100% done Chorrols Elysium Exterior
100% done Forsaken Tavern Exterior
90% done Lord's Office in IC
I have the layout's for each city completely planned out
Awesome on both counts.
If these are written up, could you PM me? I could help with the ones Chown isn't working on.
this is what i got...
You have some messy code. Try this:
-Initialize Stage to 0
-Don't check for death or force death within the dooncedeath == 1 block: if that variable is 1, the vampire is dead.
-You don't need the if stage = -1 check at the begining
-You reset Doonceondeath to 0 in the wrong place. This basicly keeps your entire script from working. I put it in after stage 3 is done.
ScriptName VmpNPCVampScriptref Selfref animalshort BPAmountshort doonceBPshort doonceDeathfloat timershort playerrankshort vamprankshort stagefloat disablecounterBegin OnLoad set self to GetSelf set dooncedeath to 0 set timer to 3 set stage to 0;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;NOTE: BP is now loaded as a leveled Item;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Powers are loaded up via a script on this activator;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; VmpNpcPowersLoaderExp.enable VmpNpcPowersLoaderExp.Activate self 1; VmpNpcPowersLoaderExp.disableEndBegin GameModeSet Self to GetSelf if dooncedeath == 1;&& (GetItemCount VmpBloodPower == 0) && (GetItemCount VmpIngredVampBlood == 0) if timer > 0 set timer to timer - GetSecondsPassed else; Tweak DisableCounter and its checks to adjust effect lengths.... if Stage == 0 additem VmpDeadVampireSkeleton 1 additem VmpDeadVampireSkull 1 PlayMagicShaderVisuals effectAtronachFlame playsound VmpVampireDeadSound playsound VmpVampireHiss Set Stage to 1 set DisableCounter to 12 elseif Stage != -1 Set DisableCounter to ( DisableCounter - GetSecondsPassed ) if ( Stage == 1 ) if ( DisableCounter <= 10 ); Burning effect gets replaced by the "Blade" effect set stage to 2 equipitem VmpDeadVampireSkeleton 1 equipitem VmpDeadVampireSkull 1 StopMagicShaderVisuals effectAtronachFlame PlayMagicShaderVisuals VmpDeadShaderFire endif elseif ( stage == 2 ); This determines when the "Blade" effect gets replaced by the smoldering effect.... if ( DisableCounter <= 9 ) StopMagicShaderVisuals VmpDeadShaderFire PlayMagicShaderVisuals VmpDeadShaderSmoke set stage to 3 endif; This shuts off the smoking effect... ( So they don't smoke forever... ) elseif ( stage == 3 ) if ( DisableCounter <= 0 ) StopMagicShaderVisuals VmpDeadShaderSmoke Set Stage to -1 set dooncedeath to 0 endif endif endif endif endifEndBegin OnDeath set BPAmount to GetItemCount VmpNPCBloodPower RemoveItem VmpNPCBloodPower BPAmount AddItem VmpBaseCorpseBloodDrainMarker 1;;;This step is assumed by off blood drain script! set playerrank to Player.GetFactionRank VmpFactionVampires if GetInFaction VmpFactionVampires == 1 set vamprank to Self.GetFactionRank VmpFactionVampires else set vamprank to Self.GetFactionRank VmpFactionRenegade endif;;;Convert remaining BP to BP the player can use (if PC is a vampire) if Player.IsSpellTarget VmpBaseVampirism AddItem VmpBloodPower BPAmount set DoonceDeath to 1 else AddItem VmpIngredVampBlood BPAmount set DoonceDeath to 1 endifEnd