Ive tried using it to decorate hearthfire homes but once i stop using the spell the object flys all over the place.
Quest in CoW, A room in the Dwemer ruin is opened only thru this spell.
I think thats where you use the spell to get the key to that door right?
The Spell just invalidates needing to pick a Master Lock, to get the Key, and and having to pick an Expert Lock to enter a second Room in Mzulft. The Spell does make for interesting ways to play certain areas of the Game, like using Clutter to distract opponents.
Ironbind Barrow. Run through the dungeon, then take the back way out and continue up the mountain. You'll find a few Dwemer pillars. On top of the middle one is a collection of potions, and the only way to get them is with Telekinesis.
Archery and Fus will work to get the Potions off of the Pillar, but collecting the Potions afterwards is difficult.