Templar Concern

Post » Thu Mar 20, 2014 7:55 am

I made a Tank build that worked ok-ish I guess, I really liked the aoe fire spell, super useful against multiple mobs surrouding you, and I was using a 2 handed weapon so the combination was awesome (2H hits multiple targets), I did find the healing spells to lack oomph, but used them in critical situations to give me a chance more than anything else. Otherwise the dawn's wrath ultimate ability rocks :P

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Trista Jim
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Post » Thu Mar 20, 2014 6:34 am

Easy, I don't have a cat either. Yet , you would be forgiven for thinking I do if you came round to my house often enough. Trust me, there is a good chance if a neighbours cat comes close enough to your home, or wanders in of it's own accord, you pet it, give it a snack, it will get accustomed to you long enough to claim you as it's joint owner and do you the honour of annexing your home as part of it's territory.

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BrEezy Baby
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Post » Thu Mar 20, 2014 3:41 pm

Actually, this is a pretty good point. In fact, it opens up a wide variety of new builds. You'll still spam Healing Ritual (with your face), but now you could smear pretty much anything you like on your keyboard. Tuna still works, or you could go with salmon, hamburger or those little pizza roll thingies. Shoot, you could get all crazy and smear peanut butter all over the thing, but in that case you'd best have some spare keyboards. The possibilities are endless!

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Elizabeth Lysons
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Post » Thu Mar 20, 2014 5:00 am

After spending 3 beta weekends trying out all classes and as many skills/passives as possible, I'll be trying to build a Templar like a Warrior Priest from Warhammer.

And if that dosent work at lv 50, oh well, I've had my fun atleast.

But for the high level templars around here.... What weapon did you use for healing? Restoration staff, or any other?

Cant even remember the skills for restoration staff atm...

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Ryan Lutz
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Post » Thu Mar 20, 2014 1:15 pm

Tamriel Foundry

And, it seems as long as you are sattisfied playing a pointy eared, pyjama wearing stick wielding templar, you will do just fine in VR content. Where the "play how you want" part dissapeared to regarding templars, well...

And this is what happens when devs use the nerf hammer instead of tweaking numbers.

That said, my first and hopefully main char will be templar.

Edit: and to all those saying they had no problems on their templars, this problem with the restoring spirit nerf is only noticeable doing VR content (restoring spirit needs skill lv 39 to unlock in the first place).

I to loved my templars, plural, and will play him until I hit a wall, if there is a wall, in 50+ content, then either adapt or reroll, whichever seems wiser at the time.

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Louise Andrew
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Post » Thu Mar 20, 2014 1:49 pm


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Zach Hunter
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Post » Thu Mar 20, 2014 12:03 am

Want me to link you the 20 posts with every single VR Templar saying it did?

I will go oom and be unable to kill normal mobs during questing that are 3 levels lower than me.

Templars have one ability to restore magicka, Restoring Sprit, it was nerfed by literally 90-95%. You no longer have magicka to kill stuff. If you want to play a Templar at high levels you have to cheese every fight, my favorite is where I put the exact same ability on all 10 slots and smash my face on the keyboard until I win. It's so fun I quit my VR6 Templar over a month ago.

And the DPS Templar problems have nothing to do with medium armor, it's due to restoring spirit being nerfed into the ground. This means we have no way to sustain magicka, every other class does.

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Post » Thu Mar 20, 2014 2:27 pm

I am VR6 on PTS, that's where I get my information :)

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Solène We
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Post » Thu Mar 20, 2014 9:27 am

No. No one at end game thought Templars were too powerful. Many VR PTS players thought Templar was too weak. The consensus of VR players was that Sorc was the OP class. So with no one thinking there was an issue, ZOS nerfed Templars ONLY magicka sustain ability by 90-95%. HUGE nerf that no one asked for. For over a month players have been saying they can't play any more, ZOS has done nothing to fix it.

Literally EVERY Templar says the class is horrible now. There are no posts or responses from VR players saying the nerf was needed, and almost all the non-Templars agree it needs to be put back to the way it was.

I have no faith in them restoring the Templar class because of what i have seen happen over the past month.

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Rachel Hall
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Post » Thu Mar 20, 2014 7:43 am

The problem is that the passive that used to make up for their lack of actives was nerfed by 95%. Literally the ONLY magicka regen Templars had was nerfed by 95%.

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Vicki Blondie
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Post » Thu Mar 20, 2014 7:32 am

Seems simple, rather than nerf 90-95% nerf by a smaller %, or give magika management back in a diff. way.

I'm sure PTS players have all contributed feedback, so I'm sure balance will be restored.

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Post » Wed Mar 19, 2014 11:45 pm

Old Restoring Spirit - Regenerate 4% max magicka when you use a skill.

New Restoring Spirit - Spells and skills cost 4% less.

In game it comes out to be a 95% nerf.

Both Sorc and NB have passives that blow Templars away.

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Roberto Gaeta
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