Acadian: Thank you Acadian.

A quest indeed. Finally!
A mix of confidence and doubt is exactly what I endeavor to portray with Teresa. I am glad it is working.
And thank you noticing that the forum ate one of my spaces.
haute e coyote: Thank you haute. I have been waiting a long time to use that "I like rules," line. It is one of the things from the tv show that always stood out to me.
Thank you for noting the goofs, fixed now.
Jacki Dice: I used to drink Jack Daniels when I was in my teens. I grew out of it as soon as I could drink it legally though...
treydog: Oh noes! Grumpy Bassetts! I could not resist, due to the width of my monitor, that line ended right at the end of the part I posted. It was fate!
One of the things I wanted to show was the cooperation between the Bravil MG and FG in this introduction. Both subcontract work out to one another on a fairly regular basis. Plus that is where people would go to get copies of documents made (I figure that has to be a simple alteration spell). There will be other examples later on.
Winter Wolf: Good eye on the 'and', as you can see, Pappy likes to break grammar rules as well...
Destri Melarg: Thank you Destri.

This really was the only logical way I could see Teresa (or anyone really) becoming involved in this quest. All the people that Kud-Ei would know to ask for help, are people who would be in danger of having the same thing happen to them that happened to Henantier.
I will look at those two lines you noted and see what I can do with them when I get more time.
Broken-Scale: Welcome back Scale. I hope you have straightened out your comp now?
Thank you for catching that missing word.
Nerussa would hardly be jealous. Remember, she is the one who "has whomever she wants, whenever she wants". The relationship between her and Teresa, if you can even call it that, cannot be more open.
RemkoNL: Thank you Rem. Pappy's whiskey was not chilled. Nordic Whiskey is like that normally. I took a little creative license in it being as cold as it was though. Here is a snippet about it (I forget where it was from)
Of note is that the particular climate of Skyrim makes it the only region in Tamriel, outside of the most northern reaches of High Rock and Morrowind, suitable for the brewing of the infamous alcoholic beverage Nordic Whiskey, also known simply as "Rotgut". This is because that, in addition to the local availability of certain ingredients, several times during the distillation process, the substance must be subjected to extreme cold temperatures, so that it may freeze and refreeze. The drink is noted for the distinct "cold" taste, similar to extraordinarily strong mint, which persists as a feeling of ice in the stomach, as well as for the very deleterious nature of its content. Nordic Whiskey is illegal throughout the Empire, but this does not stop many proprietors from stocking smuggled bottles for those brave enough to try a mug.
Vols will be back soon, either in chapter 15 or 16.
* * *
Chapter 14b - Through A Nightmare DarklyTeresa stared up at the multi-story building in front of her. Well, this was it, she thought, the tenth building down the block, just as Pappy had said. She stepped up to the door as butterflies began to dance within her stomach. Before she could think of all the reasons she should just turn and walk away, she reached out and rapped on the doorframe.
The door opened a few moments later, revealing an Argonian woman wearing a green silk skirt and a velvet top of the same color. Teresa was immediately struck by how similar both were to the outfit that she had just bought at Nilawen's, and wondered if the Argonian had also bought hers there.
"Yes?" the Argonian asked, speaking in the raspy, almost hissing tone that all Argonians possessed. Her face was a beautiful mix of green, rust, and brown scales, and her head sprouted numerous bone spikes that ran along each side of her skull.
Teresa could see that the Argonian was distressed. The way her horns drooped sideways and the line of her brow furrowed around her orange eyes spoke volumes. Most people thought that Argonians were emotionless, Teresa reflected. But years of living with Geen-Rana on the Waterfront had taught her the little nuances of understanding their moods. Once one knew what to look for, the serpent-folk were even easier to read than humans or elves, she thought. It was one of the reasons she liked being around them. That, and the soothing tone of their husky voices.
"Kud-Ei?" the forester asked, "my name is Teresa. Pappy - um Commander Vitellus - sent me."
"Thank the Nine!" the Argonian hissed, pulling Teresa into the house and shutting the door behind her. They stood in a small corridor that ran from right to left. To her left the wood elf saw a stair leading up, and to the other side the hallway went a few feet and seemed to open into a spacious living room that took up the rest of the ground floor. "I have been praying that he could find someone! Come with me, there is no time to waste!"
The Argonian darted up the staircase, and Teresa followed close behind. There was no wall to the right, allowing the wood elf to see into the entire living room as she ascended the steps. It was simply furnished, with a roaring fireplace, a few tables and cupboards, a wall-hanging of the Mages Guild eye symbol, and several paintings of the Great Forest that seemed so vivid that she half-expected the trees to sway in an imaginary breeze.
The second floor was a single room. A simple sleeping area sat in the far corner, and in contrast to it the rest of the floor was taken up by an elaborate study and workshop. The latter seemed to be in disarray, as there were books, scrolls, and scraps of paper haphazardly strewn around the single desk and numerous tables.
Teresa's eyes widened at the sight of a full suit of ebony armor that was arranged on a stand amid the clutter. That must cost a fortune! she thought. Yet what really caught her eye was the glowing crystal she spotted on the desk. It was long and slender, tapering to points at both ends, and had an elegant metal latticework bound around its center. She instantly recognized it as a varla stone. It was one of the greatest Ayleid treasures one could find, she knew. If she remembered correctly, they had something to do with enchanting.
"This is Henantier's home," Kud-Ei explained as she swept past the mess to the single bed in the corner of the room. There Teresa saw a young high elf wearing a simple blue magister's robe. Around his neck was a golden chain, whose huge round pendant was inlaid with an equally large moonstone. He lay on the bed with his eyes closed, and as the wood elf approached she saw him twitch and roll over, as if he were having a nightmare. "I found him this way two days ago, and he has not woken since."
"So what can I do?" Teresa asked, staring down at the high elf. His head shook from side to side, and he rolled onto his back again.
"Henantier is trapped in a nightmare of his own creation," Kud-Ei explained. "After going through his notes I learned what he did."
"He did this to himself?" Teresa asked.
"Henantier is the most brilliant mage I have ever known." Kud-Ei stared down at the young elf, holding her arms across herself, as if she were clutching her own body for comfort. "We were study mates at the Arcane University. He entered at only ten, and graduated a full mage at the top of his class only four years later. That is half the normal time. He was such a prodigy that he surpassed the rest of us in everything without even trying. Now he is one of the preeminent enchanters in the guild. He only does custom work. Everyone in Cyrodiil comes to him to enchant their weapons and armor. The only reason he lives here in Bravil is that his parents are here."
Teresa looked back at the ebony armor. She knew that cost a fortune. Now she realized that it must be from one of Henantier's clients. That also explained the varla stone, she thought. Naturally an enchanter of his stature would have an artifact like that, if not several.
"Yet that very brilliance has ever been his downfall," Kud-Ei sighed, walking to the desk and picking up another necklace similar to that the high elf wore. "Even in school he was getting into trouble. Not picking fights, but reaching too far in his quest for knowledge."
Teresa cocked an eyebrow, wondering what that meant. Kud-Ei walked back to her and placed the necklace in her hands.
"Henantier quickly exhausted the conventional sources of learning. They only whetted his appetite for more. So he reached to the darkness for answers, first to Daedra-Princes, then to necromancy. Several students were nearly killed, myself among them."
The Argonian took Teresa by the arm, clutching at her with what felt like near desperation. "Please understand, Henantier is not an evil man. He never worshipped Daedra, nor had any desire to animate the dead. It was all just academic to him. He just wanted to understand the universe, and how everything worked. He was never satisfied with just being a brilliant magister."
"Henantier has been warned that if he does something again he will be expelled from the guild." Kud-Ei went on. "That is the reason for all this subterfuge. If it were to get out, even if he can be saved, his career will be finished. What happens here must not go further than these walls."
"I understand. Don't worry, I can keep a secret," Teresa nodded, thinking about how she had carried the Amulet of Kings to Jauffre. "He must be a good friend, for you to still be by his side after that."
"A true friend is there through the hard times as well as the easy ones," Kud-Ei said. "I might have never graduated if it were not for Henantier. He got me through Mysticism. I never forget who my friends are."
"I know exactly what you mean," Teresa breathed, thinking of Methredhel. They had been through a lot lately, she thought, but even after all of it the other Bosmer had stayed by her side. Even though they rarely had the chance to see one another anymore, she knew the other woman was someone she could always count on. Looking back to Henantier, she thought how lucky he was to have a similar friend in the Argonian.
"Henantier has created a dreamworld within his own mind, using this amulet he enchanted." Kud-Ei said, stepping over to the bed and pointing to the necklace around the Altmer's neck. "He designed it to be an exercise field, to test himself and improve not only his skills, but the very core of his psyche. When I looked through his notes I found he made a mistake in creating the symbol for the enchantment however. Instead of testing the different parts of his nature, I fear he has sundered them instead. I have enchanted a second amulet using his notes, so that someone can enter the same dreamworld and rescue him."
"Can't you just take the amulet off him?" the forester asked, "wouldn't that bring him out?"
"No," the mage shook her head. "He would come back as he is now, with his mind in ruins."
"So what can I do?" Teresa asked plainly. "Isn't this your area? I am not a real magician. I only know a few simple spells. I am an archer."
"If I enter his dreamworld I suspect the same thing will happen to me." Kud-Ei explained. "His subconscious is driving it. I believe it will seek to test anyone he recognizes. Only a total stranger - someone whom he has not only never met, but never even heard of - can escape the splintering of their mind when inside his dream."
"Okay, what do I do then?" Teresa said, raising the necklace over her head and settling it around her neck. It felt warm to the touch, and instantly she began to feel tired. "How do I put Lorkhan's pieces back together again?"
Kud-Ei smiled at the wood elf's stab at humor, and took the forester's hands in her own. "You are a brave girl," she said. "I can see Commander Vitellus sent the right person. Just lie down and go to sleep. You will enter Henantier's dream when you do. I do not know what you will find when you are there. Things may seem strange, perhaps even insane. Remember that it is a dream, so the normal laws of reality do not apply."
Teresa lay on the floor beside the high elf and closed her eyes. She could hear the voice of the Argonian booming above her.
"Find Henantier, and restore the broken fragments of his psyche. Only he can get you out again." The magician's voice began to fade away, as if she were moving down a long tunnel. "Be careful that you are not killed in the dreamworld, else you will never waken?"
* * *
Teresa opened her eyes to find herself in a room that was filled with red light. The air was hot and dry, like she imagined a desert might feel. After blinking for a moment, she realized it was the second floor of Henantier's home. Only it had become a dark reflection of what it was in the real world.
The paintings hung upside down, and the walls themselves had changed. To her right the wall was the rough stone of a cave, and directly ahead the dressed blocks of a fort. Only good, solid wood covered in daub lay to her left. Yet as she looked she could see the surface of that wall gently moving in and out, as if it were breathing.
Behind her she found the smooth, pale stone of an Ayleid ruin, complete with the typical square double-door entrance of the heartland high elves, and the circular handle to open it. Like the paintings however, it was upside down, with the steps leading to it emanating from the ceiling above her rather than the floor. The bed lay against the wall to her right, nearly upended by the rough stone growing under it.
Standing across the room was Henantier. He was wearing the same blue robe he did in the real world, and was enveloped in a soft green light. He cowered away from her gaze, crouching down in a vain attempt to hide behind a dresser. Teresa stepped closer to the high elf, and thought that he looked strange. That is when she realized that she could see through his body, as if he was a ghost.
A ghost of his former self, Teresa thought as she stood before him. She reached out to him and noticed that her arm was bare, when it should have been covered by the sleeve of her leather cuirass. Looking down at herself, she found that she was stark naked, except for the amulet that fell between her small, yet firm briasts. A green light rose from the moonstone set in the center of the amulet and suffused her entire body with its glow, just as with Henantier.
"What the?" Teresa reflexively jumped back and lowered a hand to cover her nether regions. She turned to the dresser beside her and tried to open the drawers, but they would not budge. Yanking even harder, the handle came off in her hand. That is when she noticed that the drawers were either fused into the frame of the dresser, or they were simply decorative. She also noticed that in spite of her nakedness, she did not feel cold. In fact, she was quite warm, thanks to the heat.
It isn't real, she thought. It's just a reflection from his mind. Looking back to the high elf, she saw he continued to squirm behind the end of the dresser. Well, she thought, he is certainly not a Peeping Tovas. The way he was reacting, she might as well be a Daedric Prince!
"Henantier." she said gently, stepping closer to him. Now that she could see him better, it seemed as if he were made of mist. She reached out to touch him, but then drew her hand back before she could. If he really was a vapor, she did not want to disperse any of him. Nocturnal! what a strange thought to have, she mused as she stared at the high elf.
He did not answer, even after several minutes of her quiet prodding. Worse, the closer she drew to him, the more he shirked away. He was clearly terrified of her, she thought, just what she needed. He was the one who was supposed to get them out of here!
She stepped away from him. No sense in frightening him more than she needed to, she reasoned. Thinking back on what Kud-Ei had said, this must be a byproduct of the dreamworld divorcing him from certain parts of his personality. Apparently his courage was one of those things. Perhaps his ability to perceive as well, as he plainly thought she was a threat.
She looked around the room. As well as the Ayleid door she now saw another exit set in the rough stone wall to her right. This one was of ramshackle wooden boards, like one she had seen at the entrance of a goblin cave on the Imperial Isle. To the left of it she saw the stairway leading downstairs. She stepped toward the stair, but that brought her closer to Henantier as well. She stopped and backed away as he tried to press himself into the wall beside him to escape.
She had better do whatever she could up here first, she resolved. Maybe that would help put him back together enough for her to go downstairs without him hurting himself from fright.
Turning to the Ayleid door behind her, she set her hand to the warm stone of its surface. Instantly she knew that it was the portal to the Test of Perception. She had no idea how she knew that. It was just there in her mind.
Just like in a dream, Teresa thought.
She focused on the symbol of her Flare spell and called the magicka up within her. Only for some reason the energy did not respond. She could usually feel it deep within her, yet now she felt nothing. It was as if she had expended all of her energy casting spells.
This must be by Henantier's design, the wood elf thought, so he could not just whip off a bunch of super-spells during his trials and finish them with no trouble. It was intended to be difficult after all, supposed to push him.
Swallowing hard, Teresa reached for the door again and took the circular handle in her trembling fingers. You can do this, she told herself, you have been through worse and come out alive. You can do this.
She pushed the doors aside and stepped through.