[RELz/WIPz] tej?n's thread-O-mods

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:02 am

This is a combined thread for discussion of my mods, since individual threads often drift together anyway!

  • http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14065
    http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?act=findpost&pid=14827824 See 1st post below for additional information.
    Smooth character advancement system: no level-up screens, no managing multipliers.

      Updated: 4 Aug '09
      Version: RC3
      Status: release candidate

    • http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14304
      http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?act=findpost&pid=14913636 See 2nd post below for additional information.
      Allows full configuration of both overall skill advancement and individual skill increase rates.

        Updated: 10 Aug '09
        Version: 2.2 pre
        Status: de facto beta (req. OBSE v0018)

      • http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12149
        http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?act=findpost&pid=0 See 3rd post below for additional information.
        An effort to make each birthsign uniquely influence how the game feels.

          Updated: 12 Aug '09
          Version: 3.0 RC5
          Status: release candidate

        • http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26216
          http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?act=findpost&pid=14913643 See 4th post below for additional information.
          Like the last one, except for races!

            Updated: 25 Aug '09
            Version: 0.45
            Status: public prototype

          • http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25776
            http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?act=findpost&pid=14913652 See 5th post below for additional information.
            Because vanilla magic was just too fattening. New starting spells mechanic and a lot more.

              Updated: 04 Aug '09
              Version: 0006
              Status: public prototype

            • http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11237
              http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?act=findpost&pid=14795413 This mod currently has its own thread.
              The loading screens tell you Willpower affects vulnerability to magic. They aren't lying anymore!

                Updated: 12 Aug '09
                Version: 4.1
                Status: stable release

              • http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20850
                http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?act=findpost&pid=14710068 This mod currently has its own thread.
                Six interwoven components, each of which can be enabled or disabled independently:
                • Hunger and exhaustion, with fatigue drain as the penalty for neglecting your needs.
                • Collapse whenever fatigue reaches zero.
                • Screen blur to indicate low fatigue (optionally also health).
                • Extensive and customizable adjustments to fatigue drain rates and the effects of low fatigue.
                • The base cost of the Restore Fatigue effect is increased.
                • Also includes Roughing It, which allows you to sleep without a bed (but not quite anywhere).

                Updated: 15 Aug '09
                Version: 1.11
                Status: stable release

              • http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25616
                http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?act=findpost&pid=14624474 This mod currently has its own thread.
                Replaces spell mastery levels with a chance to fail when casting.

                  Updated: 03 Aug '09
                  Version: 2.6
                  Status: stable release

                • http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25040
                  http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?act=findpost&pid=14479581 This mod currently has its own thread.
                  Bringing you the latest technological advances in breaking stuff.

                    Updated: 04 Aug '09
                    Version: 1.5
                    Status: stable release

                  • http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25204
                    http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?act=findpost&pid=14521428 This mod currently has its own thread.
                    A collection of Detect Life shaders. Invis-savvy!

                      Updated: 18 Jun '09
                      Version: 1
                      Status: stable release

                    • http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26288
                      Adjusts the rate of wear on armor and weapons based on the Armorer skill of the character using them.

                        Updated: 19 Aug '09
                        Version: 1.2
                        Status: stable release

                      • http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16065
                        Grants increased Fatigue damage to unarmed attacks, so you can knock people out before they're dead.

                          Updated: 19 Mar '08
                          Version: 1
                          Status: stable release

                        These minor mods are bundled with those above, but can be downloaded separately:
                        http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25016 w/Birthsigns Expanded
                        http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26012 w/nGCD
                        http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24441 w/TFE
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                        Max Van Morrison
                        Posts: 3503
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                        Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:47 am


                        GCD, Galsiah's Character Development, is a mod for Morrowind. Galsiah didn't move on to Oblivion, so I started working on this substitute. In tribute to Galsiah's masterpiece, this is "not Galsiah's Character Development," nGCD.

                        nGCD is a total overhaul for character advancement, meaning it completely replaces the standard Oblivion rules for gaining levels and attributes, including Health and Magicka. The primary goal of nGCD is to encourage an immersive perspective on advancement: your race gives you certain aptitudes, and you choose which skills to improve. Depending on those factors, your attributes develop naturally.

                        The level-up screen is completely removed. You are never asked whether you'd rather improve Strength or Agility: you've already made that decision by choosing to swing a warhammer, or sneaking around picking locks. Characters who spend time in melee will gain Health, and casting spells increases Magicka. nGCD also makes Magicka regeneration independent of the size of your Magicka pool. Playing an Altmer or Breton may give you a large Magicka pool, but your regeneration is based entirely on your Willpower and magic skill.

                        The formulas used to translate race and skill into attributes are very complex, which means no two characters will be the same. A pair of configuration files allows extensive customization of the formulas, letting you adjust influence of race and class or which skills give which attributes. There are also options for compatibility with Elys Uncapper, with various possible behaviors; you could let all attributes continue to 200, or let your racial attributes define the new cap.

                        nGCD is compatible with most mods, except of course for other advancement overhauls. It requires a few changes to vanilla Oblivion in order to function as expected, but all of these edits are provided as separate mods, so if another mod is already providing the necessary function you can simply not use the nGCD solution, eliminating potential conflicts.
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                        Brooke Turner
                        Posts: 3319
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                        Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:43 am


                        Progress gives you control over many aspects of skill advancement through the Progress.ini file. How much Blade increases per hit compared to Blunt, how fast or slow your skills increase overall, and how many times you can train per level are all examples of settings Progress can adjust. It can be set to match any other skill rate mod, and includes pre-configured .ini files with several popular defaults.

                        Progress is compatible with all character advancement overhauls (nGCD, Realistic Leveling, SPAM, KCAS, etc.) because those mods do not change skill advancement in any way. While an advancement mod determines the way your skills translate into attribute and level increases, Progress complements it by determining the way your actions translate into skills.

                        In addition to its basic functions, Progress allows other mods to make complex scripted changes to skill advancement without worrying about several otherwise common issues. Instead of reading certain data directly from Oblivion, which might have been changed by another mod or even a previously loaded game, the correct data can always be read from Progress. Progress plug-in mods can then make temporary changes without worrying about mistaking them for base values later, or make permanent changes by writing back to Progress.

                        The following plug-ins are included with Progress:

                        Magicka-Based Skill Progression (MBSP) causes the Magicka cost of a spell to affect how much your skill increases from casting it. Expensive spells will level up your magic more quickly than cheap ones. This module was inspired by HotFusion4's original MBSP for Morrowind.

                        Speed-Based Skill Progression (SBSP) causes the speed of a blade or blunt weapon to affect skill advancement. Your Blade skill is no longer penalized for using a greatsword instead of a dagger. This module was originally written by Kaldskryke.

                        Range-Based Skill Progression (SBSP) grants variable Marksman improvement based on the distance of your target. This module is based on an original by Kaldskryke, with an improved arrow tracking method contributet by Tekuromoto.

                        Armorer Accelerated mends the broken mechanic of Armorer advancement, wherein higher skill both causes you to require more repair actions to advance, but also allows you to perform fewer repairs because you fix things too fast. This module was suggested by Kaldskryke.

                        Racial Advancement causes skills with a racial bonus to advance at a faster rate. Will the person who requested this please remind me who you are, so I can give credit!

                        Global Slow-Down (GSD) makes it harder for a jack-of-all-trades to become a master of any, but also harder for a specialized master to learn new tricks, so the decision of which path to follow is meaningful. This module was inspired by Galsiah's Character Development for Morrowind.
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                        Alyesha Neufeld
                        Posts: 3421
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                        Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:58 am


                        Birthsigns Expanded hopes to make birthsigns an important part of gameplay at all levels. This means that they will generally be far more powerful than the vanilla signs. However, no birthsign-granted ability should be so strong that it removes the need to use any of your character's skills. While some signs obviously favor certain specializations, I've tried as much as possible to make most of them useful in different ways to classes they might not normally be associated with.

                        The signs are designed to be as unique as their individual flavors allow. They may not be perfectly balanced with each other, but they're meant to be more than just a package of abilities. Each birthsign should change your Oblivion experience in a way that no other sign imitates. Some are subtle about this, and some are downright intrusive. It is my goal to make every sign worth playing at least once for the experience it provides, regardless of mechanical benefits.

                        No unofficial content mod can claim to be "lore correct," but I did extensive (and exhausting) research before deciding on the flavor of each sign, and so I believe Birthsigns Expanded to be as lore-friendly as I could possibly make it. In keeping with the Elder Scrolls tradition of wrapping myths up in riddles and garnishing them with lies, I have chosen not to publicly describe my reasoning in this regard, though I may drop hints here and there, or in private.

                        A note on compatibility: Generally, this mod is compatible with anything that doesn't alter birthsigns. Because I used unique ID's, it is also fully compatible with any mod which adds vanilla birthsign abilities to NPCs, or similar. More importantly, the only conflict with other birthsign mods such as bg2408's Race Balancing Project is that when the birthsign selection menu is shown, only the signs from the mod listed last in your load order will be displayed. This means that you can start a character (or console ShowBirthsignMenu) with Birthsigns Expanded last in the order, pick one of my signs, then move RBP to last in the order and start a character with one of his signs... and forget about it! From then on, both characters will work correctly with signs from whichever mod was active when you picked them.

                        Version 2.1 is the final non-OBSE release. It is stable, but suffers from the limitations of non-OBSE scripting. The general concepts for its signs are the same as those outlined below, but the implementations are much simpler.

                        The current version 3.0 beta requires OBSE v0017, which is currently also in beta. If you want to try it out, make sure you have the latest revision. Modder's note: in this version, nothing is player-centric; that is, all these signs and powers can be safely given to NPCs. You are free to take these effects and use them as you please, though I hope to receive credit!

                        The remainder of this post describes the designs for the current 3.0 Release Candidate:

                        The effect "Exertion," used for all the lesser powers below, is a Fatigue cost. It varies with your Fatigue regeneration rate. It will never be more than 2/3 of your base Fatigue, or less than 1/3. Having insufficient Fatigue does not prevent a power from being used, but you will fall unconscious.

                          The Warrior.
                          The steadfast Warrior grants additional Strength and Endurance. You have a knack for finishing wounded opponents with a reckless final strike, and in dire situations you may invoke the Warwyrd to become an unstoppable juggernaut.
                        • Warrior: ability
                          (self) Fortify Strength 15.
                          (self) Fortify Endurance 15.
                          (self) Resist Paralysis 100%.
                        • Clinch: lesser power
                          (self) Exertion.
                          (self) Collapse unless Warwyrd is active.
                          (touch) Target killed if Health has been reduced to ~25% or less. Actual threshold is adjusted by speed of wielded weapon; slower weapons allow slightly more health.
                        • Warwyrd: greater power
                          (self 30s) Fatigue and Health will not suffer any reduction for the duration. All damage to both will be applied when the effect expires, but this will not leave you with less than 1 point in each.

                          The Lady.
                          You are blessed with the Lady's Grace, increasing your Willpower, Endurance and Personality and granting resistance to the elements. You know the secret of the Storm Voice which can blow enemies off their feet, and once per day you may perform a greater Storm Calling.
                        • Lady's Grace: ability
                          (self) Fortify Willpower 10.
                          (self) Fortify Endurance 10.
                          (self) Fortify Personality 10.
                          (self) Resist Cold 50%.
                          (self) Resist Fire 50%.
                          (self) Resist Shock 50%.
                        • Storm Voice: lesser power
                          (self) Exertion.
                          (touch) Damage Fatigue, 25% of caster's base fatigue.
                          (touch) Target is blown away and knocked down.
                        • Storm Calling: greater power
                          (30' burst) Damage Fatigue, 50% of caster's base fatigue.
                          (30' burst) Targets are blown away and knocked down.

                          The Lord.
                          Your wounds close and heal over in mere minutes, and though fire seems to burn you more than others, you can also call it to your aid. By manipulating the beat of your own heart you have the power to temporarily remove others from the fabric of existence.
                        • Trollkin: ability
                          (self) Weakness to Fire 50%.
                          (self) Regenerate health, 100% per 120 seconds.
                        • Clutch the Heart: lesser power
                          (self) Exertion. (only if target is affected)
                          (self 30s) Trollkin regeneration stops. (only while a target is affected, suppressed by Polyrhythm)
                          (touch 30s) Target temporarily ceases to exist. (only one target at a time, cancel by casting with no target)
                        • Skipped Beat: lesser power
                          (self) Exertion.
                          (self 12s) Weakness to Magic/Poison/Weapons 100%.
                          (self) Instantly gain 12 seconds of Trollkin regeneration.
                        • Polyrhythm: greater power
                          (self 30s) Weakness to Fire 150%.
                          (self 30s) Trollkin regeneration increases to 100% per 30s.
                        • Wulfharth's Pyre: greater power
                          (self) Damage equal to 75% of current health.
                          (30' burst) Fire damage equal to 75% of caster's current health, reduced by caster's current Weakness to Fire.

                          The Steed.
                          Your soul's connection to the heavens frees your body of weight and lightens carried items. You can walk on water, and even overcome inertia in short bursts. Occasionally, those who offend you are reminded how heavy their own souls are.
                        • Unfettered: ability
                          (self) Water Walking. (can still swim underwater)
                          (self) Carry limit tripled. No encumbrance up to normal limit, then half encumbrance.
                        • Charioteer: lesser power
                          (self) Exertion.
                          (self 12s) Fortify Speed 50.
                        • Burden of Souls: greater power
                          (30' burst 30s) Burden equal to carry capacity.

                          The Mage.
                          The judicious Mage improves your Intelligence and Willpower. Magicka is tangible to you, and with effort you can draw it from your surroundings or send it away. You also have a knack for shaping magic into precisely the tool you need.
                        • Mage: ability
                          (self) Fortify Intelligence 15.
                          (self) Fortify Willpower 15.
                        • Ablation: lesser power
                          (self) Exertion. (only if a dispel occurs)
                          (self) Most powerful enemy spell on you which you could cast is dispelled.
                        • Grasping Aurbis: lesser power
                          (self) Exertion.
                          (self) Restore Magicka. (amount based on caster's Willpower)
                          (self 3s) Fortify Magicka +100%.
                        • Epiphany: greater power
                          (self) Create a spell. (no gold cost)

                          The Apprentice.
                          You hear whispers of divine lore, teaching you secrets of hardiness and enhanced magicka. The voices offer greater power at the price of extra focus, and occasionally they will reveal their mysteries at your command.
                        • Hidden Lore: ability
                          (self) Fortify Health 50.
                          (self) Fortify Magicka 50.
                        • Invocation: lesser power
                          (self) Exertion.
                          (self indefinite) Drain Attribute 5. (all but one, none if Arkay is invoked)
                          (self indefinite) Fortify Attribute 35. (one of your choice, none if Arkay is invoked)
                        • Mysteries Unbound: greater power
                          (self 60s) Invocation effects suppressed, can select new Invocation without Exertion.
                          (self 60s) Fortify Attribute 35. (all)

                          The Atronach.
                          Your Magicka capacity is doubled, but you cannot generate your own. With a touch you rip energy directly from others, an inefficient and mutually painful process. By anchoring yourself to the deeper reality of the world, you can for a time become an immovable, nigh-invulnerable magic sponge.
                        • Wombburn: ability
                          (self) Stunted Magicka.
                          (self) Fortify Magicka +100%.
                        • Discharge: lesser power
                          (self) Exertion.
                          (touch) Half of target's current Magicka pool transferred to caster.
                          (touch) Target and caster each take damage equal to 1/4 transferred amount.
                        • Bones of Earth: greater power
                          (self 30s) Cannot move or be moved.
                          (self 30s) Shield 100%.
                          (self 30s) Spell Absorption 100%.

                          The Ritual.
                          The strange light of your stars seems to bolster the living and terrify the undead. You can force this light into others with a touch, or beseech the heavens to share it with all nearby. You also have Mara's Gift to instantly cleanse yourself of all ailments.
                        • Stellar Flare: lesser power
                          (self) Exertion.
                          (self 30s) Light 12.
                          (self 6s) Light 120.
                        • Blessed Touch: lesser power
                          (self) Exertion.
                          (self 30s) Light 12.
                          (touch 30s) Light 6.
                          (touch 30s) Spectrum. (calm/frenzy/rally/fear depending on target's creature type.)
                        • Blessed Word: greater power
                          (self 30s) Light 12.
                          (60' burst 30s) Light 6.
                          (60' burst 30s) Spectrum. (calm/frenzy/rally/fear depending on target's creature type.)
                        • Mara's Gift: greater power
                          (self 30s) Light 12.
                          (self) Rebirth. (All negative effects removed, any damaged attributes fully healed, Health and Fatigue restored to maximum.)

                          The Thief.
                          The nimble Thief boosts your Agility, Speed and Luck, and teaches you the trick of vanishing from a sticky situation. You can steal an enemy's life force for yourself with the Twilight Reaving.
                        • Thief: ability
                          (self) Fortify Agility 15.
                          (self) Fortify Speed 15.
                          (self) Fortify Luck 15.
                        • Slip Away: lesser power
                          (self) Exertion.
                          (self 6s) Silence.
                          (self 6s) Invisibility.
                        • Twilight Reaving: greater power
                          (touch) Absorb Health, Magicka and Fatigue equal to 50% of your current damage/loss for each. (capped by target's current values)
                          (touch 120s) Soul Trap.

                          The Lover.
                          You are beautiful and outgoing, possessed of great Personality. Your kiss holds a compelling power, and if you indulge your passion it can even paralyze the recipient.
                        • Allure: ability
                          (self) Fortify Personality 30.
                        • Lover's Kiss: lesser power
                          (self) Exertion.
                          (touch 12s) Command.
                        • Deep Kiss: greater power
                          (touch 12s) Paralysis.

                          The Shadow.
                          You are a Mooncalf, cursed with poverty and disease and often ignored as a harmless, luckless wretch. If you grovel, most creatures will give you pity. Your curse can sometimes be contagious.
                        • Mooncalf: ability
                          (self) Weakness to Disease 100%.
                          (self) Carried gold slowly vanishes. (Luck/6 per game hour)
                          (self) Member of the Beggars faction.
                          (self) Crime bounty slowly vanishes. (12/Personality+1 per game hour)
                        • Nobody: lesser power
                          (self) Exertion.
                          (self) Damage Personality 1.
                          (self) Damage Luck 1.
                          (self 30s) Chameleon 25%.
                        • Take Pity: lesser power
                          (self) Exertion.
                          (self) Damage Personality 1.
                          (self) Damage Luck 1.
                          (12' burst 30s) Calm.
                        • Contagion: greater power
                          (self) Damage Personality 5.
                          (self) Damage Luck 5.
                          (30' burst) Damage Personality 50.
                          (30' burst) Damage Luck 50.
                          (30' burst) Attributes damaged by same amount as any Disease drain on caster.
                        • Moonshadow: greater power
                          (self) Damage Personality 5.
                          (self) Damage Luck 5.
                          (self 300s) Invisibility.

                          The Tower.
                          Few barriers hinder you. Standing proud against the world, your will to write your own destiny is so strong that any who strike you become victim to the wounds they inflict, and those who raise your ire soon find their defenses shattered.
                        • Tower Rampart: ability
                          (self) Reflect Damage 10%.
                        • Tower Warden: lesser power
                          (self) Exertion.
                          (target 6s) Weakness to Magic 50%.
                          (target 6s) Weakness to Normal Weapons 50%.
                          (target 6s) Weakness to Poison 50%.
                        • Tower Key: greater power
                          (target) Open 99. (any lock which does not require a specific key)

                          The Serpent.
                          Though gifted in many ways, you are stricken with soul hunger: a void which can only be filled with the essence of others. When this hunger grows, you sense nearby souls; your sting leeches them away. Invoking the cursed stars poisons your prey, and you as well, but your cold blood cleanses itself.
                        • Cold Blood: ability
                          (self) Fortify Attribute 5. (all except Luck)
                          (self) Restore Attribute 1. (all except Luck)
                        • Soul Hunger: ability
                          (self) Soul Hunger increases by 1 per GameMinute. (max 3840, min -480)
                          (self) Very high Soul Hunger causes blurred vision. (magnitude = (hunger-960)/2880)
                          (self) Soul Hunger above zero causes Detect Life. (magnitude = hunger/10)
                        • Serpent Sting: lesser power
                          (self) Exertion.
                          (touch 30s) All effects cancelled if target is under a Soul Trap.
                          (touch 30s) Damage Health, 10% of caster's base Health per 30s.
                          (touch 30s) Damage Magicka, 20% of caster's base Magicka per 30s.
                          (touch 30s) Damage Fatigue, 25% of caster's base Fatigue per 30s.
                          (self 30s) Soul Hunger reduced by 1 per second. (stops if target dies)
                          (self 30s) If target dies, caster's Soul Hunger is further reduced. (amount = SoulLevel * 6)
                          (self) Health, Magicka, Fatigue restored per point of Soul Hunger lost. (amount = damage to target per second)
                        • Star Curse: greater power
                          (self) Damage Attribute 30. (all except Luck; will not reduce base value below 1)
                          (12' burst) Damage Attribute 30. (all except Luck; will not reduce base value below 1)

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                        Kirsty Wood
                        Posts: 3461
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                        Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:52 am

                        tej?n's Racial Adjustment Package http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26216
                        Current: v0.45

                        Argonian--------Well-suited to the swamps of their homeland, Argonians can breathe water andhave developed natural resistance to diseases and poisons. Though they facecultural challenges among other races, Argonians are highly adaptable andindividuals can be found excelling in any pursuit.			Str	 Int	 Wil	 Agi	 Spd	 End	 Per	Male	 35	  40	  35	  45	  50	  30	  35   Female	40	  50	  40	  40	  40	  30	  30Abilities:							  Skills:	   Athletics +10  Water Breathing								  Hand to Hand  +5  75% Resistance to Disease							 Alchemy  +5  75% Resistance to Poison							Mysticism +10  50% Resistance to Shock							  Marksman  +5  25% Resistance to Normal Weapons					 Security  +5														  Sneak  +5Powers:  Sap Tongue -							  Reactions:		 NONE  on self, duration equal to  caster's highest base attribute	Restore Health 2	Restore Magicka 4	Restore Fatigue 5Breton------The product of long-past mingling between men and elves, the now-distinctBretons have a natural affinity for magicka. They nearly rival their distantAltmeri cousins in magic, and posess natural defenses against enemy spells.			Str	 Int	 Wil	 Agi	 Spd	 End	 Per	Male	 40	  45	  50	  30	  30	  35	  40   Female	30	  45	  50	  30	  40	  30	  45Abilities:							  Skills:	  Alteration  +5  15% Resistance to Magic						   Conjuration +10  15% Spell Absorption							  Destruction  +5  15% Spell Reflection								 Illusion  +5													  Mysticism  +5Powers:											 Restoration +10  Dragon Skin -									 Speechcraft  +5  on self, 60 seconds	15% Fire Shield					 Reactions:	   Breton  +5	15% Frost Shield										Orc  -5	15% Shock ShieldDark Elf--------Commonly known as "Dark Elves" among the races of men, the Dunmer are noted fortheir balanced integration of melee, archery and magic. Though culturallyinsular and often cold toward other races, they are a highly spiritual peopleand can call upon the spirits of their ancestors for aid.			Str	 Int	 Wil	 Agi	 Spd	 End	 Per	Male	 40	  45	  30	  35	  50	  40	  30   Female	40	  40	  30	  40	  50	  35	  35Abilities:							  Skills:		   Blade  +5  50% Resistance to Fire								Alchemy  +5  50% of current lost Health						Conjuration  +5	is added to base Magicka						Destruction +10													  Mysticism  +5Powers:												Marksman  +5  Ancestor Guardian -								  Security +10  on self, 4 seconds + 2/level	Summon level 30 ghostly undead	  Reactions:	 Dark Elf +15													   Argonian  -5													   High Elf  -5														Khajiit  -5High Elf--------Often called "High Elves" in reference both to their tall stature and oftenhaughty attitudes, the Altmer are the most gifted of all the races in artsarcane. However, they are particularly vulnerable to damage from elementalenergies.			Str	 Int	 Wil	 Agi	 Spd	 End	 Per	Male	 30	  50	  45	  40	  30	  30	  45   Female	30	  50	  40	  45	  35	  30	  40Abilities:							  Skills:		 Alchemy +10  Base Magicka increased by						  Alteration  +5	2x highest base attribute					   Conjuration  +5  50% Resistance to Disease						 Destruction  +5  25% Weakness to Fire								 Illusion +10  25% Weakness to Frost							   Mysticism  +5  25% Weakness to Shock							 Restoration  +5Powers:								 Reactions:	 High Elf +15  Deep Magicka										 Dark Elf  -5  on self, instant									 Redguard  -5	Restore Magicka X								  Wood Elf  -5	  X = racial Magicka bonusImperial--------Native to the province which bears their name, the Cyrodiil are capablewarriors and shrewd diplomats. On the merits of these traits their civilizationhas subdued or assimilated nearly all of Tamriel, leading to the commonnickname for their race: "Imperials."			Str	 Int	 Wil	 Agi	 Spd	 End	 Per	Male	 45	  35	  40	  30	  30	  40	  50   Female	40	  40	  40	  35	  30	  35	  50Abilities:							  Skills:		 Armorer  +5  NONE													Blade  +5														  Block  +5Powers:												   Blunt  +5  Star of the West -								   Illusion  +5  on touch, instant								  Mercantile +10	Absorb Fatigue X								Speechcraft +10	  X = 3x caster's highest		  base attribute				Reactions:	 Wood Elf  +5  Voice of the Emperor -							   Dark Elf  -5  60' area, 60 seconds	Charm 100Khajiit-------The feline Khajiit mature into various forms depending on the phases of themoons at their birth; the Suthay-raht is among the few types which canfrequently be found outside their native deserts. True to their appearance,they are highly acrobatic and can see in the dark.			Str	 Int	 Wil	 Agi	 Spd	 End	 Per	Male	 35	  40	  30	  50	  35	  40	  40   Female	30	  30	  30	  40	  45	  50	  45Abilities:							  Skills:	   Athletics  +5  Night-Eye when in darkness					   Hand to Hand +10													 Acrobatics +10Powers:											 Light Armor  +5   Eye of Fear -									  Mercantile  +5  area equal to caster's level,						Security  +5  on touch, 30 seconds									Sneak  +5	Demoralize 100  Sugar -							   Reactions:	  Khajiit  +5  on self, 30 seconds									  Nord  -5	Fortify Acrobatics 2X	Fortify Athletics X	  X = caster's highest		  base attributeNord----Citizens of icy Skyrim, the tall and rugged Nords place great value in personalstrength, often warring as a matter of honor or simply for the challenge. Atradition of magical chanting known as thu'um grants them notable talent inspellcraft as well.			Str	 Int	 Wil	 Agi	 Spd	 End	 Per	Male	 50	  30	  40	  35	  40	  45	  30   Female	50	  30	  45	  30	  35	  40	  40Abilities:							  Skills:		 Armorer  +5  50% Resistance to Frost								 Blunt +10  10% Shield										Heavy Armor  +5													 Alteration +10Powers:											 Destruction  +5  Nordic Frost -									Restoration  +5  on touch, instant								 Speechcraft  +5	Frost Damage X  on touch, 30 seconds				  Reactions:	   Breton  +5	Drain Speed X										  Nord  +5	  X = caster's highest							 Dark Elf  -5		  base attribute							   Wood Elf  -5Orc---The Orsimer of the Dragontail and Wrothgarian Mountains, known to most as"Orcs," bitterly remember their elven roots; in form and temper they are nowseen as brutes. Still, Orcish armorers are prized for their peerlesscraftsmanship and Orc troops are among the finest in the Empire.			Str	 Int	 Wil	 Agi	 Spd	 End	 Per	Male	 45	  30	  50	  35	  30	  45	  35   Female	45	  40	  45	  30	  30	  50	  30Abilities:							  Skills:		 Armorer +10  When current Health % is less than					  Blade  +5	than current Magicka %, they are					  Block  +5	balanced by converting Magicka						Blunt  +5	directly to Health							 Hand to Hand  +5  X% Resistance to Magic							Heavy Armor +10  X% Reflect Damage									Marksman  +5	X = 1/4 lost Health %										Reactions:		  Orc  +5														 Breton  -5Redguard--------The race which once inhabited the shattered continent of Yokuda are known inTamriel as "Redguards," a phonetic corruption of the Ra Gada invasion forcewhich preceded the migration of their rugged culture. They are swift andtireless, and revel in combat.			Str	 Int	 Wil	 Agi	 Spd	 End	 Per	Male	 50	  30	  35	  40	  40	  45	  30   Female	40	  30	  30	  40	  40	  50	  40Abilities:							  Skills:	   Athletics  +5  50% faster Fatigue recovery							 Blade +10  25% Resistance to Disease							   Block +10  25% Resistance to Poison						  Heavy Armor  +5													 Acrobatics  +5Powers:											 Light Armor  +5  Rush -											 Mercantile  +5  on self, 60 seconds	Fortify Speed X					 Reactions:		 Nord  +5	  X = caster's highest							 Redguard  +5		  base attribute								 Breton  -5													   High Elf  -5Wood Elf--------Clanfolk of the Western Valenwood forests, the nimble and stealthy Bosmer arebetter known as "Wood Elves." There are no finer archers in all of Tamriel, andtheir ability to command simpler creatures is well-known.			Str	 Int	 Wil	 Agi	 Spd	 End	 Per	Male	 30	  35	  30	  50	  45	  40	  40   Female	30	  40	  35	  50	  45	  30	  40Abilities:							  Skills:	   Athletics  +5  50% Resistance to Poison						   Acrobatics  +5  When sneaking, undetected, and					Light Armor +10	not moving, become invisible.					  Marksman +10	Broken by any action or movement.				  Security  +5	Once broken, cannot occur again					   Sneak +10	for at least 6 seconds.										Reactions:	 Argonian  +5Powers:												Wood Elf  +5  Beast Tongue -									   High Elf  -5  on touch, 120 seconds									Nord  -5	Command Creature up to level	one less than caster (min. 1)

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                        Albert Wesker
                        Posts: 3499
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                        Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:16 pm

                        Vanilla's not so bad after you scraqe off that layer of cheese!

                        Revision 0007

                        -------------------------------Spell Costs and Starting Spells-------------------------------The upper and lower bounds of spell cost based on your skill in the relevantschool of magic have been adjusted:SKILL   COST	WAS-----   ----	---0	   1.25	1.4	(multiplied by the spell's base cost)25	  1.00	1.150	  0.75	0.875	  0.50	0.5100	 0.25	0.2Spells are granted at starting skills of 10, 20, 30 and 40. The spells at eachrank have been selected (and in some cases slightly tweaked) to have a costappropriate to their rank.Skill 10: Any race with a bonus in the skill will always start with these. Alteration:	Extra Lift			  (new: Feather) Conjuration:   Summon Zombie Destruction:   Spark Illusion:	  Beguiling Touch Mysticism:	 Minor Dispel Restoration:   Heal Minor WoundsSkill 20: +10 Racial bonus and Magic specialization, or Major skill. Alteration:	Starlight Conjuration:   Turn Undead Destruction:   Flare Illusion:	  Soothing Touch Mysticism:	 Minor Life Detection Restoration:   Minor RespiteSkill 30: Major + Specialized, or Major + Racial Alteration:	Hindering Touch Conjuration:   Bound Dagger Destruction:   Hailstone Illusion:	  Commanding Touch Mysticism:	 Leech Health Restoration:   Caster's Boon		   (new: Fortify Magicka)Skill 40: Major + Specialized +10 Racial Alteration:	Defend Conjuration:   Bound Shield Destruction:   Tainted Aether		  (new: Weakness to Magic) Illusion:	  Fade					(new: Chameleon) Mysticism:	 Remote Manipulation Restoration:   Fortify Luck------------Magic Effects-------------Absorb effects now belong to Mysticism.Drain effects now belong to Restoration.Light effects now belong to Alteration.Resist Fire, Frost, Shock and Magic effects now belong to Destruction.Weakness to Disease, Poison and Weapons effects now belong to Restoration.Dispel magnitude now represents the exact spell cost which can be affected.Feather effects remember their magnitude, rather than being reduced to matchthe amount of weight you are carrying; any excess will be applied if yourencumbrance increases.Fortify Health, Magicka and Fatigue effects will always leave at least 1 pointremaining when they expire.Frenzy is now tagged as a hostile effect, so casting it on non-evil NPCs isconsidered assault.The base speed for magic projectiles is 60% faster than vanilla.Shock bolts travel 250% faster than other projectiles.Frost fog travels at only 40% the speed of other spells.Many effects have had their base costs adjusted.EFFECT				  NOW	 WAS------				  ---	 ---Absorb Health		   15.0	16.0Burden				  0.021   0.21Calm					0.675   0.47Chameleon			   3.0	 0.63Command Creature		1.2	 0.6Command Humanoid		1.5	 0.75Damage Fatigue		  4.0	 4.4Damage Health		   10.0	12.0Damage Magicka		  5.0	 2.45Demoralize			  0.9	 0.04Dispel				  4.54	3.6Drain Magicka		   0.45	0.18Drain Fatigue		   0.36	0.18Fortify Health		  0.075   0.14Fortify Fatigue		 0.06	0.04Frenzy				  0.675   0.04Frost Damage			7.5	 7.4Invisibility			200.0   40.0Light				   0.051   0.0425Open					8.85	4.3Rally				   0.15	0.03Restore Fatigue		 4.0	 2.0Restore Magicka		 5.0	 2.5Shock Damage			7.5	 7.8Soul Trap			   60.0	30.0Turn Undead			 0.36	0.083Water Breathing		 22.0	14.5Water Walking		   8.35	13.0Stats for bound weapons changed to match OMOBS Daedric. Bound Axe is 2-handed.BOUND				   NOW	 WAS-----				   ---	 ---Gauntlets			   3.0	 8.0Boots				   3.0	 12.0Helmet				  3.0	 12.0Greaves				 5.0	 12.0Cuirass				 9.6	 12.0Shield				  12.0	18.0Dagger				  20.0	14.0Mace					20.0	91.0Axe					 20.0	39.0Sword				   20.0	235.0Bow					 30.0	39.0The availability of summons is better distributed, and now weighted toward theupper end. (The actual power of the higher summons is much improved.)SUMMON				  NOW	 WAS------				  ---	 ---Zombie				  5.0	 16.67   U	   * U = UndeadMangled Flesh Atronach  12.1	22	   S	  * S = Shivering Isles OnlySkeleton				20.4	11.25   UScamp				   29.5	30Hunger				  39.2	22	   SGhost				   49.5	22	  UDremora				 60.4	72.5Decrepit Shambles	   71.6	45	  USTorn Flesh Atronach	 83.3	32.5	 SFlame Atronach		  95.3	45Skeleton Guardian	   108	 32.5	UClannfear			   120	 75.56Faded Wraith			133	 87.5	UGluttonous Hunger	   147	 61	   SDaedroth				160	 123.33Skeleton Hero		   174	 66	  UStitched Flesh Atronach 188	 75.5	 SShambles				202	 87.5	USFrost Atronach		  217	 102.86Ravenous Hunger		 231	 123.33   SWraith				  247	 *56	 U	   * replaces Headless ZombieSpider Daedra		   261	 195Skeleton Champion	   277	 152	 USewn Flesh Atronach	 292	 195	  SStorm Atronach		  308	 125Replete Shambles		324	 150	 USDremora Lord			340	 157.14Gloom Wraith			356	 260	 UVoracious Hunger		372	 175	  SXivalai				 389	 200Lich					405	 350	 U-----------------------Spellmaking/Enchantment-----------------------The gold cost for spellmaking is now 4x the cost of buying an identical spell.The cost of adding an area to a spell has been slightly increased.The maximum values for custom effects have been greatly increased.VALUE		   NOW	 WAS-----		   ---	 ---Magnitude	   1000	100Area			150	 100Duration		300	 120Captured souls have greater charge value, and the value progression is based ona magnitude calculation. The gold value of any soul gem is now 1/4 the chargevalue of the largest soul it can hold; whether the gem is empty or full whenacquired has no bearing, nor does the level of any contained soul.CHARGES		 NOW	 WAS-------		 ---	 ---Petty		   240	 150Lesser		  640	 300Common		  1000	800Greater		 1440	1200Grand		   2000	1600The maximum charge cost of a custom on-hit enchantment is exactly 1/20 of thecharges provided by the soul used to create it. The gold cost for enchanting aweapon is now 40 times the charge cost of one strike. The resulting increase inthe item's value is 25 times the per-strike charge cost, plus the charge valueof the soul used.MAX MAGNITUDE   NOW	 WAS-------------   ---	 ---Petty		   12	  15Lesser		  32	  25Common		  50	  40Greater		 72	  60Grand		   100	 85The formula for constant effects has been changed. A Grand soul will now createa constant effect exactly five times stronger than a Petty soul. The magnitudeof percentage-based constant enchantments has been reduced to only 1% or 2% persoul rank. Most other constant effect magnitudess have also been reduced, butto a lesser degree. The gold cost for creating a constant enchantment is 400times the soul rank.Sigil Stones have been adjusted. Descendent through Ascendent stones generateeffects equivalent to Lesser through Grand souls. The effect from Transcendentstones continues the soul magnitude formula to a sixth rank, having a chargevalue of 2600. Some sigil stone effects have been reassigned.The following effects are no longer available for enchanting or spellmaking:Charm, Chameleon, Drain Health, Drain Fatigue, Damage Attribute, Open,Weakness to Magic, Weakness to Disease.The following effects are now available for enchanting but not spellmaking:Fortify Magicka, Fortify Skill.The following effects are now available for spellmaking but not enchanting:Command Creature, Command Humanoid, Damage Magicka, Fire/Frost/Shock Shield,Night Eye, Water Walking, Water Breathing.-------------------------------------------Premade Spell, Scroll and Staff Adjustments-------------------------------------------Bound Armor and Bound Weapon effects are all available by Apprentice level.Burden effects have been greatly increased. (Includes weapons and poisons.)Absorb Health, Fatigue and Magicka effects are duration-based.Drain Fatigue effects are at the limit for their mastery level and last 10 sec.Drain Health effects are at mastery limit and last 5 seconds.Drain Magicka effects are at mastery limit and last 15 seconds.Fire effects are duration-based.Feather durations mostly reduced, magnitudes increased.Fortify durations mostly reduced, magnitudes increased.Frost effects always have at least 6 area.Restore Health and Restore Fatigue effects are duration-based.Shield spells last 60 seconds, some magnitudes adjusted.Shock effects at touch range, or which had an area, are duration-based.Summon effects mostly have reduced durations.Telekinesis magnitudes increased, durations reduced.Turn Undead durations reduced.Weakness to Magic magnitude increased.---------------------------OPTIONAL: MagLite - Alchemy---------------------------Until you reach 25 skill in Alchemy, you cannot see the effects of ingredientsand therefore cannot make potions. Wortcraft and training are the only methodsof advancement up to that point.Once you reach 25 Alchemy, you can see all effects on an ingredient (up to 4).Mandrake, Clannfear Claws and Shepherd's Pie no longer produce Cure Diseasefrom wortcraft. (They still posess the effect for potion making.)Alchemy skill determines how many active potion effects you may have:RANK			NOW	 WAS----			---	 ---Novice		  1	   4Apprentice	  1	   4Journeyman	  2	   4Expert		  3	   4Master		  5	   4Crafted potions are worth far less, and have higher magnitude but reducedduration. The effects of adding additional apparati have been adjusted as well.Built-in apparati have had their bonus levels adjusted:APPARATUS			   NOW	 WAS---------			   ---	 ---Mortar & Pestle -  Novice				0	   10  Apprentice			25	  25  Journeyman			50	  50  Expert				75	  75  Master				100	 100Other apparatus -  Novice				20	  10  Apprentice			40	  25  Journeyman			60	  50  Expert				80	  75  Master				100	 100Calcinators are now worth 30% more, Mortars&Pestles are worth 30% less.

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                        Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:41 pm

                        Above posts looks too good and sterile, so I'll make a little mess. Take my error'd log!

                        zax: If you don't mind, could you please test with this OBSE build?

                        Ok tried that version. I see no difference. ;) Heres a log:

                        An expression failed to evaluate to a valid result    File: Armorer's Advantage.esp Offset: 0x00000390 Command:  (0x6F6E)Error in script a5000ed8Invalid array access - expected string index, received numeric    File: Armorer's Advantage.esp Offset: 0x0000048B Command:  (0x0626)Error in script a5000ed8Operator [ failed to evaluate to a valid result    File: Armorer's Advantage.esp Offset: 0x0000048B Command:  (0x0626)Error in script a5000ed8Cmd_ForEach: Expression does not evaluate to a ForEach contextError in script a5000ed8Invalid array access - the array was not initialized.    File: Armorer's Advantage.esp Offset: 0x000004A6 Command: Let (0x1765)Error in script a5000ed8Operator [ failed to evaluate to a valid result    File: Armorer's Advantage.esp Offset: 0x000004A6 Command: Let (0x1765)Error in script a5000ed8Invalid array access - the array was not initialized.    File: Armorer's Advantage.esp Offset: 0x000004C1 Command: Let (0x1765)Error in script a5000ed8Operator [ failed to evaluate to a valid result    File: Armorer's Advantage.esp Offset: 0x000004C1 Command: Let (0x1765)Error in script a5000ed8Invalid array access - expected string index, received numeric    File: Armorer's Advantage.esp Offset: 0x00000005 Command: ar_HasKey (0x1874)Error in script a5000ed8Operator [ failed to evaluate to a valid result    File: Armorer's Advantage.esp Offset: 0x00000005 Command: ar_HasKey (0x1874)Error in script a5000ed8An expression failed to evaluate to a valid result    File: Armorer's Advantage.esp Offset: 0x00000015 Command:  (0x6F6E)Error in script a5000ed8Loop called outside of a valid loop context.

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                        jesse villaneda
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                        Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:30 am

                        For Scrugg's benefit here are the relevant blocks. (BTW the ability to select multiple lines, then cut and paste from Script Viewer would be handy!)

                        0004  begin GameMode(0005)000E	if (INIT < 0)(0015)001E	  RemoveMe

                        Same token init block as Willful Resistance, where I also saw that one instance of errors on lines 0x5 and 0x15. In fact, since the necessary application framework was identical, this mod started as a rename of Willful Resistance; even the FormID's should be identical! But there's obviously no reason these lines should choke. Moving on...

                        02AB	let equipment["now"] := ar_Construct Map02CE	ForEach each <- target.GetEquippedItems02E9	  let item := each["Value"]0306	  let index := GetEquipmentSlot item0320	  let equipment["now"][index] := ar_Construct StringMap0350	  let equipment["now"][index]["object"] := item037C	  let equipment["now"][index]["health"] := target.GetEquippedCurrentHealth index(0390)03AE	Loop

                        I don't see any way that line could fail after the previous ones succeed, unless it's related to GetEquippedCurrentHealth. I wonder if recompiling would help?

                        03B2	if (target.GetIsReference player)03C8	  if (tejonAAMenvdetect.menu)03D7		let tejonAAMenvdetect.menu := 003E7		let equipment["was"] := ar_Construct StringMap0410	  endif0414	endif0418	let index := 170428	While (26 > (index := 1))043F	  if (OnControlDown index)0452		let equipment["was"] := ar_Construct StringMap047B	  endif047F	Loop

                        Clipping this out because I do see a couple of errors here: the "am I the player?" check should cover the whole block (code-added-later error) but this will have only negligible consequences; more relevant, equipment["was"] should be constructed to a Map. However, the point of this is to void the array for the frame if the player might have switched any gear; so the subsequent ForEach block, which is the only place equipment["was"] is accessed, should loop zero times and thus never spit up an error:

                        0483	ForEach each <- equipment["was"]04A2	  let index := each["Key"](04A6)04BD	  let item := each["Value"]["object"](04C1)04E4	  if ar_HasKey equipment["now"] index050A		if eval ( item == equipment["now"][index]["object"] )0540		  let value := equipment["now"][index]["health"]056C		  if (value > 0)057C			let value := each["Value"]["health"] - value05AA			if (value > 0)05BA			  let value += -(value * modifier)05D6			  target.ModEquippedCurrentHealth value index05E6			  let equipment["now"][index]["health"] += value0612			endif0616		  endif061A		endif061E	  endif0622	Loop

                        So... is ForEach looping once on an array with no keys, maybe? :blink:

                        (edit: typo, valie = value. Hand-copied all that code...)
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                        Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:14 am

                        Depending on when that was, I may have been trying an alternate level-triggering method which I have since abandoned for other reasons but which would have made that menu appear. I wasn't drinking your tears, I swear!

                        Now that I think about it, though: those per-level messages are all string GMSTs, and I can collect them with OBSE, which last time I thought about this, wasn't an option. (Has it been that long?!) Perhaps I can do something a little fancy without much effort...

                        Brumbek is pleased with your response. Well, even getting a basic pop-up saying "I have ascended to level xx" would be an ok option, especially since the level 20+ messages are all identical (grr, I wish I could make custom ones for every level!!). Anyway, thanks for looking into the GMST stringy OBSE thingy. Out of all of 'em, you is my favorite tejon!
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                        LuBiE LoU
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                        Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:23 am

                        Hi, I have a problem I hope you can help me with.
                        I recently reinstalled oblivion, and installed FCOM, and a few optimization mods, and then this mod(nGCD) and supreme magicka. I made a thread about this so I'll just copypaste that here.

                        Hi, I'm new at this, so forgive me if this is a dumb question.

                        I've recently reinstalled oblivion, and decided to try out FCOM (my last install was full of mods, but never any full overhauls, so I went for the big daddy of them so to speak).
                        All was great, and then I got nGCD and Supreme Magicka. Made a mage, was happily going along maging it up, suddenly I realize "Wait, my magicka isn't regenerating!" As in, at all. Not on sleep, wait, not while standing; only when I use potions. Willpower is about 60, tried boosting it with the console to no avail.

                        Then I think, okay, maybe there's a conflict with the magicka regen systems in the two separate mods. Checked the readme's, tried tweaking the .ini settings for each, and again, accomplished nothing. Played around with the load order a bit, again, nothing. I tried turning one off and leaving the other on, and found out it works with SM and not nGCD, but not the other way around. So I went into the .ini for nGCD again and disabled all of the magicka related options there, it still doesn't work. I've been searching for help on the internet, but I can't seem to find any on my specific problem.

                        I have OBSE, the latest stable version, and aside from a few race/performance mods, nothing else installed but FCOM, nGCD and SM.

                        Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. These mods have made the game so much more interesting, and I'd hate to have to stop using nGCD without having a chance to really test it out.

                        Also, sorry if this has been answered before - I tried a search, but couldn't find anything relevant.

                        Thanks in advance!
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                        Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:39 am

                        Hi, I have a problem I hope you can help me with.

                        Probably! But since you've got another thread open already and I think this is specific to your setup (not something everyone needs to read about) and will involve a bit of back-and-forth, in the interest of taking as long as possible to hit post limit I've responded where you http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1030011. ;)
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                        Nathan Maughan
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                        Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:31 am

                        Hey tejon, did you ever get anywhere towards making some Fizzle penalties always take effect?

                        ; The following settings disable a failure mode if set to 0, or attach it to; a rank if set to a positive integer. Failure modes assigned to the same rank; will always occur together, while failure modes assigned to different ranks; behave according to iRollType. Each failure mode has additional options and; description below.set tejonFizzle.iFizzle			to  1set tejonFizzle.iStagger		   to  1set tejonFizzle.iFatigue		   to  2set tejonFizzle.iMagicka		   to  3set tejonFizzle.iHealth			to  4

                        I'm thinking that it would be easy to use a setting of -1 to disable a penalty, 0 to make it always take effect, or 1+ for the normal ranks. In particular, I want to always suffer Fizzle and Stagger, no matter what other penalties may or may not apply.

                        Possible? Likely to happen?

                        And for those who care, I've finally gotten around to polishing and testing TFE - Cobl Glue (the dinner plate interface) beyond just eating stuff in the testing hall, and it seems to work just fine. I'll try to get some docs written and posted in the next day or two.

                        Oh, and speaking of TFE and eating... won't using the normal wortcraft = eating interface make your alchemy skill skyrocket with the new Progress settings? (set Progress.fSkillAlchemyWortcraft to 2.5 ; Per ingredient eaten)
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                        Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:58 am

                        Hey tejon, did you ever get anywhere towards making some Fizzle penalties always take effect?

                        Whoops, no. I had been waiting to see if ReadIni was going to make it in for 0018, because the ability to directly populate an array from the configuration file would have made it much simpler codewise. I can do it another way for now, though... I'll add an option to always assert rank 1 if the roll result is not a perfect success. The negative-disable, zero-assert functionality is actually a lot more code, and I'm going to overhaul that anyway when ReadIni becomes available; don't want to have to do it twice.

                        Until I actually get around to it, you can hard-code that behavior if you'd like... just "and" the FIZZLE and STAGGER constants (those are their actual names) with every result rank you're using, in the init block.

                        Oh, and speaking of TFE and eating... won't using the normal wortcraft = eating interface make your alchemy skill skyrocket with the new Progress settings?

                        Nope, because eating isn't wortcraft. Ingredients with the CS "food" checkbox marked will give you no skill-ups. Dead serious, test it yourself. Obviously they originally intended to have a more complex food system. As it stands, food items with Restore Fatigue behave differently than other Restore Fatigue wortcraft ingredients, and there's a related GMST. The not-wortcraft rule extends to "food" with different effects as well, though (e.g. crab meat).
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                        kristy dunn
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                        Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:44 am

                        Hm, 2 niggles with TFE;

                        Firstly, I'm used to real hunger being all like "Well, I recognised you ate stuff... but you're still hungry", wheras TFE is like "..." until I'm full, then it's like "You are well fed. Let's party."
                        Just a small thing, really, but it scares me D:

                        And I also have a dinner plate in my inventory. I assume I get the increased worth from this. Is this intended, or because I'm lazy enough to not cleansave inbetween RH and TFE?
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                        Tammie Flint
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                        Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:38 am

                        Firstly, I'm used to real hunger being all like "Well, I recognised you ate stuff... but you're still hungry", wheras TFE is like "..." until I'm full, then it's like "You are well fed. Let's party."

                        Hehe. The "you're hungry" notification isn't starvation or anything... it's long before any penalties, unless you're also very tired. Think of it as lunch time, not a day without food: you're a bit peckish. And at least in my personal lunching experience, it's easy to know when you're full but not as easy to know how full you aren't yet. Properly managing your food intake is a difficult skill even in the real world. ;)

                        You'll know you're dangerously hungry/tired when your fatigue regeneration plummets, so I didn't feel the need to call it out any more than that.

                        And I also have a dinner plate in my inventory. I assume I get the increased worth from this. Is this intended, or because I'm lazy enough to not cleansave inbetween RH and TFE?

                        If you're using the TFE Cobl Glue then the dinner plate is from that; otherwise yeah, laziness. :P As to whether the version currently on Nexus is configured to give you more value: Tekuromoto is entirely in charge of that now, so hopefully he'll show up and pontificate!
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                        carley moss
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                        Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:48 pm

                        Ah right, indeed I am. I've been snacking on crab meat all day, haven't gotten either notification, so I assume I'm doing ok.

                        Having said that, what a sight I must be! Trudging through a necromancer's lair, with a blade at my side, eating crab meat sandwiches!
                        I've avoided use of the plate, but it's not like I can get rid of it - I drop it, and another appears! (Why it's not just a quest item I'm not sure)

                        Ah well, I'll survive not knowing the exact amount of food I need to eat! (I'll just get made fun of by baddies :( :( :()
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                        Jessica Nash
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                        Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:37 am

                        Armorer's Advantage http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26288
                        Fixed a potential long-term bloat issue pointed out by Scruggs, and cleaned up my code a bit. Still more checks for conditions which might generate console spam...

                        TRAP http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26216
                        • Argonians now have a daily power called Sap Tongue which causes them to regain 2 Health, 4 Magicka and 5 Fatigue per second for a number of seconds equal to their highest base attribute.
                        • High Elf "Deep Magicka" power is now affected by Fortify Magicka Multiplier, so for instance if you are using the Birthsigns Expanded Atronach it will have twice the normal magnitude.
                        • Imperials' Star of the West power magnitude is now 3x your highest base attribute, instead of being equal to your base Fatigue.
                        • Nordic Frost now also causes Drain Speed for 30 seconds, same magnitude as the damage.
                        • Some restructuring was done under the hood to make future upgrades smoother, but this one will be a little rocky, particularly for Argonians. To gain your new power, you must switch races to something else (console ShowRaceMenu) and then switch back again. NPC Argonians who have already been encountered probably won't ever gain Sap Tongue, ones the game hasn't yet generated probably will, but I'm honestly not 100% sure on either.
                        • The above issue with Argonians is because they didn't previously have a script effect on their racial ability list. Bretons also did not. Just in case they get a future makeover, I've added a script effect for them too; it does nothing and Breton characters are not currently required to swap races if you'd rather not do so.
                        • Non-persistent NPCs (the sort who spawn randomly and don't have unique names) share spell lists, which includes abilities and powers. To prevent stupid things from happening, all such NPCs are now assigned abilities and powers at fixed values, rather than depending on their attributes/level/current health. For this purpose, they are treated as being level 6 and having a highest base attribute of 50. Random Dark Elves have a constant +50 base Magicka bonus, and random Orcs have constant 10% Resist Magic and Reflect Damage. (Unique NPCs are still dynamic like the player.)
                        • As mentioned above, several code changes were made to facilitate current and future updates. I don't anticipate them breaking anything, but if anything seems odd, try doing the race-swap; it often cleans things up. If you keep a power which you shouldn't, a Spell Delete utility can remove it. (If such things happen after the upgrade, it's a bug and you should report it!)

                        Edit: Oh yeah, links. :P
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                        Calum Campbell
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                        Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:18 pm

                        Thanks for the updates.
                        I'm starting a new character with
                        nGCD RC5, TRAP 0.4, Progress 2.2, SM Magicka Overhault
                        Male Redguard
                        Stealth, Tower Sign
                        Adventurer Class Alchemy, Armorer, Blade, Block, Marksman, Sneak, Light Armor

                        Living Economy 3.70
                        Here the important question for tejon
                        since PC Mercantile Skill Progression is broken in LE, I use the http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=23629

                        Is it convenient to use this fix with your Transaction-based_Mercantile_advancement?
                        what are the possible tweaks (load order, disabling features in LE ...) to do?
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                        Bereket Fekadu
                        Posts: 3421
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                        Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:19 am

                        since PC Mercantile Skill Progression is broken in LE, I use the http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=23629

                        Is it convenient to use this fix with your Transaction-based_Mercantile_advancement?
                        what are the possible tweaks (load order, disabling features in LE ...) to do?

                        If you're using Progress Mercantile, don't use that fix. :) I'm pretty sure the LE skill progression is so broken it doesn't do anything at all, but if it still has some effect, disable that as well. Using both at once will almost certainly lead to double-speed advancement.
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                        danni Marchant
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                        Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:07 am

                        And I also have a dinner plate in my inventory. I assume I get the increased worth from this. Is this intended, or because I'm lazy enough to not cleansave inbetween RH and TFE?
                        I've avoided use of the plate, but it's not like I can get rid of it - I drop it, and another appears! (Why it's not just a quest item I'm not sure)

                        If you get rid of your last/only Cobl-aware hunger mod the plate should disappear automatically. As long as you've got one active, Cobl insists on keeping one in your inventory. The same way you can't toss/store the Cobl config item. I guess Wrye doesn't want any "I lost my Cobl xyz item! Help!" posts. :shrug:

                        As for knowing how hungry you are, may I suggest kuertee's most excellent Customizable HUD Components mod. Set a couple of the bars up like this
                        set kCHUDC.evaluateString1 to sv_Construct				"TFENeeds.hunger"set kCHUDC.maxValue1 to	sv_Construct					"tfeNeeds.fHungerMessageThreshold"set kCHUDC.evaluateString2 to sv_Construct				"TFENeeds.exhaustion"set kCHUDC.maxValue2 to sv_Construct					"tfeNeeds.fExhaustionMessageThreshold"
                        and never wonder about your avatar's hunger or sleepiness again. PM me if you'd like my 1680x1050 http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/82/kchudcexample.jpg, including nGCD, Fizzle, and TFE. The nGCD level progress bar may be redundant now, since level progress seems to appear in the stats page these days... but I haven't gotten past level 1 since I started playing again (because I'm a chronic tweaker/restarter) so it might not work past level 1. :shrug:

                        If you're using the TFE Cobl Glue then the dinner plate is from that; otherwise yeah, laziness. :P As to whether the version currently on Nexus is configured to give you more value: Tekuromoto is entirely in charge of that now, so hopefully he'll show up and pontificate!

                        I'm pretty sure that the TFE cobl glue that's posted on Nexus gives default TFE values for food; I can't remember for certain, but I don't see why it wouldn't.

                        As far as the version I'm working on, I'm finally testing it in game - as opposed to just standing in the testing hall - and it seems to work fine. Except that I've added an optional "watch yourself chew" animation and the camera seems to get a little confused when the animation stops. Once I get that worked out I'll whip up some docs and post the file. Finally.
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                        Laura Shipley
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                        Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:01 am

                        PM me if you'd like my 1680x1050 http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/82/kchudcexample.jpg, including nGCD, Fizzle, and TFE.

                        ...or me if you'd like my 840x525 one. ;) nGCD out (because yes, the level progress bar really works, yes, really, even past level one) and Encumbrance in, which is very handy with TFE or similar. I'm thinking about adding a third TFE component for tfeNeeds.penalty, which is hidden until you have a penalty, and then isn't a bar: rather, just a red square next to the hunger/exhaustion bars for a "Danger zone" indicator.
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                        Big Homie
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                        Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:18 pm

                        I'm thinking about adding a third TFE component for tfeNeeds.penalty, which is hidden until you have a penalty, and then isn't a bar: rather, just a red square next to the hunger/exhaustion bars for a "Danger zone" indicator.

                        Hey, that's a good idea... what would be the variable to use for that? Or would you have to make a new boolean in TFE that can be looked at by CHUDC? Something like
                        set kCHUDC.evaluateString1 to sv_Construct				"TFENeeds.Penalty"set kCHUDC.maxValue1 to	sv_Construct					"1"set kCHUDC.showValueInLabel1 to						0set kCHUDC.showCode1 to							0set kCHUDC.removeWhenZero1 to						1set kCHUDC.removeWhenFull1 to						0

                        ... that's basically how my sneak icon works now.

                        Currently, my hud (with CHUDC elements *'ed) looks like
                        										Sneak eye*				(centered, does not highlight when you're detected)TFE hunger*			 Health		  Compass		  Weapon		 SpellTFE exhaustion*		 MagickanGCD level progress	 Fatigue										 Fizzle chance						Encumbrance*									to cast*

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                        Claire Jackson
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                        Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:43 pm

                        Hey, that's a good idea... what would be the variable to use for that? Or would you have to make a new boolean in TFE that can be looked at by CHUDC? Something like
                        set kCHUDC.evaluateString1 to sv_Construct				"TFENeeds.Penalty"set kCHUDC.maxValue1 to	sv_Construct					"1"set kCHUDC.showValueInLabel1 to						0set kCHUDC.showCode1 to							0set kCHUDC.removeWhenZero1 to						1set kCHUDC.removeWhenFull1 to						0

                        Just like that, and the variable already exists. It's a float which stores the current fatigue loss per second, so I'd set maxValue to 0.0001.

                        Currently, my hud (with CHUDC elements *'ed) looks like

                        Kyoma posted an alternate no-fade Sneak Eye solution which involves only an XML edit, could save you one of those precious six kCHUDC slots. ;)

                        My own set-up follows the vanilla organization, with bars on the far right, then weapon, spell, compass. I've got Encumbrance (brown) below the main three like yours, and below that are Fatigue (black) and Hunger (silver) at a significantly smaller scale. Currently centered, but I'll probably displace them to the right and put the penalty dot to their left. Fizzle chance (red) is above the spell, and I've set kCHUDC.fQuestDelayTime to 0.1 so it updates in realtime with my fatigue, weapon swaps, etc. Suppose I'll screenshot it when I get home. :)
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                        Helen Quill
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                        Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:13 am

                        If I didn't have this job, I'd get a lot more work done. :spotted owl:
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                        Sarah Bishop
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                        Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:21 am

                        Armorer's Progress has apparently made me stall entirely with that skill using the default Progress add-on.
                        Currently I'm level 86 in that skill, but appear to be receiving no more experience.
                        To check this I made a custom spell Disintegrate Armour 100% on self and after casting and repairing more than a dozen times there is no movement in the progression bar.
                        Possibly it's something silly I've not done so a pointer is needed.
                        And yup, I am using the latest OBSE version.
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                        Britney Lopez
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