Yesterday I added and to my MOD-list and noticed that everytime I use a Recall spell or Almsivi Intervention scroll the message
"Teleportation magic does not work here" appears, teleportation works.
I use Meliants Teleport Mod.
Tried to clean the save but it did not work.
I found this on
The GMST sTeleportDisabled is INTENTIONALLY altered by this mod. Don't try to clean it out, and make sure any mods that load after this one are GMST-clean, or else you'll get messages telling you that teleporting is disabled every time you use it.
Modifying, merging or otherwise resaving this mod
If this mod is modified, merged or just resaved in a high-level editor (such as the Construction Set, or MWEdit), the teleport-disabled message will reappear. To fix this, you need to make sure the string value is present and set to something (can be anything, just a single character is fine, this is just to stop the subrecord disappearing altogether). Once you're finished editing, load up the mod in Enchanted Editor and remove the GMST string: find the bit that says "Teleportation magic does not work here" or whatever you set it to, then click the button labelled "edit using multi-line editor" and delete all the text. If the multi-line editor doesn't work (sometimes it doesn't), you'll have to use the "anolyse/Edit Raw Subrecord Data" button and set all values to 0. Resave from EE and it should be ready to use.
The message is mentioned here but I have not altered the MOD.
I can't imagine how the armor MOD could affect teleporting. Have I missed something?