» Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:43 pm
It is a disappointment. There is a book in the game that actualy says what races produce offspring with each other. All elves and humans can. However, arghonians and khajit cannot produce offspring with any race other than their own. So, if you're playing as a khajit, and you want to get all of the steam achievements (one of which is marriage) you're required to enter into a trans-species relationship.
As for the temple of mara thing, I must have missed that lore. I played as a khajit and got the disciple of mara perk after completing quests for the temple.
The beastiality argument falls flat, not only because khajit pc's are forced into a mixed relationship and because there are arghonian options, but also because beastiality is the union of a sapient and a non-sapient, and like humans, khajit are sapient.
Really, I think what happened was they tagged marriage on at the last minute, not having actualy planned for it, then realized they'd need more dialogue. And... oops... the people doing the voices for khajits and wood elves weren't available.