So, this seems to be the appropriate place to talk about our various character stories. Tell us about your character, race, back story, traits, etc. Anything that seems fitting.
To start, my character-
Tadril is a simple Bosmer, traveling all across Tamriel in order to escape from the Thalmor. His father served in the Imperial Legion as an officer during the Great War, and because of that, he and his family would be hunted to their deaths. Tadril, having traveled since he was young, suffered many hardships. His mother was the first to die, when Thalmor assassins found their camp in Hammerfell. They brutally murdered her, and her unborn daughter. Tadril, being a child, had his innocence shattered. A few years later, when Tadril was entering the equivalent of adolescence, his brother was slain.
Thalmor assassins found them at their camp, and while Tadril and his father were making their escape, his brother stayed behind in order to buy them time. With his family diminished to just that of him and his father, they were capable of traveling even faster. But soon, another disaster struck. Tadril's father was bitten by a wolf on their way through Daggerfall, and he contracted Rockjoint. Their progress was significantly slowed after that, being chased to exhaustion.
They were never able to make it to a shrine, or even to buy a potion of cure disease. His father handed him a crude knife, and with tears in his eyes, forced Tadril to put him out of his misery. Following this, Tadril wandered aimlessly for many years, not having a purpose of sorts.
Finally, he made his way into Skyrim, only to be plagued by dragons and war.
Character Sheet of sorts-
Class- Archer/Ranger
Race- Bosmer
Equipment- Hunting bow, iron knife, brown leather knapsack, simple clothing.
Traits- Arachnophobia, Ambidexterity, Skilled in Wood-Lore