Jon looked at Bishop for a moment, before answering. He was scared as well as everyone else, but they had to fight. The Vertibirds continued to fire at the sniper on the building, but did'nt seem to hit him.
"I'm not a hundred percent on where they're coming from. But I think they out number us anyway. Did'nt you see them, everytime you killed one three more took the damn things place. We have to evacuate Tunnel seven (This tunnel), and get to some safe place for the night, they'll be back soon!"
Jon saw a ghoul and person talking, as more people rushed from the tunnels for safety. It was cool in the tunnel's and luckly for everyone who lived in the tunnels there were escape tunnels that were used to evacuate to other sections of the city.
"Hay you two, get the hell out of here! more of those damn robots and androids are coming. We have to get out of here NOW!" Jon said as the loud speakers crackled a bit. A voice tried to speak over the static, but it was to much. The static just garbled the voice as it tried to speak, when suddenly the static disapeared.
"Everyone evacuate to the West train car, I repeat everyone evacuate to the West train car for more instructions. That is all." The loud speaker's quieted as Jon and the other's made their way to the West train car.
It was not looking good for the survivors, who were fleeing...