Here's a test. Think of something original. Anything at all. Try a monster. If you can conceive an original creature then you win the debate.
In fact, you don't even have to come up with an original one, just point out one that was original at some point - surely that shouldn't be so hard. I'd disagree with the statement that originality is dead, though only on the grounds that originality was never alive to begin with.
Well, yes I missed to say that what I said is only if you don't see originality as unexisting like you do and Lady Nerevar did some post ago. You are essentially right of course, all ideas are based on experience and stuff, so there is no true originality. However you can't deny that there is some sort of originality (well, sure you can still deny that

), so sure there is no true originality but the originality that does exist, the one that distinguishes Tolkien in his time from many fantasy settings today, hasn't died and probably never will.
Sure the Dwemer are no way fully original, they are still basically 'Tolkien High Elves dressed up as and influenced by ancient Mesopotamians with relatively advanced technology', but they are some of the most original Dwarfs you will find in a fantasy RPG. Dwemer aren't even the best example, there are far more original concepts in fantasy settings but it's a good example for an Elder Scrolls discussion. Whether or not originality actually exists there is a huge difference between 'taking a standard Tolkien like fantasy setting and altering a thing or too' and actually coming up with stuff that you can call original (I mean, they have made a word for it, it would be a pitty not to use it for stuff only because true originality doesn't exists.)
TES isn't that original actually, and Oblivion hasn't been a step forward either, yet it has some very original, non standard things in it's lore, at least compared to other big fantasy settings. Sure there are even more original ones out there, some of them where mentioned in the Orc discussion in the General TES forum, but those are not very well known. TES has both a relatively high originality and popularity so I hope it will improve the more generic, standard fantasy parts of it (not completely rewriting the whole lore of course, but just making Nords, Altmer and Orcs for example a bit more unique for example, stuff like that), I know that wasn't the discussion but that would make TES better I think.
So sorry for keep using the word original, but it's just more practical to call things original then... well, ...not calling it original but still mean the same thing...