HAHAHA I loved Johnny Bravo when I was kid. Johnny Bravo was really funny he's always flirting with woman and getting slapped and thrown around by them. Johnny Bravo taught me how to be a ladies man LOL.
Yeah some of these new kids shows are really weird, or maybe cartoons have always been weird and as we get older they are hard to watch. As kids we probably didn't notice the cartoons we watched as being weird because our brains weren't fully developed. I have a hard time watching cartoons now unless they're advlt oriented like Family Guy or South Park. I still catch myself watching the Simpsons. Well Simpsons is a family show geared for audiences of all ages. I never was really a fan of anime stuff. I watched some looney toons episodes recently, and I saw this episode that had a Cold War reference, which I probably didn't get when I was kid. I saw this episode with Captian Duck and Marvin Martian and they are both trying to claim planet X and then they go into an arms race with each other and blow up the planet, this was kind of like what everybody feared of the cold war. All the Looney Toon episodes they show on the kids show are really geared towards kids. Looney Toons actually made alot of WWII propaganda videos in the 40's.
I was a kid in the 90's a lot of a cartoons on were re-runs from the 80's
Like,, and are a few that I can think of. Well speed racer was and johnny quest made in 67 I suppose that isn't from the 80's but I saw a lot of re-runs of that show also. Well there was some Johnny Quest remakes in the 80's and 90's.
And then there was made in 1992, I think this show was secretly government propaganda.
As far as kids cartoons that I can remember that were really weird when I was growing up
Ren and Stimpy was pretty twisted from what I remember and I still remember this song! I think Ren and Stimpy got banned because of drug references or something I don't remember the story but it got banned. No wonder why I'm so twisted

And Ahh real monsters, after watching the intro this show was really creepy I can't believed I watched this when I was kid.
Anybody around my age remember the craze? The toys were really popular I remember my parents had a hard time finding them because they were sold out everywhere!
I think really every generation is going to saw our TV shows and cartoons are better than what kids watch today. I mean really as advlts its hard to watch cartoons so maybe thats why they seem awful. I mean when I go back and watch these intros of cartoon I watched as a kid on youtube they seem really bad to me and its hard to believe I was so into these shows as a kid.