That's an odd one, and as I posted over there, I have a hunch that we're looking at a previously-unknown engine bug. Could I ask you to try moving the code of those three scripts to the ScriptEffectFinish block (assuming Ren's is also using ScriptEffectStart) and see if that keeps happening?
I hope you will check this plugin carefully.
How far away were the things you were shooting? Advancement is as slow as 20% at very close range, but as high as 5x at great distance. You can change these settings in ProgressRBSP.ini if they seem too extreme.
I've been working with the OBSE team on adjusting those numbers. The current suggestion is 3.0 for potions and 1.8 for ingredients. The thing is, with those numbers you really can't advance alchemy faster than you'd normally be able to. The difference is that you can do it as you gather, seeing progress as you explore, instead of having to sit down with your alchemy set for it and gaining 10 ranks all at once after returning to town.
Welcome to the Dark Side! :deal:
- Bound Helmet had been left as Light Armor, corrected to Heavy.
- Pre-made Burden poisons greatly improved to match the new effect value.
- Summon Wraith now has the Wraith icon (was Headless Zombie). Summon Faded Wraith icon changed to Ghost.
- Script Effects now have the Sun Damage icon.
- Feather and Fortify effects fixed as described earlier in this thread.
- Frenzy is now flagged as hostile.
- Dispel cost increased from 3.6 to 4.54.
- Invisibility cost increased from 40 to 200.
- Chameleon cost increased from 0.63 to 3.0.
- Soul Trap cost increased from 30 to 60.
- Water Breathing cost increased from 14.5 to 22.0.
- Light cost reduced from 0.051 to 0.0425.
- Water Walking cost reduced from 13.0 to 8.35.
- Balance of Health-, Magicka- and Fatigue-affecting spells reevaluated. See readme for the full list.
- Fire, Frost and Shock spells now all cost 7.5. (Frost was 7.4, Shock was 7.8.)
- All premade Fire spells now have a 3-second duration, allowing better magicka efficiency.
- Frost fog travels much slower than other spells. All premade Frost spells now have a 6-foot radius, allowing them to hit multiple targets as they travel. Premade on-touch Frost spells will affect this radius even if you do not directly strike a target.
- Shock bolts travel even faster than before, but shock spells cannot have an area (even custom spells). Premade Shock spells which previously had an area, as well as touch-range spells, now have a 5-second duration allowing even greater single-target damage at the cost of patience.
- There is one exception to the no-area rule on Shock spells. I'll let you find it on your own.
- Starting spells adjusted based on the above changes, see readme.
SPELLMAKING / ENCHANTMENT - The cost of premade spells is slightly reduced to account for the adjusted skill-cost scaling in MagLite.
- Making a spell now costs 4 times more than buying an identical spell.
- The cost of area effects is slightly increased.
- Each type of soul gem now has a fixed gold value. The contained soul is irrelevant to this.
- The cost of creating on-strike enchantments increased 4x. The resulting item value will also be significantly greater, though the formula is more complex.
- The gold cost and value of constant enchantments is now always 400 times the soul rank used to create them. (Some Sigil-only enchantments break this rule.)
- The charge value of souls, and the maximum on-strike enchantment you may create with one, have been further adjusted. They now range from 240 charge and 12 max strike cost for Petty, through 2000 charge and 100 max strike cost for Grand. The increase between soul ranks follows the same curve as magnitude cost calculations.
- Sigil Stones are more powerful than soul gems by one rank. Transcendent Sigil Stones represent a sixth soul rank, following the formula above; they have 2600 base charge and can create effects which cost 130 per strike.
- The 5-point minimum magnitude on constant effect enchantments is removed. It was meaningless for high-magnitude enchantments, and a blockade to balance for low-magnitude ones. All constant effect magnitudes subsequently reviewed; the most significant changes are listed below. These changes extend to many pre-made items.
- Fortify Attribute and Fortify Skill effects have a magnitude of 2 per soul rank.
- Resist Disease, Resist Poison and Resist Paralysis have a magnitude of 3% per soul rank.
- Resist Fire, Resist Frost, Resist Shock and (premade) Resist Normal Weapons have a magnitude of 2% per soul rank.
- Shield has a magnitude of 1% per soul rank.
- Fire Shield, Frost Shield, Shock Shield, Resist Magic, Spell Absorption, Reflect Spell, Reflect Damage and Chameleon cannot be created from soul gems, but are available from Sigil Stones at 1% per stone rank.
MISC - A new optional "OOO Potion Autocalc.esp" has been added to adjust the gold cost of the extra standard potions in Oscuro's to adjust based on the new effect values.