In my day... we didn't have any quote-un-quote "graphics"
Hey, I'm a fan of Ultima. And also of a good story. I played MUSHes and MUDs before MMRPGs became graphical, and you probably can't have the same kind of entertainment anywhere these days. But like all good old things, they soon become nostalgic. We don't need to keep embracing new things just for the sake of it, but holding on to the past also doesn't get you out of the same place.
Part of the charm of the gaming industry is that it needs both aspects to keep going. It needs technology and it needs originality, creativeness and the will to tell a good story. Akalabeth wouldn't be Akalabeth if someone didn't bother to invent a computer and other people didn't have enough interest and money to buy them. In the same way it wouldn't be remembered these days if it was just a tech demo of really impressive technology. Progress is not only inevitable, it is necessary. The kids of tomorrow will be pointing at Skyrim with the same degree of nostalgia we look at Ultima these days.
So lots of people care about graphics, and you may do more than you realize. Visuals are vital to the existence of -video-games, it's how a story is first presented to the audience. It's what they say, the first impressions are usually the ones that stick with us.