Expanded hopes to make birthsigns an important part of gameplay at all levels. This means that they will generally be far more powerful than the vanilla signs. However, no birthsign-granted ability should be so strong that it removes the need to use any of your character's skills. While some signs obviously favor certain specializations, I've tried as much as possible to make most of them useful in different ways to classes they might not normally be associated with.
The signs are designed to be as unique as their individual flavors allow. They may not be perfectly balanced with each other, but they're meant to be more than just a package of abilities. Each birthsign should change your Oblivion experience in a way that no other sign imitates. Some are subtle about this, and some are downright intrusive. It is my goal to make every sign worth playing at least once for the experience it provides, regardless of mechanical benefits.
No unofficial content mod can claim to be "lore correct," but I did extensive (and exhausting) research before deciding on the flavor of each sign, and so I believe Birthsigns Expanded to be as
lore-friendly as I could possibly make it. In keeping with the Elder Scrolls tradition of wrapping myths up in riddles and garnishing them with lies, I have chosen not to publicly describe my reasoning in this regard, though I may drop hints here and there, or in private.
A note on compatibility: Generally, this mod is compatible with anything that doesn't alter birthsigns. Because I used unique ID's, it is also fully compatible with any mod which adds vanilla birthsign abilities to NPCs, or similar. More importantly, the only conflict with other birthsign mods such as bg2408's Race Balancing Project is that when the birthsign selection menu is shown, only the signs from the mod listed last in your load order will be displayed. This means that you can start a character (or console ShowBirthsignMenu) with Birthsigns Expanded last in the order, pick one of my signs, then move RBP to last in the order and start a character with one of his signs... and forget about it! From then on, both characters will work correctly with signs from whichever mod was active when you picked them.
Version 2.1 is the final non-OBSE release. It is stable, but suffers from the limitations of non-OBSE scripting. The general concepts for its signs are the same as those outlined below, but the implementations are much simpler.
The current version 3.0 beta requires OBSE v0017, which is currently also in beta. If you want to try it out, make sure you have the latest revision. Modder's note: in this version, nothing is player-centric; that is, all these signs and powers can be safely given to NPCs. You are free to take these effects and use them as you please, though I hope to receive credit!
The remainder of this post describes the designs for the current 3.0 Release Candidate:The effect "Exertion," used for all the lesser powers below, is a Fatigue cost. It varies with your Fatigue regeneration rate. It will never be more than 2/3 of your base Fatigue, or less than 1/3. Having insufficient Fatigue does not prevent a power from being used, but you will fall unconscious.The Warrior.
The steadfast Warrior grants additional Strength and Endurance. You have a knack for finishing wounded opponents with a reckless final strike, and in dire situations you may invoke the Warwyrd to become an unstoppable juggernaut.
- Warrior: ability
(self) Fortify Strength 15.
(self) Fortify Endurance 15.
(self) Resist Paralysis 100%.
- Clinch: lesser power
(self) Exertion.
(self) Collapse unless Warwyrd is active.
(touch) Target killed if Health has been reduced to ~25% or less. Actual threshold is adjusted by speed of wielded weapon; slower weapons allow slightly more health.
- Warwyrd: greater power
(self 30s) Fatigue and Health will not suffer any reduction for the duration. All damage to both will be applied when the effect expires, but this will not leave you with less than 1 point in each.
The Lady.
You are blessed with the Lady's Grace, increasing your Willpower, Endurance and Personality and granting resistance to the elements. You know the secret of the Storm Voice which can blow enemies off their feet, and once per day you may perform a greater Storm Calling.
- Lady's Grace: ability
(self) Fortify Willpower 10.
(self) Fortify Endurance 10.
(self) Fortify Personality 10.
(self) Resist Cold 50%.
(self) Resist Fire 50%.
(self) Resist Shock 50%.
- Storm Voice: lesser power
(self) Exertion.
(touch) Damage Fatigue, 25% of caster's base fatigue.
(touch) Target is blown away and knocked down.
- Storm Calling: greater power
(30' burst) Damage Fatigue, 50% of caster's base fatigue.
(30' burst) Targets are blown away and knocked down.
The Lord.
Your wounds close and heal over in mere minutes, and though fire seems to burn you more than others, you can also call it to your aid. By manipulating the beat of your own heart you have the power to temporarily remove others from the fabric of existence.
- Trollkin: ability
(self) Weakness to Fire 50%.
(self) Regenerate health, 100% per 120 seconds.
- Clutch the Heart: lesser power
(self) Exertion. (only if target is affected)
(self 30s) Trollkin regeneration stops. (only while a target is affected, suppressed by Polyrhythm)
(touch 30s) Target temporarily ceases to exist. (only one target at a time, cancel by casting with no target)
- Skipped Beat: lesser power
(self) Exertion.
(self 12s) Weakness to Magic/Poison/Weapons 100%.
(self) Instantly gain 12 seconds of Trollkin regeneration.
- Polyrhythm: greater power
(self 30s) Weakness to Fire 150%.
(self 30s) Trollkin regeneration increases to 100% per 30s.
- Wulfharth's Pyre: greater power
(self) Damage equal to 75% of current health.
(30' burst) Fire damage equal to 75% of caster's current health, reduced by caster's current Weakness to Fire.
The Steed.
Your soul's connection to the heavens frees your body of weight and lightens carried items. You can walk on water, and even overcome inertia in short bursts. Occasionally, those who offend you are reminded how heavy their own souls are.
- Unfettered: ability
(self) Water Walking. (can still swim underwater)
(self) Carry limit tripled. No encumbrance up to normal limit, then half encumbrance.
- Charioteer: lesser power
(self) Exertion.
(self 12s) Fortify Speed 50.
- Burden of Souls: greater power
(30' burst 30s) Burden equal to carry capacity.
The Mage.
The judicious Mage improves your Intelligence and Willpower. Magicka is tangible to you, and with effort you can draw it from your surroundings or send it away. You also have a knack for shaping magic into precisely the tool you need.
- Mage: ability
(self) Fortify Intelligence 15.
(self) Fortify Willpower 15.
- Ablation: lesser power
(self) Exertion. (only if a dispel occurs)
(self) Most powerful enemy spell on you which you could cast is dispelled.
- Grasping Aurbis: lesser power
(self) Exertion.
(self) Restore Magicka. (amount based on caster's Willpower)
(self 3s) Fortify Magicka +100%.
- Epiphany: greater power
(self) Create a spell. (no gold cost)
The Apprentice.
You hear whispers of divine lore, teaching you secrets of hardiness and enhanced magicka. The voices offer greater power at the price of extra focus, and occasionally they will reveal their mysteries at your command.
- Hidden Lore: ability
(self) Fortify Health 50.
(self) Fortify Magicka 50.
- Invocation: lesser power
(self) Exertion.
(self indefinite) Drain Attribute 5. (all but one, none if Arkay is invoked)
(self indefinite) Fortify Attribute 35. (one of your choice, none if Arkay is invoked)
- Mysteries Unbound: greater power
(self 60s) Invocation effects suppressed, can select new Invocation without Exertion.
(self 60s) Fortify Attribute 35. (all)
The Atronach.
Your Magicka capacity is doubled, but you cannot generate your own. With a touch you rip energy directly from others, an inefficient and mutually painful process. By anchoring yourself to the deeper reality of the world, you can for a time become an immovable, nigh-invulnerable magic sponge.
- Wombburn: ability
(self) Stunted Magicka.
(self) Fortify Magicka +100%.
- Discharge: lesser power
(self) Exertion.
(touch) Half of target's current Magicka pool transferred to caster.
(touch) Target and caster each take damage equal to 1/4 transferred amount.
- Bones of Earth: greater power
(self 30s) Cannot move or be moved.
(self 30s) Shield 100%.
(self 30s) Spell Absorption 100%.
The Ritual.
The strange light of your stars seems to bolster the living and terrify the undead. You can force this light into others with a touch, or beseech the heavens to share it with all nearby. You also have Mara's Gift to instantly cleanse yourself of all ailments.
- Stellar Flare: lesser power
(self) Exertion.
(self 30s) Light 12.
(self 6s) Light 120.
- Blessed Touch: lesser power
(self) Exertion.
(self 30s) Light 12.
(touch 30s) Light 6.
(touch 30s) Spectrum. (calm/frenzy/rally/fear depending on target's creature type.)
- Blessed Word: greater power
(self 30s) Light 12.
(60' burst 30s) Light 6.
(60' burst 30s) Spectrum. (calm/frenzy/rally/fear depending on target's creature type.)
- Mara's Gift: greater power
(self 30s) Light 12.
(self) Rebirth. (All negative effects removed, any damaged attributes fully healed, Health and Fatigue restored to maximum.)
The Thief.
The nimble Thief boosts your Agility, Speed and Luck, and teaches you the trick of vanishing from a sticky situation. You can steal an enemy's life force for yourself with the Twilight Reaving.
- Thief: ability
(self) Fortify Agility 15.
(self) Fortify Speed 15.
(self) Fortify Luck 15.
- Slip Away: lesser power
(self) Exertion.
(self 6s) Silence.
(self 6s) Invisibility.
- Twilight Reaving: greater power
(touch) Absorb Health, Magicka and Fatigue equal to 50% of your current damage/loss for each. (capped by target's current values)
(touch 120s) Soul Trap.
The Lover.
You are beautiful and outgoing, possessed of great Personality. Your kiss holds a compelling power, and if you indulge your passion it can even paralyze the recipient.
- Allure: ability
(self) Fortify Personality 30.
- Lover's Kiss: lesser power
(self) Exertion.
(touch 12s) Command.
- Deep Kiss: greater power
(touch 12s) Paralysis.
The Shadow.
You are a Mooncalf, cursed with poverty and disease and often ignored as a harmless, luckless wretch. If you grovel, most creatures will give you pity. Your curse can sometimes be contagious.
- Mooncalf: ability
(self) Weakness to Disease 100%.
(self) Carried gold slowly vanishes. (Luck/6 per game hour)
(self) Member of the Beggars faction.
(self) Crime bounty slowly vanishes. (12/Personality+1 per game hour)
- Nobody: lesser power
(self) Exertion.
(self) Damage Personality 1.
(self) Damage Luck 1.
(self 30s) Chameleon 25%.
- Take Pity: lesser power
(self) Exertion.
(self) Damage Personality 1.
(self) Damage Luck 1.
(12' burst 30s) Calm.
- Contagion: greater power
(self) Damage Personality 5.
(self) Damage Luck 5.
(30' burst) Damage Personality 50.
(30' burst) Damage Luck 50.
(30' burst) Attributes damaged by same amount as any Disease drain on caster.
- Moonshadow: greater power
(self) Damage Personality 5.
(self) Damage Luck 5.
(self 300s) Invisibility.
The Tower.
Few barriers hinder you. Standing proud against the world, your will to write your own destiny is so strong that any who strike you become victim to the wounds they inflict, and those who raise your ire soon find their defenses shattered.
- Tower Rampart: ability
(self) Reflect Damage 10%.
- Tower Warden: lesser power
(self) Exertion.
(target 6s) Weakness to Magic 50%.
(target 6s) Weakness to Normal Weapons 50%.
(target 6s) Weakness to Poison 50%.
- Tower Key: greater power
(target) Open 99. (any lock which does not require a specific key)
The Serpent.
Though gifted in many ways, you are stricken with soul hunger: a void which can only be filled with the essence of others. When this hunger grows, you sense nearby souls; your sting leeches them away. Invoking the cursed stars poisons your prey, and you as well, but your cold blood cleanses itself.
- Cold Blood: ability
(self) Fortify Attribute 5. (all except Luck)
(self) Restore Attribute 1. (all except Luck)
- Soul Hunger: ability
(self) Soul Hunger increases by 1 per GameMinute. (max 3840, min -480)
(self) Very high Soul Hunger causes blurred vision. (magnitude = (hunger-960)/2880)
(self) Soul Hunger above zero causes Detect Life. (magnitude = hunger/10)
- Serpent Sting: lesser power
(self) Exertion.
(touch 30s) All effects cancelled if target is under a Soul Trap.
(touch 30s) Damage Health, 10% of caster's base Health per 30s.
(touch 30s) Damage Magicka, 20% of caster's base Magicka per 30s.
(touch 30s) Damage Fatigue, 25% of caster's base Fatigue per 30s.
(self 30s) Soul Hunger reduced by 1 per second. (stops if target dies)
(self 30s) If target dies, caster's Soul Hunger is further reduced. (amount = SoulLevel * 6)
(self) Health, Magicka, Fatigue restored per point of Soul Hunger lost. (amount = damage to target per second)
- Star Curse: greater power
(self) Damage Attribute 30. (all except Luck; will not reduce base value below 1)
(12' burst) Damage Attribute 30. (all except Luck; will not reduce base value below 1)