mALX1: You rang...

Teresa's confidence in dungeon crawling comes from only doing one, and having things go smoothly that one time. As you can guess she will not be so lucky in the future...
We are going to be seeing some other minor characters from Not A Hero making appearances in the near future too. Some will not get the kind of depth I was able to put into Vols and Simplicia, but one certainly will.
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Chapter 2c- The CollectorLurkos had not gotten far down the main boulevard that cut through the Market district, and Teresa's quick feet were able to catch up to him in moments. For all his imposing height, the Altmer man moved quite slowly, as if he were deliberately choosing each step before he took it.
"So tell me more about your boss," Teresa said as she buckled her arrow case around her waist, "Why does he want this Ayleid stuff so much?"
"My master is a man of great refinement and scholarly achievement," Lurkos replied without turning his head to look at her, "the Ayleids are of a particular and most singular personal interest to him, as you will see."
The butler would say no more as he led Teresa through the streets of the Elven Gardens district. This was the first time the wood elf had ventured beyond the Market district since the Daedra had attacked. Everywhere she looked her eyes were greeted with the same scenes however. Doors and windows were smashed, and dark stains from what she knew to be blood marred the streets and walls. People looked dazed, their clothing torn and bloody as they went about the work of rebuilding. Everyone was quiet and reserved, in mourning for the dead.
In time Lurkos brought her to the heart of the Talos Plaza district, where a statue of a roaring dragon loomed in the central square. The rim of the plaza was lined with great manors of stone that loomed high overhead, but none as grand as the spire of White Gold Tower which floated in the sky behind them.
This place seemed barely disturbed, Teresa thought. There were no broken windows or doors, although many of them appeared to be much newer than the stones in which they were set. There were still stains of blood in the streets, but even as she looked on people clad in simple working clothes were busy scrubbing them away.
Lurkos did not pause as he led Teresa through the plaza and directly to one of the manors. Producing a large key from one of his pockets as he reached the front door, he deftly inserted it into the lock and opened it with a clanking of mighty tumblers falling into place. That one must be quite a challenge to pick, Teresa could not help but to think as he motioned her inside.
The room within was nothing short of magnificent. The walls were hung with velvet and brocade tapestries, and the stone floors lined with thick, soft carpets. Display cases lined the walls, revealing all manner of weapons, armor, gemstones, and even clothing, all of which looked very strange to Teresa's eyes, as if they were from some bygone era. Most stunning of all was the chandelier that hung from the center of the high vaulted ceiling. It was not lit by candles, but rather by glowing white crystals of a kind she had only seen once before; in the Ayleid ruin of Vilverin.
An Orc dressed in gleaming ebony armor and carrying an ornately carved longsword stood beside the entrance, and a moment later Teresa noticed his partner at the other side of the door. Neither said a word to her, they merely stared with hard, cold eyes as Lurkos led her across the room and up the staircase to the second floor.
Teresa was not disappointed with the upper floor, whose hallway was lined with more silks and decorated with paintings of mighty, yet graceful, white buildings. Teresa had seen their kind before, yet never in one piece. They were Ayleid, she knew. She had seen their ruins many times as she explored the forest, and had been within the one at Vilverin. She wondered if the artifacts in the entry room below were also Ayleid.
Lurkos came to a mahogany door and knocked twice, then paused for nearly half a minute before opening it a crack and looking within. As if he were given some signal, he then pushed the door completely open and stepped inside, motioning Teresa to follow.
"My Lord Umbacano," he stated gravely, standing as if a legionary at attention, "I bring you the Bosmer Teresa as you desired."
Teresa found herself in a study that was decorated with the same opulence as the rest of the manor. The walls were lined with bookshelves inlaid with decorative leaves that she could swear were gold. Display cases hosted more strange artifacts, including many of the shining green stones she had gathered from Vilverin. What had Lurkos called them back at Jensine's, she pondered, Welkynd Stones?
Her eyes quickly noticed a row of marble pedestals lining one wall, all of which were empty except one. Without thinking, she found herself walking into the room to look more closely at it. Upon it sat the same curious statue that she had discovered at the heart of Vilverin. Made of some red metal which she could not identify, it consisted of four needlelike spines that ran vertically from a wide base. The four were linked by a series of horizontal spars to a fifth spine that rose in the center of the statue. That fifth spine was not comprised of the same metal as the rest of the statue, but rather seemed to be of purple crystal.
Within its depths she could see some kind of swirling energy, much as she had seen within the heart of the Amulet of Kings. Only the statue did not give her the warm, comfortable feeling that the amulet had. Rather it felt cold and harsh, even when just looking at it now and not holding it she had that impression. Teresa still had no idea what it was. She had taken it simply because it looked valuable.
"Ah yes, I have been so looking forward to this..." a man's voice snapped Teresa from musings.
She turned to see an Altmer man dressed in brocade rising from a desk that was carved from what appeared to be a single massive crystal that glowed with an inner light. He was tall, as all high elves were, but nowhere near the towering height of Lurkos. His brown hair was carefully sculpted into a peak at the top of his head, and his eyes seemed to be of sparkling emerald as they bored into her. What she really noticed was the paleness of his skin however, easily as white as her own.
"It is lovely is it not?" he said as he walked to her side and gestured at the statue, "one of the ten great Ancestors. All of my life I have longed to have one in my collection, and now thanks to you it is so."
"Ancestors?" Teresa asked, feeling more and more uncomfortable with every step he took closer to her. Given his eyes and skin, a part of her thought they might be siblings. His hair was even the same color as her own, before she had dyed it red. The only real difference was the fact that he was an Altmer and she Bosmer. Yet in spite of their similarities, she had a nagging feeling of danger, as if she were walking across a bridge whose boards might give way at any moment.
"Yes, there were ten of them." he said smoothly, casually laying a hand on the small of Teresa's back. It took an extreme effort of will for her to restrain herself from jumping. Something about his touch made her feel like it were the hand of a scorpion, rather than a Mer.
"They were created by the Ayleids long ago," he continued, turning to look in her eyes, "it was after the fall of the White Gold Tower and the sack of our beautiful city, but before the final conquests of Alessia and her descendants. They are objects of great artistic and historical value, like nothing else ever created. Some might say the Ancestors were the Ayleids last, great working before leaving this world."
Teresa did not like the way he said 'our city', as if here were one of the Ayleids himself rather than a high elf. Nor did she like the feeling of his hand, or the burning intensity in his green eyes. She stepped away to free herself of his touch, making a show of looking closer at the statue, and instantly felt better.
Had she imagined her unease? she wondered. No, she thought as she looked back at the Altmer. There was something not right about him, something very odd. Yet she could not put her finger on what it was, beyond his very obvious physical similarities with herself.
She shook her head. What was she thinking? she chided herself. So what if he was a little strange and never got out in the sun much? Everyone knew rich people were eccentric, she thought. It came from having all that money and nothing to do.
"I am so glad to finally meet you Teresa," the Altmer said behind her. "Ever since my purchasing agent in Cheydinhal discovered the Ancestor at Borba gra-Uzgash's shop I have greatly desired to meet the person who reclaimed it from the shadows of the past. You must be a very resourceful woman indeed."
"Your man Lurkos tells me that you have a business proposition for me?" she asked, thinking about all the money he plainly had and trying not to look in his eyes.
"Why yes, yes indeed," Umbacano went on, "given that you have clearly displayed yourself to be suited for the task, I would like for you to recover the remaining nine Ancestors and bring them to me. This is an errand I will compensate you most generously for."
"How generously?" Teresa asked, her eyes narrowing as she studied the man. Just how badly did he want these statues? she wondered.
"One thousand gold Septims for each Ancestor," he stated evenly.
"One thousand!" Teresa tried not to stammer. She could not even imagine what that much money looked like, let alone actually having it. Borba had only given her two hundred Septims. Now she wished she had known about Umbacano first!
"Do we have an arrangement then?" Umbacano asked with a smile. From the smug look on his face, Teresa could see that he already knew her answer.