So tell me again why I can't marry a Khajiit or Wood Elf?

Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:55 am

If you have found ANY interactable or friendly Wood Elf female NPCs, let me know where. I only want to confirm for myself that there are in fact female Bosmer besides the Bandit ones.

Theres on in Riften Bollis wife i believe.
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Cathrin Hummel
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:46 pm

I think Bethesda only really wanted to add a basic framework for marriage and let modders improve it.
This is my thought also, but not just because they wanted to offload the work, I think Beth got nervous about how far to take this whole marriage thing, as we've seen on the forums it get's plenty of snide comments, so Beth not wanting to risk upsetting some folk just threw in the basics, and man you could not get more basic!
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Zoe Ratcliffe
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 1:05 am

It bugs me these races are unavailable too, I suppose I could see not wanting to marry a khajiit, what with the barbs and all... :blush2: but why no wood elves? just doesn't seem to make sense, I'd say it's an oversight on Beth's part.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:49 pm

Theyre ugly, and no one in there right minds would marry a cheetah!

The offspring would be unholy abominations.

Because some a hole would accuse them of promoting beastiality or something.

You are all forgetting that player character can be a khajiit :hehe:
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:28 pm

This is my thought also, but not just because they wanted to offload the work, I think Beth got nervous about how far to take this whole marriage thing, as we've seen on the forums it get's plenty of snide comments, so Beth not wanting to risk upsetting some folk just threw in the basics, and man you could not get more basic!

If you can marry a lizard but can't marry a neko, your concept of "basic" is a bit wrong.

After all, people say, but I've never heard of people saying a lizard is fine too

Besides, come on, remove the ears and the silly garlic hairstyle (and give 'em French accent) and a Bosmer can pass as a Breton. Maybe they can pass khajiit as caravan traders and don't want to get married, but Bosmer?

Hell, depending on how you play the game, you can have a bosmer following you around Skyrim
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Daniel Holgate
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:32 pm

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that this issue is annoying as well as disappointing. It seems stupid to let a player play as a Khajiit or Wood Elf and let them get married to everything but they're own races.

At the very least they could have made it so that if you were playing as one of those two races, because of in-game NPC racism, then the only race you Could marry would be your own. If I can play as a Khajiit and get married to a Argonian or Dark Elf or Orc, why the hell can't I play one of those races and in turn have the opportunity to marry a Khajiit.
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Franko AlVarado
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:37 pm

Because these races betrayed the Empire and are nothing more than property of the Thalmor.
You could ask at their Embassy. Kill them afterward.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:45 pm

Because these races betrayed the Empire and are nothing more than property of the Thalmor.
You could ask at their Embassy. Kill them afterward.

But if I play as a Wood Elf or Khajiit I can get married, so wouldn't that contradict any political or lore related reason for not being able to marry one of those races?
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Elizabeth Falvey
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:25 pm

Because these races betrayed the Empire and are nothing more than property of the Thalmor.
You could ask at their Embassy. Kill them afterward.

You're right, both the Bosmer and Khajiit work for the Thalmor now.

But obviously, not all.
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victoria gillis
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:15 am

But if I play as a Wood Elf or Khajiit I can get married, so wouldn't that contradict any political or lore related reason for not being able to marry one of those races?

Maybe they just don't want to marry you.
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Sebrina Johnstone
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:30 pm

because there aren't any marriable khajiit or wood elves
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Amelia Pritchard
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 3:55 am

Dear Bethesda,

Okay Bethesda, help me out here. I know this marriage thing is kind of new for you guys and all, and I really do appreciate you adding it into Skyrim. I love Skyrim so hardcoe btw, this game is AMAZING in SO many different ways and honestly this complaint is first thing that has truly angered me.

But seriously?

I can marry an Argonian...a freaking lizard/dinosaur (no offense to any Argonian lovers out there, i totally think they're awesome) but Not the Khajiit or Wood Elves?! Why the hell is that? There's like 50 freaking Nord bachelors and bachelorettes, High Elves, Dark Elves (ew btw), Argonians, Orcs (also ew), Imperials, Redguards, and Bretons. But not a Khajiit or Wood Elf.

I'm happy for the wide range of other candidates that are available but I just really want to know if there was a specific reason why those two races were left out. Did you guys run out of time, did you just not think about it, or just didn't care? I'm just curious and a bit disappointed. Khajiit and Wood Elves are my favorite races ~ <3 And it saddens me that I cannot marry them in-game. Please help me out with understanding why they were left out of the list.

Yours truly,

Menelri the Wood Elf

Khajiits don't get married in the traditional sense.
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Emily Martell
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:29 pm

You'd think they'd balance out the marriage options.. But no.

I could totally see one of the female khajiit caravan guards want to marry you if you do some side-quest for them. One female khajiit and one male khajiit body-guard option. No need to add new khajiits to the game either. As for wood elves, same thing. There's got to be some wood elves out there that could have a misc-quest and marriage option. :/
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:11 am

Theyre ugly, and no one in there right minds would marry a cheetah!


No one insults Khajiit you Saxhleel lover. Bosmer I can understand....
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:27 pm

The whole cannibalism thing is pretty weird. Beth should just retcon that detail. Or maybe they could have more Bosmer in Skyrim who have left Valenwood because they don't agree with the whole cannibalism deal.

As a writing project, I decided to try and write in-character journals while playing Skyrim. It was quite interesting for my 'light-grey' Bosmer character to encounter the Namira mission. I've done some digging and here's the journal entry I wrote, giving my theories on cannibalism and the Bosmer.

"Cannibalism is a part of the Bosmer culture. Kind of embarrassing to write that, but it's true. But something about these cannibals who serve Namira seems.. off. For us, cannibalism is taking the power of a worthy adversary or keeping a departed loved one with you. For them.. I think they just like eating people." Later Entry - "My assessment was correct. They want me to bring them a priest of Arkay - to eat. Because they get off on it. They're going to have their 'god' do the killing. Well, not if I have anything to say about it." Added a bit later in the same entry "And I did. I struck down that whole wretched congregation. Worthless degenerates."

But back on topic, I've noticed that there aren't any female Bosmer characters in the game at all, except the nameless serving girl at the Thalmor embassy.
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Dean Ashcroft
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:03 pm

The whole cannibalism thing is pretty weird. Beth should just retcon that detail. Or maybe they could have more Bosmer in Skyrim who have left Valenwood because they don't agree with the whole cannibalism deal.

if you look at the lore properly they arent cannibals they are carnivores and only while in Valenwood, because of the Green Pact
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:08 pm

Well, the Suthay Raht species of Khajiit have phallic barbs, so that's something to ruin your nights sleep. You're welcome.
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Trent Theriot
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:27 pm

Well, the Suthay Raht species of Khajiit have phallic barbs, so that's something to ruin your nights sleep. You're welcome.

... where does it say that? :ohmy:
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WYatt REed
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 3:43 am

Because the Empire abandoned the Bosmer in their greatest hour of need, running away like the craven, two-faced Nords they really are.

There, fixed that for you.
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Baylea Isaacs
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:52 am

... where does it say that? :ohmy:

I felt like this was vital information for anyone considering a relatioship to a male Khajiit, I am all about public service.
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Taylor Tifany
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:33 pm

I felt like this was vital information for anyone considering a relatioship to a male Khajiit, I am all about public service.

very informative.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:52 pm

I felt like this was vital information for anyone considering a relatioship to a male Khajiit, I am all about public service.

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Jamie Lee
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:58 am

I would kind of understand the whole "no Khajiit or Wood Elf" thing if there was a legitimate reason for it.

All I can think of for Khajiit is "beastiality". Someone might play the game and get offended by it or something. You know how the general public of today's society is.
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:39 am

The bestiality argument is wrong.
You can be a Khajiti and marry a human in the game...
Bethesda din't put it because they forgot, or because they rushed... simple.
It will probably show up in a future DLC, or even a Patch, who know?

Anyway, I just miss the Wood Elfs....
But there is many people who likes Khajiti, and they deserve to have at least one to choose....
The only Khajiti that would be interesting for me would be M'aiq :disguise: But my female Breton would end up killing herself after a week of 3rd person comments :confused:
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Beth Belcher
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:38 pm

Too many posts ignorant of lore here for me to even begin correcting.

No its not bestiality, no the offspring wouldnt be mutants, no the green pact is only heavily enforced in Valenwood etc. etc.

There are no male Redguards or Altmer either.

Skyrim did a really poor job on racial diversity.
Everyone is a Nord.
Makes no sense.

Unless you want to entertain the notion its a design philosophy to make it more 'Conan' and less 'TES'.
Gods, how I hate that bland and boring, generic Conan.
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