[WIPz] Terran Vampires v2.0

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:35 am

Can you change the offensive feeding animation like that from Vamp:The Masquerade?
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JaNnatul Naimah
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:08 pm

Can you change the offensive feeding animation like that from Vamp:The Masquerade?

Not only is chaning animations a difficult task you need someone able and more importantly willing to make the animation for you.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:26 am

Not only is chaning animations a difficult task you need someone able and more importantly willing to make the animation for you.

but at least OdessyusB is working on an animation :)
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Tanya Parra
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:53 am

Not only is chaning animations a difficult task you need someone able and more importantly willing to make the animation for you.

Nobody compel you to do that.. it was just a sugestion :)
The victimes of the offensive blood drain are moved from place and if i'm in a cell, sometimes they stuck into the walls.

p.s. sorry for my english
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Janeth Valenzuela Castelo
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:44 pm

but at least OdessyusB is working on an animation :)

Thats good news :D

Nobody compel you to do that.. it was just a sugestion :)
The victimes of the offensive blood drain are moved from place and if i'm in a cell, sometimes they stuck into the walls.

p.s. sorry for my english

I was pointing out its not an easy thing to do due to the requirements needed for something like that, I never once said that it would be me doing such things :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:35 am

i finally got around to updating the second post with some pics :) ...though you've all probably already seen them by now

General Pictures









and the clans will now have names according to their founders. The currents names will be the slang or nicknames that the vanmpire use between one another. So someone of Clan Nosferatu will refer to thier clan as Clan Nosferatu, but others will refer to them as Wraiths...

so here are the names (i wanted to keep them close the thier V:tM counterparts):
Bruha (Berserkers)
Tremera (Arcanists)
Gangerl (Protivia)
Losambora (Barons)
Ventru (Regents)
Toradore (Connoisseurs)
Malcav (Savants)
Nosferatu (Wraiths)
Genovese (Thanaturges)
Tzimitze (Recluses)

also, to cut down on production time i've decided that Skingrad will be under Coven control rather than Sabbat and the prince will be a Connoisseur of Clan Toradore (his house is already built by Zorak)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:52 am

Just scanned through the thread.

I've basically been waiting for the 'perfect storm' of mods to appear for me to bring my fave Morrowind character over to Oblivion.

I'm glad that we'll be able to embrance our own childre, she's been dragging her favorite servant around for years and it'll be nice to at least start him on that path before he gets too wrinkly and unfun. I also love the concept that she'll be able to embrace whom she pleases and take the consiqences rather than being faced with a blank "nope can't do that" window.

Now here's the thing, she's not going to want to run around Oblivion doing good deads before becoming a vampire again - is an earlier start in the works? Another thing - she's quite insane thanks to many factors between her prior mental state and her embrace, but she's also a devoted (lunatic and fanatical come to mind) necromancer. As such she's probably going to want to be embraced by the Savants but hang around the Thanaturges as much as possible. To that end she'd be more than willing to jump through half a milliion extra hoops - just so long as she gets to keep playing with dead things as much as possible. So I suppose the question is how hostile will the two clans be towards one another? Will it be possible to be embraced by one clan but through aliances or whatever, learn some of the secrets of at least one other clan? Or will my character be locked into one path and unable to dabble in the others?
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Celestine Stardust
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:55 am

Now here's the thing, she's not going to want to run around Oblivion doing good deads before becoming a vampire again - is an earlier start in the works?

understood, i think i could get around this by having a Thrall hunt down the player once the mod starts. Tghis thrall will give you a note, which will lead you to the very place the original vampire where ported to. Then you would find a letter in a stump, detailing the aspects of each clan, their need for someone like you (Malcav foresaw that you are destined to change the world) , and the power that will will be granted. The letter will be signed, "The Ancients" and will request that you write the name of the clan who you wish to be embraced by. So when you put the letter back in the stump a menu will open where you can select which clan you want to belong to. The next night you will awake as a vampire and brought in front of the council... after all, unauthorized embraces are illegal. Then we go from there.

Another thing - she's quite insane thanks to many factors between her prior mental state and her embrace, but she's also a devoted (lunatic and fanatical come to mind) necromancer. As such she's probably going to want to be embraced by the Savants but hang around the Thanaturges as much as possible. To that end she'd be more than willing to jump through half a milliion extra hoops - just so long as she gets to keep playing with dead things as much as possible. So I suppose the question is how hostile will the two clans be towards one another? Will it be possible to be embraced by one clan but through aliances or whatever, learn some of the secrets of at least one other clan? Or will my character be locked into one path and unable to dabble in the others?

clan relations will vary, but yes it will be possible to learn some of the secrets of at least one other clan, whether through allegiance, favors, or luck :)
however, you will never be able to master an out of clan Discipline...with out the forbidden ritual of diablerie (draining another vampire dry)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:51 am

I'm sorry for dropping off the map for a while, I started taking summer classes and had to focus on that, but it has cooled down a bit.
It will take me a bit to catch up with the new changes, but I like what I see so far.
I'll try to get that questline reworked and get some more scripting done with the skills.
Any changes in power systems/skills I should know about? Is the chain-skill idea still viable, or should I not bother with it? I'm still happy to make it, I finished the Shadow Archer, Fluctuator and couple of other ones already.

Oh, I have a question of my own, for the Shadow Archer, I have scripted it so you gain a bow (this will be the bow of shadows once I retexture something/we find somebody to texture it better) when you have no weapon out, and you are in a certain amount of darkness, and lose it when you go into the light. However, the noise that is played whenever the bow is added and removed can get annoying sometimes, like walking through a hallway filled with torches, is would equip and unequip itself a bit. Maybe I should add some kind of fade timer, but otherwise is there any other way for the sound to be disabled when this happens?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:28 am

I'm sorry for dropping off the map for a while, I started taking summer classes and had to focus on that, but it has cooled down a bit.
It will take me a bit to catch up with the new changes, but I like what I see so far.
I'll try to get that questline reworked and get some more scripting done with the skills.
Any changes in power systems/skills I should know about? Is the chain-skill idea still viable, or should I not bother with it? I'm still happy to make it, I finished the Shadow Archer, Fluctuator and couple of other ones already.

Oh, I have a question of my own, for the Shadow Archer, I have scripted it so you gain a bow (this will be the bow of shadows once I retexture something/we find somebody to texture it better) when you have no weapon out, and you are in a certain amount of darkness, and lose it when you go into the light. However, the noise that is played whenever the bow is added and removed can get annoying sometimes, like walking through a hallway filled with torches, is would equip and unequip itself a bit. Maybe I should add some kind of fade timer, but otherwise is there any other way for the sound to be disabled when this happens?

where you here for the creation of the "Adaption"? if not it looks like this:
Level 1: Feral Claws (1bp)
Level 2: World's Embrace - opens a menu where you can choose to meld with the water (1bp), meld with the earth (1bp) or meld with the air (5bp)
Level 3: Shapes of the Beast - opens a menu where you can choose to take the form of a wolf (3bp), a swarm of rats (3bp), or a swarm of bats (3bp)
Level 4: Inner Beast: enter into frenzy, turning into a mad killling machine. destroying anything you see(2bp)
Level 5: Feral Form - think of dracula from the latest Van Helsing movie with Hugh Jackman(3bp)

and yes, the chain/skills are still wanted :)

-on the shadow archer note, i have no idea...scripting aint my area :(

glad you're back, i was wonder what happened to ya :goodjob:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:12 am

where you here for the creation of the "Adaption"? if not it looks like this:
Level 1: Feral Claws (1bp)
Level 2: World's Embrace - opens a menu where you can choose to meld with the water (1bp), meld with the earth (1bp) or meld with the air (5bp)
Level 3: Shapes of the Beast - opens a menu where you can choose to take the form of a wolf (3bp), a swarm of rats (3bp), or a swarm of bats (3bp)
Level 4: Inner Beast: enter into frenzy, turning into a mad killling machine. destroying anything you see(2bp)
Level 5: Feral Form - think of dracula from the latest Van Helsing movie with Hugh Jackman(3bp)

and yes, the chain/skills are still wanted :)

-on the shadow archer note, i have no idea...scripting aint my area :(

glad you're back, i was wonder what happened to ya :goodjob:

I'd heard about the adaption change, but I hadn't gone through and made the changes totally. For some reason, whenever I try to save the plugin with Terran Vampires loaded, my editor crashes on me. So I have to make the skills separately, then someone can merge them or something. I have no idea why it's doing this. I am using rubies as substitute bp at the moment.
But yeh, Shadow Archery is working fine except for the noise. I'll just put a fade time so you don't have to worry about the sounds playing half a dozen times in a second. (It was also amusing while I was fighting guards at night... I had my bow out and ran forward for a better shot, when I ran under a torch by mistake... my bow just completely disappeared and I was left holding nothing XD )
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:32 pm

Nobody compel you to do that.. it was just a sugestion :)
The victimes of the offensive blood drain are moved from place and if i'm in a cell, sometimes they stuck into the walls.

p.s. sorry for my english

FYI for you and anyone working on the mod:

The reason this happens is two-fold:

-In order to interupt whatever the victim and attacker are doing (player or NPC), I needed to knock them out briefly (Fatigue -100000, then Fatigue +10000 next frame) to interupt their current action and trigger the appropriate idle animation. I also restrain both during the duration to prevent other actions from being taken. Usually, this works fine, but because they're knocked out for a brief moment, for a brief moment the Havok physics engine takes over their body. If there was a way to disable Havok before knocking them out and then re-enabling after Fatigue +10000, it might help.

-In order to make the character's appear in the right locations, I move the victim in front of the attacker after knocking them out. During testing, I was having problems where the victim would be far away from the attacker (which just looked stupid). Although this movement code makes most feeding animations look good, it can (in conjunction with the Havok issue described above) cause warping around.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:02 pm

i finally got around to updating the second post with some pics :) ...though you've all probably already seen them by now


and the clans will now have names according to their founders. The currents names will be the slang or nicknames that the vanmpire use between one another. So someone of Clan Nosferatu will refer to thier clan as Clan Nosferatu, but others will refer to them as Wraiths...

so here are the names (i wanted to keep them close the thier V:tM counterparts):
Bruha (Berserkers)
Tremera (Arcanists)
Gangerl (Protivia)
Losambora (Barons)
Ventru (Regents)
Toradore (Connoisseurs)
Malcav (Savants)
Nosferatu (Wraiths)
Genovese (Thanaturges)
Tzimitze (Recluses)

also, to cut down on production time i've decided that Skingrad will be under Coven control rather than Sabbat and the prince will be a Connoisseur of Clan Toradore (his house is already built by Zorak)

RE Screenshots: I recognize all of these except the Lasombra one. Good Screenshot.

RE Skingrad: Good idea. In addition to cutting down production time, this has another benefit: it makes the Coven/Sabbat territories more distinct. Now you have all of the Sabbat territories in the North/East in the mountains, and you have all of the Coven territories in the central/western parts. Of course, the south is all independent territory. Having distinct borders is good from a RP perspective. IIRC, Cheydinhal will be a baron city and Bruma a Recluse city?

Also, as far as writing goes: writing is something I can find time to do. I can't promise anything in terms of time/quantity (I.e. don't stop looking for other writers), but if PM me some things you would like written (books, dialogue, quest outlines, etc), I can help.
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Phoenix Draven
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:19 pm

Srry had posted for a while got food poisoning everything looks great and the barons pic looks gr8 barons were always my first pick till u mentioned the Thanaturages
so how long till the premier beta release?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:21 am


Just curious. What's the black stuff in that picture?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:45 am

RE Skingrad: Good idea. In addition to cutting down production time, this has another benefit: it makes the Coven/Sabbat territories more distinct. Now you have all of the Sabbat territories in the North/East in the mountains, and you have all of the Coven territories in the central/western parts. Of course, the south is all independent territory. Having distinct borders is good from a RP perspective. IIRC, Cheydinhal will be a baron city and Bruma a Recluse city?

Yeah, i like that the regions are more defined, especially because it goes nicely with my some territory ideas i had where Skirimis predominately Sabbat, Hammerfell is mostly Coven, Morrowind is still unclaimed since the native Berne, Quarra, and Audane vampire clans are resisting any such rule of the "newcomers", etc. etc.

Also, as far as writing goes: writing is something I can find time to do. I can't promise anything in terms of time/quantity (I.e. don't stop looking for other writers), but if PM me some things you would like written (books, dialogue, quest outlines, etc), I can help.

great, i'll pm you asap :)

so how long till the premier beta release?

as long as it takes :foodndrink:

Just curious. What's the black stuff in that picture?

Shadow Affinity is the trademark Discipline of clan Losambora which grants them control over shadows and the supernatural darkness of the Abyss. The unnatural darkness summoned by Shadow Affinity is extremely frightening to mortals, animals, and even other vampires unaccustomed to its use. The exact nature of this Discipline is unknown even among its greatest masters, and it has been a subject of religious, philosophical, and metaphysical debate among vampires for millennia. Its greateat scholars are the followers of the Path of Night and practitioners of Abyss Mysticism, which draws on knowledge of this Discipline in its rituals. While fairly common within the Sabbat, Shadow Affinity is virtually nonexistant among Camarilla Lasombora and anyone seen using it would be regarded with extreme suspicion.

That particular screenshot is of Shadow Constructs, and ability where the vampire can create complex shapes using solidified shadow, including tentacles and weapons. :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:04 pm

Sorry if this has already been asked, and it's not a complaint - I still love the mod - but, are there any plans for voicing it?
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Saul C
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:19 am

Sorry if this has already been asked, and it's not a complaint - I still love the mod - but, are there any plans for voicing it?

not currently, there's to much to do as it is :)

also, just thought i'd bounce some ideas of you guys...
i'm going to be adding Crypts and sewer systems to every city (except the IC, since it already has both), in which vampire may dwell, they offer protection to the wandering vamp durring the daylight hours, and i always wondered where all the other cities put the dead/waste :)

and i was thinking that we could link the terran vampire to the Deep Ones under hackdirt, and have a quest or two explaining/tying everything together...so what clan should the Deep Ones be? I'm thinking either Malcav or Tzimitze, any ideas?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:57 am

not currently, there's to much to do as it is :)

also, just thought i'd bounce some ideas of you guys...
i'm going to be adding Crypts and sewer systems to every city (except the IC, since it already has both), in which vampire may dwell, they offer protection to the wandering vamp durring the daylight hours, and i always wondered where all the other cities put the dead/waste :)

and i was thinking that we could link the terran vampire to the Deep Ones under hackdirt, and have a quest or two explaining/tying everything together...so what clan should the Deep Ones be? I'm thinking either Malcav or Tzimitze, any ideas?

Malcav (or a particularly powerful malkavian), some particularly nasty Tzimisci with war ghouls, or some creature spawned by incautious use of Shadow Affinity/Obtenebration.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:55 am

When it comes to Malkavians the more the merrier I say!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:23 am

yeah, i think i like the idea of the Deep Ones being a cult of Sabbat Malcavs...
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Darren Chandler
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:00 am

understood, i think i could get around this by having a Thrall hunt down the player once the mod starts. Tghis thrall will give you a note, which will lead you to the very place the original vampire where ported to. Then you would find a letter in a stump, detailing the aspects of each clan, their need for someone like you (Malcav foresaw that you are destined to change the world) , and the power that will will be granted. The letter will be signed, "The Ancients" and will request that you write the name of the clan who you wish to be embraced by. So when you put the letter back in the stump a menu will open where you can select which clan you want to belong to. The next night you will awake as a vampire and brought in front of the council... after all, unauthorized embraces are illegal. Then we go from there.

clan relations will vary, but yes it will be possible to learn some of the secrets of at least one other clan, whether through allegiance, favors, or luck :)
however, you will never be able to master an out of clan Discipline...with out the forbidden ritual of diablerie (draining another vampire dry)

Perfect. Ieya will be very happy indeed. I'd best get started on the work to convert her.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:15 am

Bump to prevent this from falling out of people's subscriptions.

Any news?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:43 am

Bump to prevent this from falling out of people's subscriptions.

Any news?

90% done the Genovese Villa Exteriors (this took forever since it's all new resources i had to import)
100% done Chorrols Elysium Exterior
100% done Forsaken Tavern Exterior
90% done Lord's Office in IC

I have the layout's for each city completely planned out

i came up with 22 quest ideas and Chown is working hard writing quest outlines and literature

my most recent "speedbump" is making the vampires vaporize, leaving a charred skeleton when they are killed.
this is what i got...
ScriptName VmpNPCVampScriptref Selfref animalshort BPAmountshort doonceBPshort doonceDeathfloat timershort playerrankshort vamprankshort stagefloat disablecounterBegin OnLoad	set self to GetSelf	set dooncedeath to 0	set timer to 3;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;NOTE: BP is now loaded as a leveled Item;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Powers are loaded up via a script on this activator;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;	VmpNpcPowersLoaderExp.enable	VmpNpcPowersLoaderExp.Activate self 1;	VmpNpcPowersLoaderExp.disableEndBegin GameModeSet Self to GetSelf	if dooncedeath == 1;&& (GetItemCount VmpBloodPower == 0) && (GetItemCount VmpIngredVampBlood == 0)		if timer > 0			set timer to timer - GetSecondsPassed		else			if ( Stage == -1 )				Return			endif; Tweak DisableCounter and its checks to adjust effect lengths....			if ( GetAV Health <= 1 && Stage == 0 )				additem VmpDeadVampireSkeleton 1				additem VmpDeadVampireSkull 1				PlayMagicShaderVisuals effectAtronachFlame				playsound VmpVampireDeadSound				playsound VmpVampireHiss				Self.ForceAV Health 0				Set Stage to 1				set DisableCounter to 12			endif			if ( Self.GetDead == 1 )				Set DisableCounter to ( DisableCounter - GetSecondsPassed )				if ( Stage == 1 )					if ( DisableCounter <= 10 ); Burning effect gets replaced by the "Blade" effect						set stage to 2						equipitem VmpDeadVampireSkeleton 1						equipitem VmpDeadVampireSkull 1						StopMagicShaderVisuals effectAtronachFlame						PlayMagicShaderVisuals VmpDeadShaderFire					endif				elseif ( stage == 2 ); This determines when the "Blade" effect gets replaced by the smoldering effect....					if ( DisableCounter <= 9 )						StopMagicShaderVisuals VmpDeadShaderFire						PlayMagicShaderVisuals VmpDeadShaderSmoke						set stage to 3					endif; This shuts off the smoking effect... ( So they don't smoke forever... )				elseif ( stage == 3 )					if ( DisableCounter <= 0 )						StopMagicShaderVisuals VmpDeadShaderSmoke						Set Stage to -1						Return					endif				endif			endif			set dooncedeath to 0		endif	endifEndBegin OnDeath	set BPAmount to GetItemCount VmpNPCBloodPower	RemoveItem VmpNPCBloodPower BPAmount	AddItem VmpBaseCorpseBloodDrainMarker 1;;;This step is assumed by off blood drain script!	set playerrank to Player.GetFactionRank VmpFactionVampires	if GetInFaction VmpFactionVampires == 1		set vamprank to Self.GetFactionRank VmpFactionVampires	else		set vamprank to Self.GetFactionRank VmpFactionRenegade	endif;;;Convert remaining BP to BP the player can use (if PC is a vampire)	if Player.IsSpellTarget VmpBaseVampirism		AddItem VmpBloodPower BPAmount		set DoonceDeath to 1	else		AddItem VmpIngredVampBlood BPAmount		set DoonceDeath to 1	endifEnd

there seems to be something wrong with the script as when they're killed they just lie there for a few second and then catch on fire...any ideas? I'm no scriptor so im not sure what the hell i'm doin in this area :(

*also, i just though of an idea for the Tzimitze creations...hopefully it'll work out :)

so all in all i've been slaving my ass off building exteriors, importing resources, and planning... :facepalm:

EDIT: i'll try to get some screenies asap :goodjob: ...so much to do, so much to do, so much to do :grad:
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Brandi Norton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:45 am

This is how you make the vampire bodies vaporize on death.

/cast boom
/watch the vampire vaporize

It's that easy! Truly!

*Smirks and goes back to writing things that make sense (or at least some sense)*
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