[Thanks Gothemasticator, but I didn't find what I wanted - or at least I'm confused eonough about how some of this works that I wasn't able to see if the problems being discussed were the same as mine.]
My first 4 questions above were confirmation questions - I think the answer to all of them is 'yes', but I'd like if someone else can confirm that.
I've tweaked things a bit and figured a bit more out, but this has led to a few more questions!:
Can 'finalSkillMult' be less than 1? I ask this because I reckon the curve I asked about in http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1049541&st=20&gopid=15250108entry15250108 can not be inverted, so I'm trying for a linear graph which decreases with skill-levels. The plan is to start off with a base 4x or 5x slowdown and finish with a 2x or 3x slowdown, but that depends on being able to have a 'finalSkillMult' of 0.45.
Also, I think I figured out part of the Speed problem; with nGCD enabled, you can't override Attributes with 'setav' or 'modav' - the mod calculates it on the fly from the appropriate skills, so you can't set it manually; skills are fine, but not Attributes - is that right?
Regarding the 'Progress Initialized' message; There is a line in the script for v2.2 which has that message, but I don't know enough about scripts to know if it's setup to display properly, but can someone tell me how to check if Progress is running, cause I'm not seeing the message.
Finally, a bit OT, I'd like to get people's opinions on global slowdown: The default Progress/nGCD settings and OOO/FCOM settings all make it exponentially harder to advance a skill as your skill improves, and the more I think about it, the less this makes sense, so I was hoping fans of this system might be able to explain why they like it.
With my current, very conservative setup (starting at 4.5x and ending at 2x), as my character approaches (theoretically) all skills at 100, it would take 2,500 uses of the fastest-advancing skill (i.e., Major + Speciality skill) to go from 95 to 100, and 5,000 uses to do the same for an unspecialised Minor skill. At a point like that in the game, say the Major Speciality skill is Marksman and you're using, as many people are, a mod/mods which make the game more static, so you're pretty much champion of the world and are likely to have completed a lot of quests and exploration, so one strike of your favourite, hard-won ultra-bow and uber-arrow is enough to take down a good three quarters of the enemies out there, plus the default setting doesn't even give you one full usage point for one strike (though range now alters that somewhat), it's going to take around 3,000 kills to advance Marksman by 5. And that's just one skill. If it was Athletics you'd have to be running continuously for 6.7 hours to make the same advance - no other game activity interrupting your running for 6.7 hours! It'd be 13.4 hours if it was a minor skill!
Now I know those examples are a bit disingenuous (unless you're max-out focused, in which case you're probably not using mods like this one) - so you're not likely to find yourself trying to get the Marksman master perk as a major specialty skill when all your other skills are almost or already at 100, but you see my point; my version at the moment does the opposite to what seems to be the norm, and I'm partly thinking 'am I missing something?!'. So if anyone feels like telling me what it is they like about the exponential rising system, I'd be very interested to read it (just please don't forget to answer any of my questions above if you know the answer!