There is an always use luck option, and it uses the averaging method. You did not include that section in your post for some reason...
set the following to 1
set nGCD.bLuckAlwaysIncreases to 0 ; 0
set nGCD.bLuckGetsClassAttr to 0 ; 0
Thanks for the reply!
I didn't include this because I thought "LuckAlwaysIncreases" means one point up at each level, not the average of the other attributes. As far as I know, this isn't specified in the ini or the readme, for that matter.
Reducing skill max to 70: Since the vanilla game with a 30 pt bonus allows the skill to only advance to 70, you lose all of the attribute contribution that would be earned with those lost 30 skill increases. That kind of stinks if that is say...your major skill or a favored skill. By reducing the skill max to 70, the attribute contribution that would raise the attribute to its 100 cap in the vanilla cap, is based on that skill being calculated with 70 available skill increases instead of 100.
I did not code nGCD, so I will present an example. For simplicity, assume this attribute is only based on the one skill that has its cap reduced to 70. example:
Originally, the attribute would only reach 100 if the skill reached 100. Therefore, attribute contribution per skill increase here is 1.
Now, take into consideration that nice 30pt perm fortify ability you received. Suddenly, you only have 70 available skill increases, so you could only raise that attribute to 70 with that on a one-to-one skill to attribute contribution.
After reducing the max cap of the skill to 70 because of the 30pt bonus, the attrb contribution per skill is recalculated to 100/70. This recalculaton is done because that attribute is still capped at 100, so that one skill with only 70 available skill increases has to be able to allow it to reach that cap. (The attribute's cap is not reduced because the skill's max cap has been reduced.)
Right. This clarifies that point of the "AbilitiesReduceSkillMax". Cheers!
To have Racial skills increase faster, use the Progress "racial" optional plugin.
I don't have Progress installed, as of yet. I will today, but I was only tweaking the nGCD ini yesterday and that's where I read the:
; This value is added to calculated attributes. If you set this to -1, racial
; base attributes are treated as a bonus and have no influence on gain rates.
that lead to the question I asked. Theoretically, I know Progress handles this stuff, that's why I found it strange a nGCD value would have an inpact on that.
Now, for the 80/120 attributes, the reason I included the whole block was because I wasn't sure about some of the values in there:
set nGCD.iClassAttr to 5 ; 5set nGCD.bManageLuck to 1 ; 1set nGCD.bLuckAlwaysIncreases to 0 ; 0set nGCD.bLuckGetsClassAttr to 0 ; 0set nGCD.iForceBaseLuck to -1 ;-1set nGCD.iSkillMax to 100 ; 100set nGCD.bAbilitiesReduceSkillMax to 1 ; 1set nGCD.iAttrMax to 120 ; 100set nGCD.iAttrCap to 120 ; 100set nGCD.bAbilitiesObeyAttrMax to 1 ; 1set nGCD.iRacialAttributesOffset to 0 ; 0set nGCD.fRacialAttributesRatio to 1.0 ; 1.0set nGCD.iAttrMin to -1 ; 0set nGCD.bAttrMinRaisesAttrMax to 1 ; 0set nGCD.iRacialAttributesBaseValue to 40 ; 40set nGCD.iRacialAttributesBaseLuck to 50 ; 50set nGCD.fRacialAttrMaxRatio to 2.0 ; 1.0
These two:
set nGCD.iRacialAttributesBaseValue to 40 ; 40set nGCD.fRacialAttrMaxRatio to 2.0 ; 1.0
would make the racial attributes cap at 80 and 120 for a "iAttrMax"/"iAttrCap" value of 100. For my 120, I
would think I should add the "iRacialAttributesOffset" with a value of -20.
How can I make it allow attributes over 120 for fortify effects, but not for normal progression? By changing the "iAttrCap" to 200, right?
About these:
set nGCD.iAttrMin to -1 ; 0set nGCD.bAttrMinRaisesAttrMax to 1 ; 0
doesn't this mean that my "iAttrMax" value actually becomes 119?
Anyway, that's two, perhaps three changes I have to make to the above.
The questions about the Health, Magicka and Regeneration remain though.
Please, please, re-read the INI files for these two mods.
I...I did! There are a few things I didn't follow though and that's why I'm here. Besides, it was 4 am or something at the time.
