nothing. I've been around a long time, and I've been in your shoes, so I know a thing or two about such things. :happy:
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:38 am

aaaah.... ok. ill try to fetch some info then. thanks for the tip, i appreciate it.
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Manuel rivera
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:24 am

No worries, there's hope for you with that good spirit. Cheers :foodndrink:
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:06 am

No worries, there's hope for you with that good spirit. Cheers :foodndrink:

you to. :foodndrink:
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 6:01 pm

first post updated with new info. If i need add more, or if you want to know more, let me know.
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Kayla Oatney
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:11 am

Another yet-to-be unveiled project that i havent exactly been following, that saadus will be (or is) working on.

A new mod for when Skyrim comes out. The player will get to rule their own kingdom in a dynamic enviroment. Natural disasters. Wars, Invasions. All these things can happen.

The player will arrive by boat to a landmass called Carrock. An elderly woman will show up, saying that their prayers have been answered. After a brief dialouge, you will discover that she is planning a rebellion to take down the current government. After agreeing to help her, you will be given a tutorial of how to play the mod, including how to wage war, how to recruit, lay a siege, different tactics.

After destroying the current government, the player will be hailed King/Queen and run their own government. After that, envoys from 7 other kingdoms will come to negotiate. The player then gets another tutorial about how to be a diplomat. The Kingdoms will meet once a month. The player can wage war, negotiate treaties. We are going to try to get this has realistic as possible.

The player will notice something called Loyalty. Loyalty will play a major role in the game. Higher loyalty means better recruitment chances, lower assassination attempts, and better soldiers. Lower loyalty means very few people will be recruited, there are a lot more assassination attempts, and your soldiers hate your guts.

Please not,e im not actually helping with this one. that whole wall of text was saadus' idea.
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Tasha Clifford
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 9:53 pm

oook... Its clear to me im not getting much attention. just to be clear on something, project shades of gray will be only for skyrim. we''re waiting til it comes out, and the whole team esentaily, is trying to get more members for the team.

Now then, If someone could tell me a bit more about how i could get this done, id be happy, and appreciate it. (what am i doing wrong, how i can entice more people... etc)

I will like any help.
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:15 am

This is what I get from the OP:


Im a member of a small, highly unrecognized elder scrolls modding team. (the reason we are so unrecognized, is because we are almost brand new. only a few mods released. (these include individual projects, and team projects such as 28 days and a bit 3 - a zombie mod)

we are quite small, maybe six members large, and were all rather busy with current projects. progress is slow. so, as one of the official idea men and eha dof home of darkness, i am humbly requesting that anyone with experience in the right areas join up.

We're all fairly new to modding, and we need someone experienced to help us. We have very little to show of our skills.

We have openings for...

Idea men: I fall into this category. idea men merely supply concepts, ideas, and help flesh out the mods we make by proposing functions, features, and design possibilities.

Modellers: Im sure allot of you are slightly and the very least proficient in this category. stuff like models, armor, weapons, and other things. we only have one of those, and hes rather busy. so a few more would not hurt to keep productivity rates high.

artists: Pretty self explanitory. we mainly could ahve a use for them for loading screens, concept art, and maybe textures.

constructions et workers.: Again, self explanitory. we simply need people good with the game editors.

We have openings for:

Lazy people with no skills who cannot be bothered learning how to do things and prefer to just tell others what to do.

People with actual modding skills.

unveiled projects: 28 days and a bit 3: this major improvement over 28 days and a bit 2, simulates a full scale zombie apocolypse. (now with player infection)

The goal of this mod, is to simulate a sandobx zombie apocolypse enviornment that the player can mess around with. zombies are tweakable, so long as you have a working version, spooky weather is scary, and in the end, just make the best zombie invasion mod possible.

Heres a link to the page.


Inuyasha mod:I dont follow inuyasha, so i cant really tell much.

its tesnexus page was taken down, and i guess its goal is to bring the world, and story of inu yasha into oblivion.

Our work up till now has been a tweaked version of one of the most over-produced modding tutorials around, and a project that has been removed from the Nexus for reasons I'm not saying. I also have no idea what the project was about, which speaks volumes for the level of team cohesion.

WIP projects, yet to be unveiled.

Project darkness. (HINT: survival horror. my idea.)

This one was heavily inspired by amnesia the dark descent, and borrows some elements from it. the mods goal is to scare you, and even after beaitng it, to leave you wondering about what you just went through.

Project shades of gray: (HINT: no good or evil.)

The goal of this one is
To create a universe in which in the play-zone, there is no good or evil. only shades of gray. nobody is right or wrong, and no matter the outcome, people are still going to die.

Here are some ideas we think are good. They're very vague. We probably don't actually possess the skills to make any of this a reality.

Our goal is not a specific one. we all focus on the next thing, with no true theme. we are very open to different ideas and other things.

Current members at the making of this thread:

Idea men: me, david, noctis.

Modellers: wolve. (i dont know what he is up to)

Artists: nope.

Construction set workers: Lord frostcraig: has a truckload of projects he is personally doing). Ddmlink: (is helping with Project darkness). Saadus: Is working on 28 days, and inu yasha.

team leader: Saadus.

Our team has no direction or purpose. We are largely populated by people who cannot contribute anything meaningful. Half of others are either MIA or busy with their own projects.

To be fair to you, you have tried. You're not really a "HUY GUYS I HAV A GR8 IDEA 4 A MOD. NEED HELP MAKING IT" kind of poster, in that you're trying to present your team in the correct way to get positive attention. The trouble is, what you have to present isn't terribly enticing.

It's also a fact that no matter how dazzling the array of modding stars in a team, skilled modders are often too busy to contribute - they're already in other teams, working on their own projects, etc. because ideas are so incredibly cheap and they have ideas and the skill to make those ideas a reality.

I'll bet heavily that if you asked all the most widely recognised/skilled/prolific modders what their free time was like, they'd look at you like you'd grown a third head. I've seen the question "When is xxx going to be made/finished?" replied with "Oh, that. I haven't had the time to work on that in months. It's on my to do list" or variants thereof too many times to count. That's their own stuff they're talking about, how are they going to find the time to mod for you guys too?

All that said though, I do wish you luck, because you seem like you might have potential, if you move away from the whole 'idea man' thing, which is just pure nonsense. You'd have to be as imaginative as a pickle not to get any ideas.
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kiss my weasel
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:41 am

and obvious troll is obvious.

Look bud, weve added a great deal to 28 days,and most of us are really good at what we do.

And we do have the skills, mind you. were just all to damn busy. read right, or dont read at all.

Furthermore, it was an experienced modder named saadus who forged this team together. not a bunch of talentless whimps with no talent. we do have talent.
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Sweets Sweets
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 4:45 am

oook... Its clear to me im not getting much attention. just to be clear on something, project shades of gray will be only for skyrim. we''re waiting til it comes out, and the whole team esentaily, is trying to get more members for the team.

Now then, If someone could tell me a bit more about how i could get this done, id be happy, and appreciate it. (what am i doing wrong, how i can entice more people... etc)

I will like any help.

I'll offer you a little advice as well...from someone who's been involved with TESElderscrolls modding for over 10years ...

1. Don't be discouraged if it seems you aren't getting much interest right now...there are a few reasons for this... a.) Its late in the Oblivion modding game. Although oblivion modding will continue well after the realease of Skyrim, many "established" modders are currently occupied with trying to finish their works in progress prior to the release of Skyrim or are playing one "last playthrough" of Oblivion before moving on.

2. You don't have any well documented or current works in progress to establish or attract help. Without a proven track record, people will not join a "team" that does not have any real goal. DarkRider was being totally honest with you when he told you post like this are a dime a dozen. In over ten years of my inlvolvement with modding, I've lost count of the numerous vaporware projects...or the number of "teams" set up that have accomplished nothing.

3. You seem like you have a real desire to do something with modding, otherwise I don't think you would be here trying to recruit team members for non-existant advice to you is to not be an "idea man". Be a doer....start off with yourself...learn the aspectsof modding and the tools used.

Start small...create a mod for yourself....release it....make a bigger mod....keep going....learn new things as you will find that modding oblivion is not only one of the most satisfying hobbies you will have but also the most frustratingg :) as you become more experienced at modding, you will foster relationships within this community, which to be perfectly honest is the best modding community you wll ever find.

You really need to learn how to mod if you want to direct a "team". Idea men are not good leaders for projects.

If you need help with a project or a mod, simply ask in these forums,. If your need is real, you will find many people here wiling to help you...whether it be scripting, modelling, texturing, whatever. Help from members of this community is and always has been just a post away...IF the project and need is real.

Take it for what is worth....don't be discouraged with not attracting team members...but to be perfectly honest...from what I can see from your posts, you have no real need for team members as all you have are ideas. People aren't going to create a mod for you, but they will WITH you.
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jesse villaneda
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 4:49 am

I'll offer you a little advice as well...from someone who's been involved with TESElderscrolls modding for over 10years ...

1. Don't be discouraged if it seems you aren't getting much interest right now...there are a few reasons for this... a.) Its late in the Oblivion modding game. Although oblivion modding will continue well after the realease of Skyrim, many "established" modders are currently occupied with trying to finish their works in progress prior to the release of Skyrim or are playing one "last playthrough" of Oblivion before moving on.

2. You don't have any well documented or current works in progress to establish or attract help. Without a proven track record, people will not join a "team" that does not have any real goal. DarkRider was being totally honest with you when he told you post like this are a dime a dozen. In over ten years of my inlvolvement with modding, I've lost count of the numerous vaporware projects...or the number of "teams" set up that have accomplished nothing.

3. You seem like you have a real desire to do something with modding, otherwise I don't think you would be here trying to recruit team members for non-existant advice to you is to not be an "idea man". Be a doer....start off with yourself...learn the aspectsof modding and the tools used.

Start small...create a mod for yourself....release it....make a bigger mod....keep going....learn new things as you will find that modding oblivion is not only one of the most satisfying hobbies you will have but also the most frustratingg :) as you become more experienced at modding, you will foster relationships within this community, which to be perfectly honest is the best modding community you wll ever find.

You really need to learn how to mod if you want to direct a "team". Idea men are not good leaders for projects.

If you need help with a project or a mod, simply ask in these forums,. If your need is real, you will find many people here wiling to help you...whether it be scripting, modelling, texturing, whatever. Help from members of this community is and always has been just a post away...IF the project and need is real.

Take it for what is worth....don't be discouraged with not attracting team members...but to be perfectly honest...from what I can see from your posts, you have no real need for team members as all you have are ideas. People aren't going to create a mod for you, but they will WITH you.

Well, im not the head of the tea. saadus is. weve already got some stuff down, and some wip. maybe i should just completely change the OP as more of a request for help with some mods we are already doing? would that work? im currently trying (keyword, trying) to learn how to use the blender tool to make models.... but so far, im too hastey, and thats not gonna be easy to fix, ya know?

And i know oblivion modding is almost over, thats why when were done with all our current proejcts, were moving on.

but, as i said,maybe i should completely rework the op. how would that work?
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Sabrina Schwarz
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:15 am

and obvious troll is obvious.

Look bud, weve added a great deal to 28 days,and most of us are really good at what we do.

And we do have the skills, mind you. were just all to damn busy. read right, or dont read at all.

Furthermore, it was an experienced modder named saadus who forged this team together. not a bunch of talentless whimps with no talent. we do have talent.

Read my edit, I expanded on what I said. I was just giving you the feedback you requested. It's up to you to decide whether to ignore it or take some of it on board.
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kirsty joanne hines
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 4:19 am

To be fair to you, you have tried. You're not really a "HUY GUYS I HAV A GR8 IDEA 4 A MOD. NEED HELP MAKING IT" kind of poster, in that you're trying to present your team in the correct way to get positive attention. The trouble is, what you have to present isn't terribly enticing.

It's also a fact that no matter how dazzling the array of modding stars in a team, skilled modders are often too busy to contribute - they're already in other teams, working on their own projects, etc. because ideas are so incredibly cheap and they have ideas and the skill to make those ideas a reality.

I'll bet heavily that if you asked all the most widely recognised/skilled/prolific modders what their free time was like, they'd look at you like you'd grown a third head. I've seen the question "When is xxx going to be made/finished?" replied with "Oh, that. I haven't had the time to work on that in months. It's on my to do list" or variants thereof too many times to count. That's their own stuff they're talking about, how are they going to find the time to mod for you guys too?

All that said though, I do wish you luck, because you seem like you might have potential, if you move away from the whole 'idea man' thing, which is just pure nonsense. You'd have to be as imaginative as a pickle not to get any ideas.

well, i serve as more then JUST an idea man. i also act as a palytester, and director of one of our wip's. i just have no real skill in the CS.... i mean, i made like a 30 second mod once that had a quest in it. i based it off of finding nemo, believe it or not. really, you just find an old cuirass for a forgetful dunmer maiden, bring it back to her and thats that.
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Sophie Louise Edge
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:51 am

Given that 28 Days and a Bit has a lot of fans (about 80,000 DLs between the three versions on Nexus), I wonder if you might want to move the little recruitment note in the file description up to the top where more people will see it.
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claire ley
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 11:46 pm

hm... i didnt think of that. ill inform saadus ASAP.

(just to be clear, you meant the thing on the nexus when you mentioned the file description, right? im very cautious, you see... sometimes a bit too cautious.)
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rebecca moody
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 7:07 pm

well, i serve as more then JUST an idea man. i also act as a palytester, and director of one of our wip's. i just have no real skill in the CS.... i mean, i made like a 30 second mod once that had a quest in it. i based it off of finding nemo, believe it or not. really, you just find an old cuirass for a forgetful dunmer maiden, bring it back to her and thats that.

What do you mean, you have no real skill in the CS? Since when has that stopped anyone of note? What sort of pathetic excuse is that?

If you can't do something, and you want to do it, you learn how to. You practice. You put some effort in. You won't get anywhere with that defeatist attitude.

I really can't stand it when people say things like that, "I can't". Well, nor could anyone who can, but they learned, and you can do the same. We're not born competent at what we do (apart from the extremely rare lucky bugger or two out there). I couldn't write a single word of C++ last summer. I'm now going into my third major release of BOSS, a utility with over 150,000 users (most of them before I started, but the point is about responsibility here). You need to challenge yourself, learn to push at your boundaries, if you're going to grow at all.

At the end of the day, you've still made one more quest than I have. Remember: it's not about what you can't do, it's about what you haven't done yet.

EDIT: Telyn's idea is a good one, a note in the description page would be good, although it's bound to attract some people with no clue what they're doing, which I gather isn't what you're looking for.
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Jennifer Rose
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 10:24 pm

What do you mean, you have no real skill in the CS? Since when has that stopped anyone of note? What sort of pathetic excuse is that?

If you can't do something, and you want to do it, you learn how to. You practice. You put some effort in. You won't get anywhere with that defeatist attitude.

I really can't stand it when people say things like that, "I can't". Well, nor could anyone who can, but they learned, and you can do the same. We're not born competent at what we do (apart from the extremely rare lucky bugger or two out there). I couldn't write a single word of C++ last summer. I'm now going into my third major release of BOSS, a utility with over 150,000 users (most of them before I started, but the point is about responsibility here). You need to challenge yourself, learn to push at your boundaries, if you're going to grow at all.

At the end of the day, you've still made one more quest than I have. Remember: it's not about what you can't do, it's about what you haven't done yet.

EDIT: Telyn's idea is a good one, a note in the description page would be good, although it's bound to attract some people with no clue what they're doing, which I gather isn't what you're looking for.

hmm.... thanks for the advice. Ill see what i can do.
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sally coker
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 9:12 pm

@Skijarama Yes, I mean the file description for 28 Days on Nexus. Your team previously had a small note at the very bottom, but it was asking for voice actors. I am suggesting you move that notice to the top and make it more clear that Eccentric is the name of your team, and you are looking for permanent team members with modding skills to contribute to the development of 28 Days and other projects. More eyes will see that file description than will see this thread, and this thread will scroll off the front page soon. The Nexus file description stays put. wrinklyninja is correct that you may attract some people that lack the skills you seek. You can politely decline any offers from people who lack the skills you need. As long as you're nice about it and thank them for applying, they probably won't be too upset. Some of them may learn those skills and be potential team members in the future.

By the way, TES Alliance (TESA) is a free modding school for Oblivion and other Elder Scrolls games. It's a terrific resource if you decide to learn basic modding. There are even volunteer instructors there who will help you if you get stuck.
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candice keenan
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 2:36 am

thanks for the link. but i imagine i can get help form ddmlink. hes a relative expert with this sort of stuff, but if he cant figure something out, ill look into it.
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kristy dunn
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