Im a member of a small, highly unrecognized elder scrolls modding team. (the reason we are so unrecognized, is because we are almost brand new. only a few mods released. (these include individual projects, and team projects such as 28 days and a bit 3 - a zombie mod)
we are quite small, maybe six members large, and were all rather busy with current projects. progress is slow. so, as one of the official idea men and eha dof home of darkness, i am humbly requesting that anyone with experience in the right areas join up.
We have openings for...
Idea men: I fall into this category. idea men merely supply concepts, ideas, and help flesh out the mods we make by proposing functions, features, and design possibilities.
Modellers: Im sure allot of you are slightly and the very least proficient in this category. stuff like models, armor, weapons, and other things. we only have one of those, and hes rather busy. so a few more would not hurt to keep productivity rates high.
artists: Pretty self explanitory. we mainly could ahve a use for them for loading screens, concept art, and maybe textures.
constructions et workers.: Again, self explanitory. we simply need people good with the game editors.
(im not sure if this is the right place to post this, by the way. if it isnt, then please move it.)
unveiled projects: 28 days and a bit 3: this major improvement over 28 days and a bit 2, simulates a full scale zombie apocolypse. (now with player infection)
The goal of this mod, is to simulate a sandobx zombie apocolypse enviornment that the player can mess around with. zombies are tweakable, so long as you have a working version, spooky weather is scary, and in the end, just make the best zombie invasion mod possible.
Heres a link to the page.
Inuyasha mod:I dont follow inuyasha, so i cant really tell much.
its tesnexus page was taken down, and i guess its goal is to bring the world, and story of inu yasha into oblivion.
WIP projects, yet to be unveiled.
Project darkness. (HINT: survival horror. my idea.)
This one was heavily inspired by amnesia the dark descent, and borrows some elements from it. the mods goal is to scare you, and even after beaitng it, to leave you wondering about what you just went through.
Project shades of gray: (HINT: no good or evil.)
The goal of this one is
To create a universe in which in the play-zone, there is no good or evil. only shades of gray. nobody is right or wrong, and no matter the outcome, people are still going to die.
If you would like to know more, send me a PM. if you wanna join up, go to
Our goal is not a specific one. we all focus on the next thing, with no true theme. we are very open to different ideas and other things.
Current members at the making of this thread:
Idea men: me, david, noctis.
Modellers: wolve. (i dont know what he is up to)
Artists: nope.
Construction set workers: Lord frostcraig: has a truckload of projects he is personally doing). Ddmlink: (is helping with Project darkness). Saadus: Is working on 28 days, and inu yasha.
team leader: Saadus.
Thanks for reading, and i look forward to hearing form you.
peace out.
EDIT: updating the first post with new information.