1. Inappropriate Images/Links/Discussion are not allowed.
Other than avatars, image posting on this forum has been disabled in both content and signatures.
However, you may link to images as long as they are appropriate. If you link to images/sites with inappropriate content, such as swearing and nudity (including nvde mods) your post will be edited and you will receive a warning. Warez/piracy/illegal download and pormography sites will warrant an instant termination of your account here. This includes links to abandonware sites, cracks, and illegal MP3's.
It is generally acceptable to link to content about Bethesda Softworks published titles even if they have some profanity. (Links may still be removed at a moderator’s discretion if they feel the content is excessive or otherwise inappropriate.) If you are linking to game content that does contain some profanity please use a link redirect. Here is an example with bethblog.com
To clarify what can and can not be linked in regards to advlt mods.
A site may be linked to provide information about tools and guidelines in making mods. No direct link to a nvde or sixually suggestive screenshot is allowed.
So, make certain that the page you link to is free of such screenshots and or other material that is against this forums rules. We take no responsibility for those who go searching further for such material. In addition, we reserve the right to disallow links to some sites all together.
As for nudity allowed in screenshots here, bikini or more coverage should be fine. But again, it depends on the message being sent by the content. For example, there are images in guy magazines like Esquire that are virtually mild porm, even if there is a small amount of clothing hiding the personal bits. And those types of images wouldn't be acceptable. Moderators have full discretion to make these determinations, and warnings and bans will be given out when needed.
User made and modified in game characters depicting children must be fully clothed and not be posed in a way to be considered provocative. The moderators have full authority to determine this and issue warns/suspensions/bans if required.
Likewise any screenshots depicting child killing will also be dealt with accordingly.
Posting false links as in deliberately misleading other members about what they are clicking on or linking to is forbidden. Examples of such is posting a screamer and telling them, "Isn't this cool.", links to a game such as "you have been bitten" or other such game that gains the posters points or recognition, posting such links will result in a warning. Deliberately posting or linking to malicious or misleading information will result in your account being suspended. Please note that this include such links in signatures as well as the text of a post.
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Religion and Politics
Rating Threads
Multiplayer/Official Threads
Rating Threads/What are you listening to/Who Would Beat Who threads/Forum games
Threads regarding another user's account
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Discussion of controversial current events may be closed without notice if it appears the discussion has, or will, become disorderly. Likewise, discussion of harming or killing children is not permitted as it is classed as mature content, neither is it a feature of Bethesda Softworks games.
Due to past problems there are some topics we no longer allow on the forums. If you have any questions about this feel free to message one of the moderators. Also, if you have a topic that you are relatively sure is appropriate for the forums, but may fall into one of these restricted categories, please don't hesitate to ask us.
Other than avatars, image posting on this forum has been disabled in both content and signatures.
However, you may link to images as long as they are appropriate. If you link to images/sites with inappropriate content, such as swearing and nudity (including nvde mods) your post will be edited and you will receive a warning. Warez/piracy/illegal download and pormography sites will warrant an instant termination of your account here. This includes links to abandonware sites, cracks, and illegal MP3's.
It is generally acceptable to link to content about Bethesda Softworks published titles even if they have some profanity. (Links may still be removed at a moderator’s discretion if they feel the content is excessive or otherwise inappropriate.) If you are linking to game content that does contain some profanity please use a link redirect. Here is an example with bethblog.com
To clarify what can and can not be linked in regards to advlt mods.
A site may be linked to provide information about tools and guidelines in making mods. No direct link to a nvde or sixually suggestive screenshot is allowed.
So, make certain that the page you link to is free of such screenshots and or other material that is against this forums rules. We take no responsibility for those who go searching further for such material. In addition, we reserve the right to disallow links to some sites all together.
As for nudity allowed in screenshots here, bikini or more coverage should be fine. But again, it depends on the message being sent by the content. For example, there are images in guy magazines like Esquire that are virtually mild porm, even if there is a small amount of clothing hiding the personal bits. And those types of images wouldn't be acceptable. Moderators have full discretion to make these determinations, and warnings and bans will be given out when needed.
User made and modified in game characters depicting children must be fully clothed and not be posed in a way to be considered provocative. The moderators have full authority to determine this and issue warns/suspensions/bans if required.
Likewise any screenshots depicting child killing will also be dealt with accordingly.
Posting false links as in deliberately misleading other members about what they are clicking on or linking to is forbidden. Examples of such is posting a screamer and telling them, "Isn't this cool.", links to a game such as "you have been bitten" or other such game that gains the posters points or recognition, posting such links will result in a warning. Deliberately posting or linking to malicious or misleading information will result in your account being suspended. Please note that this include such links in signatures as well as the text of a post.
Restricted Topics
Religion and Politics
Rating Threads
Multiplayer/Official Threads
Rating Threads/What are you listening to/Who Would Beat Who threads/Forum games
Threads regarding another user's account
Hello/Goodbye/How Old are you/What forum skin do you use threads
I got a star/I'm now a [insert rank here] Threads
Discussion of controversial current events may be closed without notice if it appears the discussion has, or will, become disorderly. Likewise, discussion of harming or killing children is not permitted as it is classed as mature content, neither is it a feature of Bethesda Softworks games.
Due to past problems there are some topics we no longer allow on the forums. If you have any questions about this feel free to message one of the moderators. Also, if you have a topic that you are relatively sure is appropriate for the forums, but may fall into one of these restricted categories, please don't hesitate to ask us.
So with that said... There's this mod that rhymes with flex-livion... Well... I've read through all the readme's and installed all the prerequisites, yet it seems as though I've overlooked something seeing as one crucial element is left out when I play the game. I suppose this is where it gets a bit hairy for this topic so I'll try and put this as lightly as possible. You see, whenever I use this specific spell that allows for the function of the mod, all seems to go well. A certain party assumes a certain position, and I move in to assume mine, but once I cast the spell a second time I am simply left standing there to watch as nothing happens. Rather, I should say that one specific party begins to move in a back and forth motion, but the other party--namely me--remains observing in a stationary position. To put it plainly... There is no "thrust." Anyone mind pointing out what I did wrong here? Again, I'm sorry if this topic/mod is taboo here, but I've really tried just about everything. This was a last resort for me. Feel free to PM me any suggestions if it's not kosher to post here.
If this was in any way against the rules then... :bolt: