RE Night Eye: Sounds fine.
RE Baron Curse: Also fine.
RE Adaptation: I would just just the prefix "AD" for simplicity's sake. Adaptation is a dicipline, not a blood magic line. Are you going with the suggested power distribution for Adaptation/Malleable Flesh that I suggested in the last thread? If not, which powers go where?
currently i have it as so (bp=blood point):
Level 1: Feral Claws (1bp)
Level 2: World's Embrace - opens a menu where you can choose to meld with the water (1bp), meld with the earth (1bp) or meld with the air (5bp)
Level 3: Shapes of the Beast - opens a menu where you can choose to take the form of a wolf (3bp), a swarm of rats (3bp), or a swarm of bats (3bp)
Level 4: Feral Form - think of dracula from the latest Van Helsing movie with Hugh Jackman(3bp)
RE 33 new spells: Somebody here plays Guild Wars

. Looks interesting, but I think that there should be discipline level requirements. For example, I think that Cease Blood Flow should require Blood Domination level 5, since its so powerful (also, I don't think this should kill vampires, but maybe paralyze them or disable their blood use temporarily).
yeah, GW is some free online fun

...anyway, everything else is exactly what i was thinking :goodjob:
RE Thanaturge code: Looks ok. The Necromancy upgrade "skill" (along with the Shadow Affinity upgrade "skill") were meant as placeholders, until I could get a training system developed. Which disciplines will you require training for, and how will you implement this? Ideally, once you recieve training, it should appear in the list of disciplines you can upgrade, unless you wanted to make the player go back to the person each time they wanted to upgrade (as I had it with Blood Magic before).
heh, well i'm not much of a scripter so what i posted was my best guess based on what i could gather from the rest of the mod. So yes, "Ideally, once you receive training, it should appear in the list of disciplines you can upgrade," i just wasn't sure what i was doing lol.
EDIT: Just read the above post. You know how to add fangs?
eh, i have an idea...hopefully it works. If not, maybe i could make copies of all the races and have them use a fanged teeth mesh (i'd just need to find some way of transferring the faces so i don't have to recreate them

). But that is the least of my worries right now, worst comes to worst only the nosferatu and tzimisce npcs will have fangs.
Your appreciation is greatly, uh...appreciated
and it sounds like you need do reformat :flamethrower: :brokencomputer: