My horse has a death wish, solutions?
My horse has a death wish, solutions?
Horses do not follow you unless you're using a mod or you fast travel. If so, no longer fast travel and your horse will not catch up with you.
It's an Dark Brotherhood assassin horse trained to stalk and kill you, kill it now while you still can.
That's why I'm glad I discovered Arvak. Summon him when you need him. Do away with him when you no longer need him. And repeat.
That, and he looks pretty freakin' awesome.
Unfortunately, horses are programmed to follow you when you fast travel, and all seem to have death wishes. There's probably some mods out there to improve the experience of horse-riding that would help with this problem, or you could get Arvak through the Dawnguard questline, which would stop your own horse from following you, or you could make it essential through the creation kit or using console commands. Otherwise, your horse will just have to take his chances, and you may have to get used to replacing horses every now and then!
Most of my characters don't bother with horses, partly for this very reason.
If you're on PC, get convenient horses mod you can make the horse stay or follow from a great distance and you can make him run away in combat.
If you are on PC and you mod, then try the outstanding mod Sir.
Amongst it's many features, It provides options to customise your horses behaviour.
Including the capability to
Instead of wading-in like a drunken uncle at a wedding. Popping horse shoes left and right.
Yep. No matter how much Arvak suffers from the "death wish" syndrome, he can't die because he's already dead
Wonderful suggestions everyone! thanks! Less fast traveling should fix it.