My name is Teron and I'm a wastelander. I decided to make this journal to store my memory somewhere after I die. For now I've done some bad things and some good, but if I try to put them all in the book I woun't have any ink left and ink doesn't grow on tree, you know...
Journey to Megaton
After packing up and trading all the unneeded stuff for ink from a wasteland caravan I headed Northwest to find Megaton... For first time I picked the right and safer road. I'm curently at the gate near a giant ant and writing. The place looks big and there is a sniper up there. I'll continue to write later when I look around the town...
Megaton - the bomb
Before just about 10 minutes the sherif was shot dead and Mr. Bruke left the town. Oh, sorry I didn't tell you about Mr. Bruke and the sherif. After I entered the city I met the sherif - he was a nice guy and warned me not to get in any trouble. When I walked to see the big bomb in the center of the city, named Megatron, I saw that Mr. Bruke guy. He was dressed in white cloths realy clean and had glasses. He proposes me a deal to blow the bomb. I agreed to do it and took the little device that I had to put on the bomb. I stayed there watching the bomb and the people thinking what shoud I do. There was a strange old man praying at the bomb like it was a god. I think he lost it... Anyway I decided to tell the sheriff and gave him the device. He wanted to shoot Mr. Bruke, but when he finaly found it he got shot in the head by someone. I didn't see who but he died instantly. Mr. Bruke warned me that I'll be next and left. I stood there few minutes looking at the dead guy. Then I took his Chinese Assaut Rifle and the 5.56 ammo and runned to the bomb to disarm it. So here I am at the bomb hope I don't blow it off...