[WIPz] Terran Vampires v2.0

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:20 am

sure thing! just not right at this moment :) but i'm making a list of interiors you could do as we speak :goodjob:

Ok cool
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:29 am

I'm going to be Malkavian :P I played them in VTM: Bloodlines. Glad to see there is a tremere clan I can visit too - that was my 2nd fav
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Auguste Bartholdi
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:34 am

well actually, who cares if the npc is essential to the quest? this is a role-playing game after all, so if you embrace some npc you need for a quest without authorization then you must deal with the consequences. If the Coven comes after you two and he/she dies making the quest unable to be finished so be it. You knew the the risks when you chose to embrace him/her B)
...but yes, it's all completely all conceptual at this point :P

also, thanks to JDFan, here are the symbols for the three main sects
*From right to left: http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/JDFanning_bucket/Tapestries.jpg

RE Consequences: Understood, but some "newbie friendliness" might be a good thing. Besides, from an RP perspective, I doubt the coven would allow you to embrace someone important enough to be essential to a quest. Also, a technical concern: lets say you embrace some nameless guard. That guard is going to burn alive on his first day as a vampire, because his AI proceedure is going to tell him to go out and stand in the sun during the day. You will need to overwrite anyone's AI when they become a vampire to keep them from killing themselves.

My suggestion is to start planning the embracing/ghouling system now, but save it for a future release.

RE Symbols: Are those already in game? I.e. have you put them on tapestries already?
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Amy Masters
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:06 am

RE Consequences: Understood, but some "newbie friendliness" might be a good thing. Besides, from an RP perspective, I doubt the coven would allow you to embrace someone important enough to be essential to a quest. Also, a technical concern: lets say you embrace some nameless guard. That guard is going to burn alive on his first day as a vampire, because his AI proceedure is going to tell him to go out and stand in the sun during the day. You will need to overwrite anyone's AI when they become a vampire to keep them from killing themselves.

My suggestion is to start planning the embracing/ghouling system now, but save it for a future release.

RE Symbols: Are those already in game? I.e. have you put them on tapestries already?

Re Consequences: noted :)
Re Symbols: as of today, yes http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/ICLord2-1.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/ICLord3-1.jpg
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:15 am

Wow, just from the banners I want to join the Sabbat even though i personally can't imagince a Giovanni in the Sabbats kinda like a pencil in a box of erasers ;)
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Kerri Lee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:01 am

Nice banners! :tops:

Things like that add a lot to display the power and influence of an organization (in this case the Terran vampires).
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Inol Wakhid
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:58 am

Is there a chance that Terran Vampires and Vampire House mod that StarX is working on will be compatible?

that would be so cool.
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Alex [AK]
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:31 am

Is there a chance that Terran Vampires and Vampire House mod that StarX is working on will be compatible?

that would be so cool.

yes, Unholy Darkness, House Seretin and Terran vampires will all be compatible...install all three for the Dark Trinity and the ULTIMATE VAMPIRE EXPERIENCE muhahahahhahaha
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:36 am

Just finished looking through the lates posts for Terran, Starrx and unholy darkness. Wot a Trinity this would be. I love the screenshots of the animal form. This mod will be truly amazing once completed if you manage to do everything mentioned. Can't wait to play any of these mods.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:14 am

When manipulating someone get to know them. When sendin someone out on a killen spree make sure that your pawn will actually acomplish somethin............. unless your somethin is another nothen which will make yor posessions unpossesible by the possetvily vile peoples who propostressy try to wedge thiere posteriors in your personal proporty!..................(you continue to read but you seem to be getting nowhere).......................(by the end of this text you will be dead as you can not stop reading such beutiful text).................................(this guide to manipulation should've been trash to you as manipulation is 2nd nature to us)

My view on the Conosuirs who are by far my favorit clan.

I wish to add ideas and stories for this excelent mod. I do not have any skill in modding what-so-ever but I am however an excelent story teller/lier:)
If you will except some of my stories into your mod I can garuntee a tale of deciet, death, maddness, love, war, CANABALISM (yes definitly canabalism of some sort) and much more.
I feel that this mod will easily take the vanilla MQ and make it look like a small time settalment quest! This will happen with or without me I just want to be a part.
(I may seem maniacly dramatic but im a fairly easy goin person, I just like maniacs)
P.S: I'd be happy to provide ideas on backstories, in game books and just about anything else that needs a creative touch. (my spellin scks but my english is good, I asure you)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:21 pm

great stuff...i could definiately use what ever you give me :)
now when you say stories, do mean in-game literature or quest plots?
either or is fine, i'd just like to clarify
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:13 am

I mean both, the in game lit can be used to describe and the many ways of these clans. Each clan should have a tome of sorts, that they use as simple information to new blood, but some like the connosiures have tests where you read thier tome and if your speechcraft skill is very low, it gets a major increase, but if it's high and you decide to take the clan rep/who-ever that tells you that this tome teaches you about manipulating people...... YOU"LL DIE!/ get badly damaged.:)

Idea Rapid Fire!
-The Connosuirs should have a major dislike for the "ugly" races so when they're around orcs, kajite or argonians they're more likely to frenzy.(Gluttony is another good one)
-Thier should be a rival or partner npc clan vampire. Baisically someone who is already high up in your clan and you choose to make them an ally or enemy. (Enemy: makes theme cut you off on quests like by sending assasins after you/ informing the gaurds about your "condition") (Friend: They may help you on quests by taggin along or sendin some help they get you discounts at clan stores and baisically go more indepth about what the clan is about and thier powers) If the MQ entails chossin between 2/3 sides then thier should be a random chance that the npc joins an opposin faction to ya. So, if your on the coven's side then there should be a 50/100 chance that they join the opposin faction and your bitter enemys to the end, or they stay on with you on the same side and your rivalry remains "in clan".
-Are the Provita the "we dont realy care types" or the "HAIL MOTHER NATURE" types?
-The Recluse should have a secret experimentin chamber where they work on unigue(script effect) poisens, and turn those they take from the streets and turn them into mindles deformaties.(I realy like this one)
-In the Beserkers you can challange anyone in the clan for anythin even clan leader (btw make the elders stupidly strong so only the die hearted cheater can become elder by killen everyone)
-You can make "donations" to the Barons to lower your masquerade level.
-The Arcanists should have the Inquisition Force, the powerful battle-mages that hunt down anyone who puts even a toe out of clan rules.
-You can become a vanguard to the king/lord right?
-Could you add a power to blood mastery? Like at the highest level you controle your blood and body so well that even after or just before death the blood spattered on the floor rusher bach into you and closes your wounds! All your BP gets restored and your enemies cant help but be terrifide as the monster before the looks at them "a new".
-There can be rouge feral formed vampires liven close to the IC or even in it's sewers where they can come up and feast on a city full of the precious lifeblood. What will you do, kill them, get someone else to do it like a legion platoon but then kill the survivors to keep up the masquerade. Of course you can release these malformaties into the IC, who knows there might be an intelligent one in the lot!
(these are all suggestions)

BTW:TES NEXUS is moven! good/bad? idk
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Josh Lozier
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:24 am

I mean both, the in game lit can be used to describe and the many ways of these clans. Each clan should have a tome of sorts, that they use as simple information to new blood, but some like the connosiures have tests where you read thier tome and if your speechcraft skill is very low, it gets a major increase, but if it's high and you decide to take the clan rep/who-ever that tells you that this tome teaches you about manipulating people...... YOU"LL DIE!/ get badly damaged.:)

actually i was thinking that one of the ways one could learn new spells would be via Grimoires (Tomes), but they would have certain requirements. Like a Connoisseur Grimoire would require a certain level of speechcraft, or personality, etc. to gain anything from it. You can still read it but you wont gain any powers without meeting said requirements.

Idea Rapid Fire!
-The Connosuirs should have a major dislike for the "ugly" races so when they're around orcs, kajite or argonians they're more likely to frenzy.(Gluttony is another good one)

sounds good, but i have no idea how to implement a frenzy check based on the surrounding races...plus, what if the PC is an orc?

-Thier should be a rival or partner npc clan vampire. Baisically someone who is already high up in your clan and you choose to make them an ally or enemy. (Enemy: makes theme cut you off on quests like by sending assasins after you/ informing the gaurds about your "condition") (Friend: They may help you on quests by taggin along or sendin some help they get you discounts at clan stores and baisically go more indepth about what the clan is about and thier powers) If the MQ entails chossin between 2/3 sides then thier should be a random chance that the npc joins an opposin faction to ya. So, if your on the coven's side then there should be a 50/100 chance that they join the opposin faction and your bitter enemys to the end, or they stay on with you on the same side and your rivalry remains "in clan".

i like it :)

-Are the Provita the "we dont realy care types" or the "HAIL MOTHER NATURE" types?

"we dont really care types"

-You can become a vanguard to the king/lord right?


-Could you add a power to blood mastery? Like at the highest level you controle your blood and body so well that even after or just before death the blood spattered on the floor rusher bach into you and closes your wounds! All your BP gets restored and your enemies cant help but be terrifide as the monster before the looks at them "a new".

good idea for a high level Blood Domination power :)
(these are all suggestions)

keep 'em coming :)
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Alexandra Ryan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:13 am

actually i was thinking that one of the ways one could learn new spells would be via Grimoires (Tomes), but they would have certain requirements. Like a Connoisseur Grimoire would require a certain level of speechcraft, or personality, etc. to gain anything from it. You can still read it but you wont gain any powers without meeting said requirements.

sounds good, but i have no idea how to implement a frenzy check based on the surrounding races...plus, what if the PC is an orc?

I like the tome idea, but if im not mistaken... in several old storie books and some new ones, that a Grimoire is commonly filled with rituales used to contact godly creatures. (H.P Lovecraft thing ect.)

I thought Orces, Kajite and Argonians couldn't join Connosuires. (can NPC vampires go into a frenzy or is it just you?)

Here's a rather interestin story..... http://www.gamesas.com/redirect.php?site=http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/lofts/6656/snow.html

We can use the heart idea. Basically u can remove your heart to get extra normal weapon resistance but vampier hunters and rivals will have another way to kill you.
You can carry the heart with you but that has the risk of theft or possible death if a hunter gets a "lucky shot"
The closser you are to your heart the more powerfull you are
You can hide your heart just about anywhere but throwin it to the bottom of a pit might not be wise
There could be "no end to the lengths a vampier gose to in order to protect thier heart" (might be in an in-game book)
This should be optionall
As in you can take your heart out on your own but the bonus will be less, or you can go to the Recluse/Thaudage(Necromancers, may have misspelled) as they specilise in it and can do a better job.
Can bee implimented in quests... like a vampire steales it and you have to serve them untill they give it back(IF) or untill you get it back by killen the vampier, stealen thier heart if the took thiers out, thier'll be a lot of options :)
The Heart will only kill you if its burned. Like and enchanted blade or fireball
Of course you can steal someone elses heart makin em serve you.
Powerfull vampiers can put an aura around thier hearts.... like the closer an NPC gets they take fatiuge dmg so if they pass out they'll be caught/killed

Take this into concideration, mabye you'll only be greviously wounded from destruction of the heart:

Vampires are killed by driving a stake through their heart
Source: Christian religion.
Fact: Because their blood is circulated by skeletal muscles, vampires can easily survive injuries to the heart.

I think MadMole is doin somthen similer in Unholy Darkness with his coffins.

Hope the story and these ideas inspier others to throw any vampier lore they have at us. I just love a tantelizin tale :tops:

P.S. I'd like to start writen some in-game books, so will this work.... http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Utilities.Detail&id=11

Forgive spellin mistakes please :)
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Lizbeth Ruiz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:14 am

-Can someone make the list of required qualities that the player shall have to join a particular clan? For example, to join Recluses , your strength and intelligence shall be bigger than 50.
-I observed that Romanus Octavius will show the way to the prince only between 10:00 PM and 12:00 PM ( i used Terran AF level vampires, v1.3)
-Can you make the wolf form smaller? :)
-For bat swarm you can use the bat model from http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20119 and make them smaller.

p.s. sorry for my english
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Harry Leon
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:27 pm

Wow! This mod looks great! As a VTM player of years, i love the idea of VTM vampires in Cyrodil.

Is there a beta download or something for this yet?
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Kay O'Hara
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:01 am

-I observed that Romanus Octavius will show the way to the prince only between 10:00 PM and 12:00 PM ( i used Terran AF level vampires, v1.3)

I think BadCo said that we'll be doin a different clan joining quest. Somthen about a menue scroll where you pick which clan you join, then Jack/someone explains some basics, then some coven meeten decides whether or no to keep ya.
(I could be mistaken)
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Amber Hubbard
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:06 am

@this and that
I thought Orces, Kajite and Argonians couldn't join Connosuires. (can NPC vampires go into a frenzy or is it just you?)

-normally the "ugly" races aren't embraced, how ever there may be exception for the Hero of Kvatch.
-i haven't actually played the game in awhile so i dont remember, but from what i've seen in the CS only the PC can Frenzy (please correct me if i'm wrong anyone)

Here's a rather interestin story..... http://www.gamesas.com/redirect.php?site=http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/lofts/6656/snow.html
haven't got a chance to read it yet...

We can use the heart idea. Basically u can remove your heart to get extra normal weapon resistance but vampier hunters and rivals will have another way to kill you.
You can carry the heart with you but that has the risk of theft or possible death if a hunter gets a "lucky shot"
The closser you are to your heart the more powerfull you are
You can hide your heart just about anywhere but throwin it to the bottom of a pit might not be wise
There could be "no end to the lengths a vampier gose to in order to protect thier heart" (might be in an in-game book)
This should be optionall
As in you can take your heart out on your own but the bonus will be less, or you can go to the Recluse/Thaudage(Necromancers, may have misspelled) as they specilise in it and can do a better job.
Can bee implimented in quests... like a vampire steales it and you have to serve them untill they give it back(IF) or untill you get it back by killen the vampier, stealen thier heart if the took thiers out, thier'll be a lot of options :)
The Heart will only kill you if its burned. Like and enchanted blade or fireball
Of course you can steal someone elses heart makin em serve you.
Powerfull vampiers can put an aura around thier hearts.... like the closer an NPC gets they take fatiuge dmg so if they pass out they'll be caught/killed

Take this into concideration, mabye you'll only be greviously wounded from destruction of the heart:

nice idea, and i think it'd be perfect for the http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?s=&showtopic=994767&view=findpost&p=14423516, but not for the PC...to involved, to complex, to overpowering

Vampires are killed by driving a stake through their heart
Source: Christian religion.
Fact: Because their blood is circulated by skeletal muscles, vampires can easily survive injuries to the heart.

stakes will only paralyze a terran vampire

Hope the story and these ideas inspier others to throw any vampier lore they have at us. I just love a tantelizin tale :tops:

me too :)

P.S. I'd like to start writen some in-game books, so will this work.... http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Utilities.Detail&id=11

it should work fine


-Can someone make the list of required qualities that the player shall have to join a particular clan? For example, to join Recluses , your strength and intelligence shall be bigger than 50.

currently you can only be embraced if you are the hero of Kvatch. That might change in the future, but for now i think we should just leave it as is.

-I observed that Romanus Octavius will show the way to the prince only between 10:00 PM and 12:00 PM ( i used Terran AF level vampires, v1.3)

-well, the new versions embrace quest will be a little diferent then what is currently released, here what i'm thinking for the http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?s=&showtopic=994767&view=findpost&p=14641694

-in the interim, "The council only meets in the day 15 of each month. and only between 10pm to 2AM". I cannot vouch for the AFLeveling version though...

-Can you make the wolf form smaller?
-For bat swarm you can use the bat model from this mode and make them smaller.

i'll look into it when i get a chance :)


Is there a beta download or something for this yet?

there's an old, old, old beta on TES Nexus with functional clans/powers/upgrade system, but it is being totally revamped for the new release (see the first post for a download link)
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:29 pm

@this and that
-normally the "ugly" races aren't embraced, how ever there may be exception for the Hero of Kvatch.

This seemes to break/controdict some things mentioned about the Conosuires, I mean they're baisically stuck up snobs who'd never embrace an "ugly" but I guess it dosn't matter for the beta. In the end, however the spesifics shouldnt be ignored. Mabey we can make it optional like wieght of the sun.

Misc Vampier lore. :)
note: I take no responsobilety for putting this data together, some of these theories may be sacriligious or contrdicted, I only hope that it inspiers ideas. (So if this gives any readers an idea, please post it)

P.S. Red = my comment

Research done by Jenn Gilbert

To become a vampire:

A baby born with teeth or a caul, or a stillborn

A bat flying over a corpse (Romania)

Being a wizard or witch

Being bitten by a vampire

Being excommunicated by the Greek Orthodox Church (Greece)

Being the seventh son of the seventh son

A cat jumping over a corpse (England)

A dead body that has been reflected in a mirror

It was generally assumed that if a cat was allowed near a corpse it would steal the soul and the dead person would become a vampire. (Vampire cats were common in Japan but were easily recognizable as they had two tails)

People with red hair (Greece)

People who commit suicide

People who die sudden and violent deaths

People who have eaten the meat of a sheep that has been killed by a wolf

People who do not receive a proper burial

A person becomes a revenant when an animal jumps over him (Eastern Europe and China)

Renouncing the Eastern Orthodox religion

To destroy a vampire:


This commonly must be done with a gravedigger's shovel. The belief was that the brain was the second seat of life, ergo, if you cut off the vampire's head, you remove its life force.


This is a common and universal method of disposing of a vampire.


If it was suspected that someone might become a vampire, burying them face downwards was believed to prevent the change occurring.


It was believed that the heart was the first seat of life therefore driving a stake through the heart would destroy that life force. According to some legends, the stake must be a special type of wood--generally ash, hawthorn, maple or aspen--and it must be driven through the heart with one blow.

Other ways are:

Cut off and burn the head

Pile stones on the grave

Put poppy seeds on the grave

Boil the head in vinegar

Chain to the grave with wild roses

Place a coin in the mouth and decapitate with an axe

Put a lemon in the mouth

Bury at a crossroads

Remove the heart and cut it in two. Put garlic in the mouth and a nail in the head

Drive a stake through the heart and a nail through the temple

Cut off the toes and drive a nail through the neck

Pour boiling oil on the body and drive a nail through the navel

Mythical vampire powers:

CHURCHES: The traditional vampire could not enter a church, though some of his modern counterparts do not share this restriction. (possobilety for the mod, optional)

COFFINS: Vampires almost always have to sleep in their coffin during the hours of daylight. Some legends include native soil as part of this myth.

CRUCIFIXES: Traditionally a crucifix will hold off a vampire. If touched to the vampire's skin, it will burn and scar; though its use is usually not fatal to the vampire. Its efficiency depends upon the faith of its user. (I like this)

EUCHARIST WAFER: This is another traditional weapon used to ward off vampires. Again, its efficiency depends upon the faith of its user.

FLYING: Traditionally this is done by turning into a bat. In more recent times, vampires can fly in human form.

GARLIC: This plant possesses magical powers, which will ward off vampires.

HOLY WATER: Another religious weapon, which burns and scars a vampire usually without being fatal. Once again, its efficiency depends on the faith of the user. (Like but hard to use)

INVITE: Initially, a vampire cannot enter a house unless invited. But once invited inside, it can re-enter as often as it pleases. (I like this as a vampier can "suggest" that an NPC invites them into thier home)

MIND CONTROL: Traditional vampires had the ability to hypnotize their intended victims. They could also control some types of animals-usually those animals into which they could change. They could also exercise some control over elements such as wind and storm. Modern vampires generally seem to have lost this skill.

MIRRORS: Traditionally vampires cast no reflection and have a strong aversion to mirrors. On the whole, modern vampires seem to have dispensed with this idiosyncrasy.

SENSES: Typically, a vampire's senses are much sharper than those of humans.

STRENGTH: Vampires are possessed of great strength, far beyond human capabilities.

SUNLIGHT: Typically, you would expect sunlight to be the great enemy of vampires, but according to the myths it is not always fatal (e.g. Stoker's Dracula was only weakened by sunlight, not destroyed).

TRANSFORMATION: Traditionally vampires can change into bats, wolves, dogs and mist, though his modern successor seems to have generally lost this ability.

WATER: A vampire can only pass running water at the slack or flood of the tide (Van Helsing-Bram Stoker's Dracula). (dont recommend)


The destruction of a vampire by sunlight is an invention of movie makers.

Nathan Miller, in his book "Spying for America: The Hidden History of US Intelligence", tells of the 'dirty tricks' campaign used to defeat insurgent Communist Hukbalahap guerrillas in the Philippines in the 1950s. This campaign was launched by Air Force Col. Edward G Lansdale. One ingenious operation played upon the Filipinos' superstitious dread of vampires. Landsdale arranged for the body of a Huk killed in an ambush to be punctured on the neck in two places, drained of blood and left at a crossroads. The Huks, as frightened of vampires as anyone else, fled the area.

In folklore, the vampire's first victim would often be his wife. This is why, in some cultures, when a husband died, the wife would change her appearance, i.e. she would stop wearing make-up, would cut her hair, and would wear black for the entire period of mourning. These things were done with the intention of deceiving the vampire, should he return.

In some cultures, it was believed that those who were denied a formal burial would return as vampires. Strangely enough, among those denied a formal burial was alcoholics, criminals and anyone deemed to be a great sinner. Therefore, or so it seems, if you were "morally weak", you could expect to live forever. (weak vampiers may be found under a chaple)

For hundreds of years, gravediggers and those working in hospitals and morgues have reported corpses suddenly sitting up. This is caused by certain chemicals and fluids in the throat and trachea, which continue to function after death, helping prepare the body for decomposition. "Among these fluids there are some that, after the rest of the fluids have dried up, contract at a later point, drawing the other organs into this 'dance' of contraction. In effect, the muscles and tissues within the stomach and lower digestive tracts are reduced and in this process the body arches forwards into the sitting position". MAN she did her reasearch

Gravestones were erected at the head of the plot to prevent the deceased from sitting up.

Although it is particularly associated with Europe, vampire hunting was also a regular practice in America.

The word "vampire" did not appear in English until 1734, when it was used in an Anglo-Saxon poem titled "The Vampyre of the Fens".

Vampire bats were named after vampires, not vice versa.

The idea of a vampire being able to turn itself into a bat is a fairly recent and, apparently, literary development

Information from the Vampire Society

Source Courtsy of: Vampire Council of Maryland State.

Vampire Council of Maryland State

TYPE: Research Report
Authorization of Report Release: Valid
Notice: This Document was released to the "Vampire Research Socity" (USA)

To the people the the Vampire Research Socity, the following page is what we know of Vampire Hunters and there goals/unrealistic perspective of the Vamproid community, there are three different types of hunters in this world they are the follow as listed below:

1. Religious Hunter
2. Recreational Hunter
3. Revenge Seeking Hunter

What they believe:

1 Religous Hunter: Believe they are doing gods work, and all vampires are the spawn of all that is evil, They use the basic tools of the trade: crosses, holy water, stakes, daggers.... which two of those items do not even work on some types of Vamproids.

2. Recreational Hunter: They are in it merly for the chase the thrill of the stalk. They will use what ever means nessary to catch there prey: shot gun, knives, stakes...whatever it takes, they are very dangerous individuals.

3.Revenge Seeking Hunter: These types of hunter are the only ones to have an parcially valid reason to hunt vamproids particalary just one in general, the reason is they did the hunter some sort of wrong in the past they like the Recreational Hunter will destroy be any means possable.

There is one other type of Hunter in the world but for the most part do not pose as a threat to the vamproid community they are called "Seekers" they are the people that will track down vamproids merly just to experiance there world and how they live and possably become romantically involved in some cases. (I like all these vampier hunter classes)

These follow Hunters are known of ( note: the VCMDS has no proof these are real hunters and not role players we merly gather information and put things together and if the evidence points in that direction the we believe they are.)

1. Goes by the name of "Rex" for the most part he seems like your basic Revenge Seeker but some information has gotten to us that he merly stalks your typical gothic life style females.

2. "Samantha": Lives in the city of Toronto in Canada not much info on her but all directions point yes for Recreational Hunter.

3. "Elizabeth": Known to help out Samantha in hunts
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Oscar Vazquez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:29 am

This seemes to break/controdict some things mentioned about the Conosuires, I mean they're baisically stuck up snobs who'd never embrace an "ugly"

yes normally a Con. would not embrace an orc, but Oblivion crysis changes things for these are dire uncertain times.

Misc Vampier lore. :) ...

i don't quite know what i'm supposed to do with all that but, uh thnx :shrug: lol
while all your efforts are much much much appreciated, i'd suggest looking up lore in the "World of Darkness Universe" (i.e Vampire: The Masquerade). And you don't have to post it all lol. I am extremely knowledgeable of V:tM and vampires in general and anyone intrested in such things does have access to google remember...

now write me some stories :goodjob: and pm me when you got some and ill import them into the esp :)
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:07 pm

quick question: The Terran Vampiers came from ancient Rome on earth, correct?

P.S. Please inform me of any specific book requests.
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Chad Holloway
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:17 am

quick question: The Terran Vampiers came from ancient Rome on earth, correct?

P.S. Please inform me of any specific book requests.

maybe. hundreds of years a ago the original vampires of each clan where mysteriously ported to tamriel. So one of the ancients could have been presiding in rome when he.she was ported to Nirn :)
Though it was the middle ages on earch, not ancient rome/greece

and i don't have any specific book requests, just make sure they fit the lore of the game and the mod :goodjob:
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Bryanna Vacchiano
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:17 am

quick question: The Terran Vampiers came from ancient Rome on earth, correct?

P.S. Please inform me of any specific book requests.

My idea was that they came from the middle ages. Some of them (i.e. Prince Marcus) has just been around since the Roman Empire.
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Dustin Brown
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:57 am

Sry. :(
I will unfortunetly be gone for the better of the next two months.
I recomend two things: 1.You may need to find another writer, 2.I think that too much fan fic might not be all that good, what I was goin for was reports, records, journals and notes that explained the beginen of some of the mod feature.
I may be back in a few weeks, but my trip is deffinetly for 2 months.

P.S. My labtop is usless for this as it's a CO labtop.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:44 am

Oooo! I've got my eye on this it looks great. :D I have Bloodlines but I cannot play it due to weird issues. This could be my way of sort of playing it. :lol:
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Craig Martin
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