So I've restarted Fallout 3 and I've been wondering how to approach Tenpenny Tower when the time comes. I'm not sure if I should side with Phelps or the residents, I mean, it'd be profitable to side with him, but the people of Tenpenny Tower, barring Tenpenny don't really warrant death they're harmless bigots hiding away from the world where as Roy would butcher a group of people just because they turn Ghouls away only to make Tenpenny into a Ghouls only tower.
Before when I first started Fallout 3, I was pretty afraid of Ferals because they were like fast zombies, but now after such a long exposure from the playing the entire series at this point, I'm not all that afraid of them so the mask is worthless to me.
On the other side of the coin, siding with the ghouls would make me relatively rich with loot but that can easily be gained when you do some scavving in DC.
Anyway, which side should I take this time around? The people of Tenpenny drive me up the walls with their sheltered belittling, but at the same time, this doesn't amount to them deserving to be ripped apart and dumped in the basemant like trash. I'm considering just defending the residents this time around.