Teleport Marker and ladder Navmesh not working.

Post » Wed Aug 07, 2013 9:19 pm

I can't believe I'm actually making a thread about navmeshing. I've successfully navmeshed close to nearly a mile over various terrain a lot of it that isn't flat, and I never thought I'd be having a severe problem with navmesh again. But it happened. You know those semi-vertical ladders that are essentially the same as stairs, and they are in a lot of smaller homes? Well, I keep putting navmesh over it in one of my NPC homes, and the NPC simply refuses to use the ladder. The rest of the navmesh in the home works fine but for some reason the ladder seems to be messing everything up. Here are pictures for reference.

And now the other problem the teleport marker. For some reason when I use the teleport door to enter this cell, a lot of times I randomly teleport underground on the bottom floor. Even though the teleportal marker is clearly flat on the ground by the door on the upper level.

Is the cell possibly glitched out or something, and if so how would I fix that?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated as always.

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Sian Ennis
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