bobg: Thank you B.

That is something I have been working on doing.
Rachel the Breton: Thank you Rachel.

I am glad that her personality is showing through.
* * *
Chapter 2b- The CollectorThe sound of someone knocking on the doorframe brought Teresa's head up from Simplicia's shoulder with a start. Standing in the open entrance to the shop was the tallest Altmer Teresa had ever seen, quite an accomplishment for a race that was naturally tall to begin with. In fact, Teresa was sure she had never seen anyone as tall as him in her life. The blue velvet clothing he wore said that he was money, and Teresa wondered if he had chosen the color on purpose to complement his short, flaxen hair.
"Excuse the disturbance my ladies," he said in a deep voice while his amber eyes settled upon Teresa, "I am looking for a Bosmer woman, an explorer of some ability named Teresa. Might I have discovered her?"
"Maybe," Simplicia spoke up in a wary tone as Teresa was trying to phrase an answer, "who's looking for her?"
"Oh, please excuse my presumption and allow me to introduce myself," the Altmer man apologized with a short bow, "I am Lurkos, the personal assistant of Lord Umbacano. My Lord has a business proposition he would like to discuss with the aforementioned Teresa. I have been apprised that she sometimes performs business transactions here? Would one of you be the owner of this fine establishment perhaps?"
"No," Teresa said, feeling distinctly uncomfortable at the towering man's polished manners and speech. He was certainly money, she thought, and people with money did not go looking for people without it, unless they wanted something... "Jensine's laid up right now. I'm Teresa."
"Who told you I was here?" the Bosmer stood, mentally preparing her Flare spell in case she needed it, "and why are you looking for me?"
"I believe you sold a rare and curious item of Ayleid origin to an entrepreneur residing in Cheydinhal, a woman named Borba gra-Uzgash?" said Lurkos, "if I am mistaken, then please accept my apologies for disturbing you, and I will bid you a good day."
"You mean those glowing green crystals?" Teresa bit her lower lip as she searched her memory. The only Ayleid artifacts she had ever sold - or ever seen for that matter - were the ones she found in Vilverin. That had been weeks ago, she thought, and she had indeed sold it all to an Orc in Cheydinhal.
"Welkynd Stones? Oh no, my Lord already possess a multitude of those," the towering Altmer explained, "this was something much more unique."
What else had she found there? Teresa ruminated. The gear of the bandits she had killed, or the weapons of the undead? Then she had it.
"That funny statue?"
"Ah yes indeed. The Ancestor Statue to be precise," said the Altmer, "my Lord Umbacano is a collector of such rare antiquities, and is interested in your services."
"What's this about ancestors and Ayleids?" Simplica rose to her feet, laying a hand on Teresa's arm, "you never said anything about Ayleids. You haven't been poking around those ruins have you?"
"It wasn't like that," well, yes it was, Teresa thought as she turned to face the old woman, "I was just exploring and I found it."
"Found it!" Simplicia exclaimed, "no one just finds Ayleid stuff! You said you wouldn't go around those places. They're all cursed by the Gods, and anyone who gets their nose in them is likely to be cursed too!"
"It was just a few bandits," Teresa bit her lip again. If you consider a dozen to be a few, she thought, not to mention the skeletons and zombies... "It was really nothing at all."
"If I have come at a bad time I can return at a later hour," the Altmer said, looking distinctly uncomfortable to be witness to their squabble.
"It's a bad time," Simplicia insisted, lurching across the floor in the Altmer's direction, "don't ever come back!"
"Simplicia!" Teresa tugged on the old woman's arm to stop her and whispered in her ear, "this could mean good money for me!"
"What good is money if you are dead?" Simplicia said in a loud voice as she turned to look at the wood elf, "if it were so safe, this butler would go get it himself. He's only hiring you because he doesn't want to get killed."
"Just have faith in me for once!" Teresa raised her voice, "I can't spend the rest of my life running and hiding!"
"I never said..." Simplicia's words trailed off as Teresa bounded across the room and scooped up her bow and quiver, then sprinted to the open doorway. The Altmer man was already gone, and Teresa did not see the beggar slump her shoulders in defeat behind her as she scurried out into the street.