Operating System: Windows 7, 64bit Ultimate
Processor: AMD Athlon X2 (Dual-Core) 245 Processor (2.9 GHz)
Video Card: GeForce GTX 460
I recently reinstalled my Morrowind as sort of a time killer until Skyrim comes out but when I would start playing every time someone would speak (Such as Jiub on the boat, or the guard who comes to get you) my game would freeze for anywhere between 5 to 30 seconds, then resume as normal. A bit of searching led me to changing the thread loading in the morrowind.ini file off, and this seemed to solve the problem with people speaking. I began playing for a while but soon noticed that whenever I would get hit in combat, hit someone with a melee weapon, barter, go to a new cell, etc. there was always a chance it would happen again. Sometimes it did, sometimes it didnt.
This was all with 0 mods so I know it is not a conflict. I recently installed the "Morrowind Graphical Overhaul" as well as enabling the distant land, adding Morrowind Comes Alive, and many other mods that have completely changed the experience for me in a positive way and made me want to play this game once more from top to bottom. None of these mods have given me any further negative effects rather than the freezing I was already experiencing before-hand.
So to the users here, can anybody help me get rid of the freezing so that I can play Morrowind once more without worry of fighting or selling?