Well you are a spammer
- but today you are bang on 
Yes - I meant there are 4 Decal Maps - a Decal Map covers only a specific area of a mesh - I want the tear to track down her face - when I say rotate I meant that first Decal Map 0 would show then Decal Map 1 and so on finally coming back to Decal Map 0
In Nifskope there's a line on the Decal Map Texture that says: Controller and the next column it says Ref and the next column it says None
That made me think that if I could get the TimeController to work then I could set a number of seconds for each map to show
In the head mesh I can't see how to add a NiTimeController though let alone work out how it should run
I've noticed with the Decal Map there really isn't a lot I can do with it - I'd love to add gloss to it but that seems to be controlled by the NiMaterialProperty - which unfortunately adds glossiness to the whole head mesh
Wolli an animated Tear wounds great - however I think it can be done by animated textures alone - I just need to find some I can reverse engineer to understand how they work