[WIPz] Terran Vampires v2.0

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:36 am

RE Night Eye: Sounds fine.

RE Baron Curse: Also fine.


RE Adaptation: I would just just the prefix "AD" for simplicity's sake. Adaptation is a dicipline, not a blood magic line. Are you going with the suggested power distribution for Adaptation/Malleable Flesh that I suggested in the last thread? If not, which powers go where?

currently i have it as so (bp=blood point):
Level 1: Feral Claws (1bp)
Level 2: World's Embrace - opens a menu where you can choose to meld with the water (1bp), meld with the earth (1bp) or meld with the air (5bp)
Level 3: Shapes of the Beast - opens a menu where you can choose to take the form of a wolf (3bp), a swarm of rats (3bp), or a swarm of bats (3bp)
Level 4: Feral Form - think of dracula from the latest Van Helsing movie with Hugh Jackman(3bp)

RE 33 new spells: Somebody here plays Guild Wars ;). Looks interesting, but I think that there should be discipline level requirements. For example, I think that Cease Blood Flow should require Blood Domination level 5, since its so powerful (also, I don't think this should kill vampires, but maybe paralyze them or disable their blood use temporarily).

yeah, GW is some free online fun :) ...anyway, everything else is exactly what i was thinking :goodjob:

RE Thanaturge code: Looks ok. The Necromancy upgrade "skill" (along with the Shadow Affinity upgrade "skill") were meant as placeholders, until I could get a training system developed. Which disciplines will you require training for, and how will you implement this? Ideally, once you recieve training, it should appear in the list of disciplines you can upgrade, unless you wanted to make the player go back to the person each time they wanted to upgrade (as I had it with Blood Magic before).

heh, well i'm not much of a scripter so what i posted was my best guess based on what i could gather from the rest of the mod. So yes, "Ideally, once you receive training, it should appear in the list of disciplines you can upgrade," i just wasn't sure what i was doing lol.

EDIT: Just read the above post. You know how to add fangs?

eh, i have an idea...hopefully it works. If not, maybe i could make copies of all the races and have them use a fanged teeth mesh (i'd just need to find some way of transferring the faces so i don't have to recreate them :( ). But that is the least of my worries right now, worst comes to worst only the nosferatu and tzimisce npcs will have fangs.

Your appreciation is greatly, uh...appreciated :D
and it sounds like you need do reformat :flamethrower: :brokencomputer:
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P PoLlo
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:43 pm

Grief I hope not, too much stuff to back up. Been through one major incident with the loss of a major hard drive. Hope work is going well. Anything I can do let me know.
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chloe hampson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:58 am

okay, i got some good news and some bad news...

the bad news is my original plan to make modified head meshes for the nosferatu aint gonna work :(. There is a way to do it but im not really comfortable in blender or nifscope. (If there is anyone with any proficiency in blender/maya/3DS Max than please let me know. The modifications don't seem to be hard to make, i just can't figure out what button do what, and i can't figure out how to "cage deform"). Hopefully i'll be able to find someone willing to help out between here, the TES Allience, and other forums...

the good news is that i can easily copy the existing races, keeping all data and relations/factions the same (including the face), but giving them fangs :) That's right people, all Terran Vampire npcs will now have fangs :goodjob: ...stilll a little unsure on how to give them to the player though :embarrass:
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Amy Cooper
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:57 am

I played VTM: Bloodlines and enjoyed it quite a lot. Looking forward to playing this mod when it's a [Rel] version
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Jordyn Youngman
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:24 am

the good news is that i can easily copy the existing races, keeping all data and relations/factions the same (including the face), but giving them fangs :) That's right people, all Terran Vampire npcs will now have fangs :goodjob: ...stilll a little unsure on how to give them to the player though :embarrass:

I'm not sure how you're doing this, but if you're doing this by creating a "vampirized" race for each normal race, where the vampirized race is the same in the editor except for the teeth mesh (and it would be marked as unplayable), then it may be possible to do this for the player. I believe that there is an function in OBSE to change the race of the player. Basically, make a script that would check the player's race, and then change the player's race to the appropriate vampirized race. This wouldn't, of course, work for custom races.

Also, RE Adaptation:

Level 1: Feral Claws (1bp)
Level 2: World's Embrace - opens a menu where you can choose to meld with the water (1bp), meld with the earth (1bp) or meld with the air (5bp)
Level 3: Shapes of the Beast - opens a menu where you can choose to take the form of a wolf (3bp), a swarm of rats (3bp), or a swarm of bats (3bp)
Level 4: Feral Form - think of dracula from the latest Van Helsing movie with Hugh Jackman(3bp)

Would you get the night eye with level 1 and the claws?
Is meld with air mist form?
What is the level 5 power?

Feral Form sounds alot like Abominable form, and kind of goes outside of what Protean could do. I remember you talking about something called "shape of the inner beast" which would be like a controlled frenzy. Also, wasn't Dracula a tzimisci anyway? ;)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:29 am

I'm not sure how you're doing this, but if you're doing this by creating a "vampirized" race for each normal race, where the vampirized race is the same in the editor except for the teeth mesh (and it would be marked as unplayable)

then it may be possible to do this for the player. I believe that there is an function in OBSE to change the race of the player. Basically, make a script that would check the player's race, and then change the player's race to the appropriate vampirized race. This wouldn't, of course, work for custom races.

interesting :)

Would you get the night eye with level 1 and the claws?
Is meld with air mist form?
What is the level 5 power?

-not sure, this was just a rough sketch, if you will :embarrass:

Feral Form sounds alot like Abominable form, and kind of goes outside of what Protean could do. I remember you talking about something called "shape of the inner beast" which would be like a controlled frenzy. Also, wasn't Dracula a tzimisci anyway? ;)

how is it outside what Protean can do? based on V:tM "feral form" is a signature ability of Protean, a discipline which only the gangrel can truly master. And yes it is similar to abominable form but still different. In abominable form you will still be able to use weapons, in feral form you will not. Think of feral form as the vampires equivalent to the werewolf where as abominable form is just shifting ones flesh to be horrifying and dangerous :) Think of feral form as the next step up from feral claws
And on the dracula note...
Bram Stoker describes him as being able to control animals, turn into mist, and turn into a monsterous beast, which in the movie version with Gary Oldman and Anthony Hopkins, looks like a werewolf. So based on bram stoker, Dracula sounds pretty gangrel-ish to me :)

however, if you are saying that dracula is of the tzimisce clan based on V:tM lore, than you half right. He actually from the nearly extinct "Old Clan Tzimisce" which is said to be the original bloodline, predating the sabbat and the use of Vicissitude. Their disciplines are Animalism, Auspex, and Dominate (rather than Vicissitude). So you're close :)

Shape of the inner beast is just controlling the predatory fury that is imbued in all Terran Vampires...actually, i think Level 4: will be changed to Shape of the Inner beast, and Level 5: will be feral form, as one not only fully embraces and controls the beast, but becomes the beast :foodndrink:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:58 am

RE Mist Form and Adaptation in general: The main issue is the power of mist form versus the level you get it at.

RE Feral Form as "werewolfism": If you want to do it this way thats fine. I do think its a good idea to keep it separate from the Abominable Form in some way (the way you described is fine). Another idea to separate the two: Animals will not attack the Feral Form (maybe they're allied with it?), but humans will. Every living thing will either attack or run away from the Abominable form.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:44 am

RE Mist Form and Adaptation in general: The main issue is the power of mist form versus the level you get it at.

true, what if when you 1st get it at lvl2 it cost 10bp, and by the time you reach lvl 5 in the discipline it'll be say 3bp...sound like a reasonable way to balance it?

RE Feral Form as "werewolfism":Another idea to separate the two: Animals will not attack the Feral Form (maybe they're allied with it?), but humans will. Every living thing will either attack or run away from the Abominable form.

exactly what i was thinking :bigsmile:
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Katie Samuel
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:13 am

Just read the new posts. Whilst the werewolfism feature is a good idea and, as you say Bad, used in BramStokers Dracula, wouldn't this be an amalgamation of the two creatures somewhat? The werewolf like form used, was more of a giant bat if I remember the scene with Gary Oldman and Winona Ryder in the loonatic asylum correctly. Recreating this is going to be a major feat and one that will be amazing to achieve should you wish to go down this route. I look forward to seeing screenshots of the results if you post any.

Have you any shots of the work in progress as it stands or are you going to release something as a teaser in the near future?

I think the concepts discussed on the threads are amazing and if achieved will make this a truly awesome mod.


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Dustin Brown
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:33 am

well i was think something along the lines of this (http://www.locateart.com/images_zoom/1431z.jpg http://www.sideshowtoy.com/placed/vh-drac_lg.jpg) for feral form since it's exquisitely bestial :P
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Louise Lowe
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:41 pm

looked at the screenshots and that's how I remembered it. If you can reproduce something like that for the mod it would be totally awesome. Getting so excited about the way this mod is going I cann't wait for the initial release.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:02 am

looked at the screenshots and that's how I remembered it. If you can reproduce something like that for the mod it would be totally awesome. Getting so excited about the way this mod is going I cann't wait for the initial release.


aight, than tell me what you of this...
i modified jcarls stuff to be more batty :)
now i just need someone to texture it like http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/van-helsing-dracula.jpg :goodjob:
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Amy Cooper
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:01 am

aight, than tell me what you of this...
i modified jcarls stuff to be more batty :)
now i just need someone to texture it like http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/van-helsing-dracula.jpg :goodjob:

I swear if you guys mnage to pull this whole thing off itll for one go into hall of fame and file of the month within a week because this will break barriers in oblivion modding
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:58 am

aight, than tell me what you of this...
i modified jcarls stuff to be more batty :)
now i just need someone to texture it like http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/van-helsing-dracula.jpg :goodjob:

What did you have in mind for the Abominable form?
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barbara belmonte
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:13 am

okay, the meshes for feral forms body and head are finished, any texturers wanna give it a go?
What did you have in mind for the Abominable form?

im gonna use http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1016468&st=0 (http://img154.imageshack.us/img154/3707/dragontextures.jpg) except it'll be modified to be more like http://www.slofshive.co.uk/index.php?page=artimage&artimage/id=54ejmirg4n8 :)
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jesse villaneda
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:43 am

okay, the meshes for feral forms body and head are finished, any texturers wanna give it a go?

im gonna use http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1016468&st=0 (http://img154.imageshack.us/img154/3707/dragontextures.jpg) except it'll be modified to be more like http://www.slofshive.co.uk/index.php?page=artimage&artimage/id=54ejmirg4n8 :)

If you can make the dragon race look like that Zulo there, it would be perfect.

Will you keep my implementation of the Abominable Form? I.e. will the skin be like clothing/armor, and will you be able to go armorless, or grow heavy or light armor? If so, will you use different meshes for the unarmored/heavy/light forms?
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Lindsay Dunn
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:45 am

Will you keep my implementation of the Abominable Form? I.e. will the skin be like clothing/armor, and will you be able to go armorless, or grow heavy or light armor? If so, will you use different meshes for the unarmored/heavy/light forms?

yeah, i think i'll keep your method, but no, there wont be different models for the unarmored/heavy/light forms...i don't have enough creativity to cover all of them lol

btw, the feral form and feral claws are done and implemented...but i NEED textures! I'm holding off posting screenies 'till it's textured.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:43 am

Will we be able to embrace/turn NPC's?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:41 am

Will we be able to embrace/turn NPC's?

well sorta
the Coven will not tolerate unauthorized embraces so if you embrace someone without the permission or authority to do so you and your childe will be hunted down and killed. Granted you have a much stronger chance of getting away with it if you are affiliated with either the Sabbat or the Forsaken since they will back you up. In time though, i would like to make a quest where you are given permission to embrace someone. :)

so yes, you will be able to turn npcs in the next version (hopefully) but there are consequences to your actions whether they be legal or illegal
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:57 am

hey is the thanaturag embrace-friendly version put on tes nexus or will it be a part of the next version
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Tiffany Holmes
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:19 pm

hey is the thanaturag embrace-friendly version put on tes nexus or will it be a part of the next version

no, it's not on TES, but it will be in the next version.
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Samantha Wood
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:50 am

So you said you got the textures. Is there anything else you need help with? Im more than willing to donate 100% to this project as it has already captured my soul :lol:
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Bereket Fekadu
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:31 pm

So you said you got the textures. Is there anything else you need help with? Im more than willing to donate 100% to this project as it has already captured my soul :lol:

sure thing! just not right at this moment :) but i'm making a list of interiors you could do as we speak :goodjob:
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Crystal Clarke
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:37 am

well sorta
the Coven will not tolerate unauthorized embraces so if you embrace someone without the permission or authority to do so you and your childe will be hunted down and killed. Granted you have a much stronger chance of getting away with it if you are affiliated with either the Sabbat or the Forsaken since they will back you up. In time though, i would like to make a quest where you are given permission to embrace someone. :)

so yes, you will be able to turn npcs in the next version (hopefully) but there are consequences to your actions whether they be legal or illegal

I would suggest that you start with ghouling people before embracing people.

Either way, the system could become extremely unbalanced and could lead to all kinds of bugs and issues if you're not careful (i.e. what happens when you ghoul/embrace a person essential to a quest? What happens if you embrace someone who's AI tells them to walk around during the day?).

Do you have a system coded or is it all conceptual at this point?
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Albert Wesker
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:21 am

I would suggest that you start with ghouling people before embracing people.

Either way, the system could become extremely unbalanced and could lead to all kinds of bugs and issues if you're not careful (i.e. what happens when you ghoul/embrace a person essential to a quest? What happens if you embrace someone who's AI tells them to walk around during the day?).

Do you have a system coded or is it all conceptual at this point?

well actually, who cares if the npc is essential to the quest? this is a role-playing game after all, so if you embrace some npc you need for a quest without authorization then you must deal with the consequences. If the Coven comes after you two and he/she dies making the quest unable to be finished so be it. You knew the the risks when you chose to embrace him/her B)
...but yes, it's all completely all conceptual at this point :P

also, thanks to JDFan, here are the symbols for the three main sects
*From right to left: http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/JDFanning_bucket/Tapestries.jpg
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