I deleted all of the OBSE 17 and installed OBSE 18.
Just to check i did it right, i unzipped the file, then moved
into the folder with the oblivion.exe files.
I didnt move anything else at all, and when i click the obse loader it loads the game no prob.
I deleted ngcd again, then used OMOD to reinstall it, its at the end of my mod list,
i deactivated the realisitc levelling mod i downloaded (to see what it was like),
went to the configuration settings for ngcd and reset the magick regen to vinailla,
launched the game and opened a save game with the ngcd saved game (not the realistic levelling save)
Still no levelling
Im at a loss

i could copy and paste the level determination settings of ngcd but i dont see the point since i haven't touched any of the settings
apart from the magick regen.