Has anyone experimented with using version control software, such as http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subversion_%28software%29 or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concurrent_Versions_System? I would expect a need to write a frontend to automate esp merging, but with some of the advanced tools already out there, it is likely doable.
They would work for keeping each developers copy of an ESP separate, but you can't automatically merge stuff together with GECK plug-ins - with one exception...
... FO3Edit. FO3Edit is the best tool available for merging and managing Fallout3 mods. While it's not going to do the things Subversion or CVS do (We use Subversion at work for all our code), FO3Edit will allow you to easily merge changes between mods into a single plug-in or master. You can even compare two versions of the same mod from different developers and cherry-pick the records you want to copy from one version into another.
I think a mod team with one person in charge of using/understanding FO3Edit to merge the changes into one plug-in would work just fine to help a mod-team avoid messing each-other up.
In my view the biggest challenge to working with a mod team is not the technology, its the organization skills and commitment of the team members to work together for however long it takes. If you have good people working on the team, it can beautiful and amazingly productive and efficient. If you get team-members that are not committed, don't finish their work or even wander off into other hobbies, it can turn into disaster real fast. I was recently asked to help finish a mod that had a team, but due to real-life reasons people dropped out and it's stalled. I would wager that more mod teams fail due to people issues than to technology issues.
As such I would recommend a that the team leader keep this in mind, keep tabs on each team member, help when people get stuck and always have a backup-plan so that if person A or B falls through, person C can pick-up their work. Between managing the team well and having a good plan/road-map on how to get to the end will be invaluable to a team's success.