[WIPz] Terran Vampires v2.0

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:48 am


http://www.invision.tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/topic/1301-wipz-terran-vampires-v20/ at TES Alliance
Table of Contents
1. Intro
2. Features
3. Compatibility
4. To Do List
5. General Info/Pics
6. Team
7. Download

1. Introduction
This is a vampire mod inspired by White Wolf's Vampire the Masquerade game.(started by Zorak Ramone, taken up by me..though he's still helping me out with it lol)

Hundreds of years ago a rift in space and time ported several people into Nirn. These people were not of any race found in Tamriel nor were they of any know realm. No, these people where from a completely different plane of existence, where magic is extremely rare, and most have never seen a monster. However, even in their own realm these people were different...they were vampires. Hundreds of years ago 13 different but equally powerful and terrifying vampires appeared on Tamriel. Each of a different Clan with different monsterous and Godly abilities. They are not like the native vampires of Tamriel for their cursed blood does not allow them to use the magics of Nirn yet they have the potential to be far more powerful. They have since woven themselves into the mortal society of men and mer, and blend seamlessly with the population.

The Clans have regained their strength and size that they had on their home realm by embracing the peoples of Nirn. Now Terran Vampires are hidden everywhere, running Inns, managing companies, leading armies...masquerading their true power and identities.

The world of Terran Vampires is not what you are use to, though it is similar enough for fearsome discomfort. Behind the smiling merchants and heroic adventurers, the world is dark. Superficially, the world of Terran Vampires is like the world all men and mer inhabit. The Mages Guild is still at war with necromancers, Uriel Septium was still assassinated, violence still plagues Bravil, corruption still infests the same leaders, and society still looks to the same cities for its culture. However, when one becomes a Terran Vampire the worlds undercurrent of horror is all the more pronounced, and its ills are stronger. Fears are more real. Empires are more degenerate. And vampires not only exist, but rule the world from the shadows.

Terran Vampires stalk in their prey, moving gracefully and silently. They hide amongst men and mer, surviving out thier bloodthirsty lives through a veil of deception. Ancient and powerful, the Terran Vampires toy with society as a cat does with a trapped rat. The immortal kindred manipulate those of Tamriel to stave off the malaise that threaten them nightly, or to guard against centuries old rivals.

As they did on their home realm, the Terran Vampires have infiltrated the society and politics of Tamriel. Some vampires seek to maintain the order and survival of their kind within the society of Tamriel and the empire. Others seek to overthrow and destroy it. Some vampires are happy in this new world, while others actively seek ways to return to earth. Some are content to live out their un-lives in peace while others scheme deeper and darker designs. In other words, it’s business as usual for Terran Vampires.

To become a Terran Vampire is to be born again, and into a world of darkness.

2. Features
-A completely new vampire system independent of the built in vampire system of Oblivion
-A wide array of upgradeable powers including mind control, shape shifting, cloaking, blood magic, enhanced physical attributes, and more
-A quest-based system for transformation into a vampire, involving several vampire NPCs
-Thralls who provide services late at night, and who also help you with quests that would otherwise require you to be out during the daytime
-New vampire enemies using the new vampire system
-9 playable Clans, each with different powers, relations, structures, and weaknesses.
-Vampire and Thrall NPCs now blended into society.
-Changes in the Terran Vampire system for the sake of balance and gameplay are still being considered, so don’t hesitate to offer feedback.
-Hostile vampire NPCs to various existing dungeons (changes will be made in this are to make them seem less random)
-Power is based on Blood Potency which is gained through age and or the draining of older vampires.
-Four different sects to join
-a power-chain system for ultimate customization (i.e. Psychic Radiance+Vampyric Resilience opens up a new path of unique powers under the title Shield Lord)
-new weapons, armor, ingredients, and artifacts
-and much much more!

There are four known compatibility issues with this mod:
-Mighty Magick: Extended Perception 4 (remote sensation) causes odd behavior (spawning of summonables) when used with Mighty Magick
-MC's Staff Pack: Oblivion will not load when Terran Vampires and MC's Staff Pack are both selected
-Open Cities: This mod adds buildings and other items inside city walls
-The Black Cat Jewelry Store - Daedric statues: My mod adds a building in the same location as store in this mod
*The current version available for download may have issues with Better Cities, but any issues in this are will are being resolved in the next version*

This mod uses (but does not alter) only one existing script: the cure vampirism script. This script is used to remove Oblivion vampirism from the player when the player is transformed into a Terran Vampire. If a mod alters this script to do something “funny” there may be problems. Vampirism in this mod is modeled with a completely different set of scripts than default TES vampirism. I.e. this mod allows TES and Terran vampires exist simultaneously, therefore this mod should be compatible even with other existing vampire mods. Actually, not only are they compatible, but we will hopefully be making patches for both Unholy Darkness and Vampires of House Seretin with a few cross-mod quests

One of the design principles of this mod is to write everything from scratch and to alter nothing that already existed. With few exceptions, this mod does not alter any existing NPCs, scripts, items, objects, or any other references, so it should be compatible with almost any other mod out there.

4. To Do List
-Permanent residences for many civilized vampires, still need to be added (many are under construction).
-Models needed for claws and abominable form (MF1 and MF4). Placeholders used currently.
-People dont attack you while in abominable form or when not masking Horrifying Appearance (Spook, now Wraith, clan disadvantage)
-Vampire NPCs are currently only burned by the sun. The knockout effect, where they sleep or resist the pull of the sun (?) needs to be added (Im waiting until permanent residences and crypts for dungeon vampires are added)
-Masquerade Violations and a more comprehensive crime system for vampires not implemented
-add more npcs
-add more powers
-add more quests

5. General Info (Pictures) (much of this can be found on our website linked at the top of the page)
***This Section is Still Under Construction***
Clans are groups of vampires related by blood. Different clans have different affinities for specific powers and have different inherited strengths and weaknesses. Some clans are highly organized and regimented, and others are chaotic and decentralized. If you are embraced be a Terran Vampire you are not simply afflicted with vampirism...no, you are reborn through it and the Clan of your bloods origins will dramatically affect the way you live and interact with the world of Tamriel.
Ventru (Regents)- The Clan of Kings
Bruha (Berserkers)- The Passionate Clan
Toradore (Connoisseurs)- The Clan of the Rose
Malkav (Savants)- The Clan of the Moon
Nosferatu (Wraiths)- The Clan of the Hidden
Tremera (Arcanists)- The Blood Clan
Gangerl (Recluses)- The Clan of the Beast
Losambora (Barons)- The Clan of the Night
Tzimitze (Fiends)- The Clan of Flesh
Genovese (Thanaturges)- The Clan of the Dead

Bloodlines are "lesser clans" who are in effect the children of the origonal 9 parent clans. Each bloodline is made up of a group of vampires who share a common lineage (parent clan), weakness and disciplines but are also distinct from the 9 original clans in their weakness and disciplines. For example, the bloodline of Arachon, known as the Followers of Moloch, are a unique group of vampire derived from the Losambora. They share the Baron's exagerated weakness to sunlight as well as the disciplines of Vampyric Stregnth and Shadow Affinity, but for one reason or another they have created a new discipline in place of the Losambora's Mental Domination known as Arachnia.
Hashash (Executioners)- The Clan of the Hunt
Salubre (Clerics)- The Clan of Health
Followers of Moloch (Weavers)- The Spider Clan
*note: the bloodlines are not playable*

Terran Vampires will be able to align themselves with either the Camerilla, the Sabbatum, the Forsaken, or none of the above.
Some Clans will officially belong to certain sects, but it's complete the individuals choice. For example, the Bruha are officially part of the Camerilla, and they make up much of the standing army, yet most of the Forsaken are in fact Bruha (actually more Bruha are Forsaken then members of the Camerilla)< even the Sabbatum has members of the Berserker clan. Clan Losambora officially belongs to the Sabbatum and 90% of the Baron vampires agree, however there is that 10% that would rather be with the Camerilla or the Forsaken or none.

The Camerilla
The Camerilla considers themselves the protectors of vampires, and generally claims that all vampires are its members, regardless of their actual affiliation. The Camerilla is composed of seven clans, and is the largest organization of vampires, and possibly of any supernatural creatures, in Tamriel.
Camerilla policy is that vampires should try to fit in with and hide from the rest of humanity, as to easily feed on them. For this reason, they created a web of lies and misinformation, called the Masquerade, to make the public believe that supernatural vampires of their caliber could not possibly exist. The Camerilla also believes that the only way the vampire species can survive in this new world is if it unites—any breach of the Masquerade by any vampire risks exposing the entire race.

The Camerilla is ultimately a global structure on top of a collection of feudal domains. The most fundamental institutions of vampire society, as outlined by the Traditions, are maintained by the Camerilla; consequently, Camerilla cities have a Lord, Vizer, Elysium(safe haven) and all the other accoutrements of vampiric existence. On top of this structure, however, is a global organization, largely enforced through the Councilors and their assistants. This global structure is largely focused on eliminating threats to all clans and the Masquerade.

The main structure is as follows:
-King-sole leader of the Camerilla, the current King is of the Regent Clan
-Councilor- the Eldest vampires in existence, there is one representative from each clan within the Camerilla.
NOTE: Not all Clans are officially in the Camerilla and so they do not have a Councilor to represent them.
NOTE: The Councilors rotate turns as King every 100 years.
-Lord- the ruler of a claimed domain. They aren't the oldest of their clan. Just the most politically powerful vampire within a given domain. They are individuals in their own right, and are generally free to pursue their own interests while obeying the structures of their sect. But because the age differs so does their power and influence. Some are only beginning to develop their own power bases, while other are well endowed with fear and respect, whether it be personal power or social. There is no set age for "Lord" - it is more of a social distinction than a chronological one, though the younger a vampire is, the less likely they are to have accumulated wealth and respect. A "Lord" is just the Master of a given domain's Vampires...such as a city (or cities).
*Also, part of becoming a Lord of a domain within the Camerilla is gaining the ceremonial "http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/DaggeroftheCoven.jpg". The dagger symbolizes that the Lord is a direct extension of the Camerilla, and as such, to undermine a Lords authority is to undermine the Camerilla...and that will not be tolerated.
-Captain- Every Lord has one Captain who enforces the Lords will. They are the sheriffs of the Lords domain, and are often very powerful, mysterious, and intimidating.
-Vizer- a title given to the oldest vampire for each clan within a certain domain. They act as a representative of the members of their clan who are under the Lords domain.
-Citizen- any vampire who does not have one of the above titles and/or who hold no position with the Coven's military

The military is structured as follows:
-King: Along with leading the Camerilla, he/she is also the Supreme Commander of the Camerilla's Vampyric armies.
-http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/SilverVanguard.jpg: The Kings hand selected personal guard, their identities are known only by the King. There are always four, no more, no less.
-General: They directly control the Camerilla's Military under orders from the King. There can only be one General per province. They control all armies for a given province.
-http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/EliteSoldiers.jpg: The best of the best. These vampyric men and women are brutal and intelligent, skilled in many forms of combat...a truly terrifying sight.
-http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/NewSoldiers.jpg: Vampiric Soldiers make up most of the Camerilla military are a not to be reckoned with. The undead blood gives them powers and strengths never before seen on Tamriel, and their sheer numbers are enough to make the ground quake.

Official Clans:

The Sabbatum
Unlike the Camerilla, freedom is preached in accordance to the Sabbatum belief that every vampire is free to create their own destiny without being hindered by the reputations of their elders, and that no Sabbatum has to lay down their life for cowards who cannot take care of their own matters. They are led by and consist mainly of Tzimitze and Losambora.
The Sabbatum believes vampires should accept their nature and subjugate humanity as the inferior species. The sect has the stated goal of destroying the Councilors, the leaders of the Camerilla.
All Sabbatum adhere to a code of conduct called "The Code of Blood", which preaches loyalty to sect and packmates, and to one's own freedom within the sect, as long as one's own good is never placed above the good of the Sabbatum itself.
Disliked by just about every other sect, the Sabbatum relies heavily on overwhelming force to achieve its goals. This unsophisticated tactic garners Sabbatum members a reputation as brutish monsters, but their willingness to abandon what remains of their humanity for bestial fury and their strong blood ties to their packmates make them feared by all opponents. While the Camerilla and Forsaken agree, in principle, that vampires should keep a low profile, Sabbatum members flaunt their supernatural power for all to see. The Sabbatum also perform diablerie, a highly illegal act among kindred that consists of draining a fellow vampire to death and taking on the victim's power.
In addition to a very firm "if you're not with us, you're against us" mentality, the sect considers vampires to be a higher form of life than humanity, and is based upon the principles of Loyalty and Freedom. Loyalty to the sect and to one's comrades is one of the important aspects of the sect, as well as Freedom of thought and action. Those of the Sabbatum would never betray one another and hate all forms of the suppression of ones will.
Official Clans:

The Forsaken
Nicknamed by members of Camerilla, they reject the Camerilla's top down power structure, and aim to change it into the grand protector of kindred it claims to be. Its members are interested in tearing down the social order upheld by the Camerilla, believing it to unfairly defend the interest and status of a select number of older Vampires at the expense of the greater majority. What it should be replaced with is a subject of heated debate, but in the end the Forsaken are united by their faith in a more equal system where power is distributed throughout the population and status dictated by merit, not social customs centuries old that have no place in modern thinking, nor their new home in Tamriel. They maintain a steadfast belief that the authoritarian control proposed by the Camerilla is unnecessary. The majority of Forsaken are Bruha, due to their idealistic and rebellious tendencies.
In their eyes, the Camerilla is corrupt and out-dated while the Sabbatum is monstrous and hypocritical. While its members are often seen as naive, radical, and violent, they exhibit an unmatched passion and vision for changing the world…usually through their fists.
They tend to favor of an anarchic form of social organization over the Camerilla’s traditional, hierarchical form. The misconception that the Forsaken are a nihilistic cult, wishing to spread chaos and disorder, is encouraged by the vampire elders of the Camerilla, who hold most of the power in the world.
Membership of the Forsaken is wide and varied, but the majority of its members are drawn from the clans of the Camerilla and the Sabbat. Whilst it is possible for members of independent Clans to join, they are less frequently counted amongst the numbers of the Forsaken.
While Forsaken can be found all across Nirn, they are largely regarded as immature and foolish, unable to achieve anything on their own. However, a recent Forsaken revolt led to the slaying of Fainerynn of Cloudrest, the Toradore Lord of Leyawiin, and the establishment of the "Free Cities".
Official Clans:

There are also those clans that do not officially belong to any sect and are individual sects in and of themselves. They handle any affairs (if at all) solely within the clan. They range from having no structure at all, like the Gangerl, to having a deep structure with rules, limitations and business like qualities, like the Genovese.
Independent Clans:

Notable NPCs and Locations (will be updated as npcs/locations are finished)
Anvil: Coven Domain
-Lord Jaline: A cut-throat Ventru who rules the vampires of Anvil from her shipping company "Abecean Shipping http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/Oblivion2009-10-0313-07-47-57.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/Oblivion2009-10-0313-08-02-12.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/Oblivion2009-10-0313-09-17-54.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/Oblivion2009-10-0313-09-50-50.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/Oblivion2009-10-0313-10-07-81.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/Oblivion2009-10-0313-10-21-70.jpg".

-Madalas Chantry: Bravthyn Madalas of the Tremere Clan resides north of the city. He was part of Great House Telvanni many years ago before his embrace, but he is now overseeing the Tremere's clan activities in Cyrodiil.

-Golden Coast University http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/Oblivion2009-10-0313-02-55-20.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/Oblivion2009-10-0313-03-04-07.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/Oblivion2009-10-0313-03-17-09.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/Oblivion2009-10-0313-03-33-32.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/Oblivion2009-10-0313-03-33-32.jpghttp://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/Oblivion2009-10-0313-04-08-43.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/Oblivion2009-10-0313-04-22-90.jpg: A university just outside of the city walls housing a massive library and place of study. Oddly enough, it is run by Bruha and acts as the city's Elysium.

Bravil: Genovese Control
-Genovese Villahttp://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/VmpVilla/1.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/VmpVilla/2.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/VmpVilla/3.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/VmpVilla/4.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/VmpVilla/5.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/VmpVilla/6.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/VmpVilla/7.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/VmpVilla/8.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/VmpVilla/9.jpg: A large and beautiful estate with it's own recreational house, stable, crypt, and dock. It is the HQ for Clan Genovese in Cyrodiil. It lies to the north of Bravil

Bruma: Sabbat Territory
-Castle Evander: The home to Armand Evander of clan Losambora, it lies just north of Bruma and overlooks the city. The castle itself is dark and gloomy surrounded by death, mortals fear the castle itself...not to mention the darkness inside it. Since he cannot see his reflection all servants/thralls wear faceless masks and live in complete terror of their Dark Master. Also, the castle often acts as somewhat of a meeting-place/base for the Sabbat of Cyrodiil.

-Aragon Manor: The home to Lucita Aragon of Clan Losambora just south of the city. It's a wealthy manor with damn near no light.

Cheydinhal: Sabbat Territory
-Sascha Vykos: Vampyric lore scholar, Tzimitze scientist and complete monster - Sascha has long been a staunch supporter of Sabbat freedom. He is Hell's chief torturer and a musician with a scalpel. Sascha understands the nuances of every physical sensation and the nerves best suited to receive its ministrations.

-Hearthland Bank: The city bank which directly funds Clan Losambora

Cheydinhal Mountains near Morrowind: Gangerl Control
-Grey rock Cave: A wolf pack den and known haven for those of clan gangerl

Chorrol: Coven Domain
-Lord Caius Amatius: Toradore Lord known to have an obsession with music.

-Perfect Pleasures http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/Oblivion2009-10-0312-13-01-09.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/Oblivion2009-10-0312-13-20-81.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/Oblivion2009-10-0312-13-40-79.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/Oblivion2009-10-0312-13-54-93.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/Oblivion2009-10-0312-47-43-53.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/Oblivion2009-10-0312-48-12-15.jpg: A hotel that will serve your every desire and acts as Chorrol's Elysium. Think of a honeymoon hotel/brothel/art gallery with loads of wine, and with enough money one will find six, torture, murder, blood, and anything else you can think of for both vampires and mortals.

Imperial City: Coven Domain
-Council Hall: The meeting place of the Councilors and the home of the King. It is the http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/CovenThrone.jpg and resides underground in an ayleid ruin.

-http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/KingMarcus3.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/KingMarcus2.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/KingMarcus.jpg
: Lucius Marcus is of the Ventru Clan more commonly known as the http://terranvampires.webs.com/regents.htm, and is the current King of the The Coven. He is an elder of his kind and as such has mastered the vampyric discipline of http://terranvampires.webs.com/disciplines.htm#394506241.
He is rules the Coven in a strict business-like manner, manipulating everyone around him. He is always under the careful watch of his chosen Vanguard which includes Damon and Ormil of Clan Ventrue, Mathew of Clan Brujah, and Adamus of Clan Toradore
Lucius Marcus, like most of his clan, remain the largest supporters of the Coven and the Masquerade, believing both institutions to be the surest means of protecting vampires from the growing mortals masses, and of guarding their own power.

King Marcus has governed the Coven for the last century and his time is soon up. It is uncertain whether he will follow the Coven's traditions of rotating the Councilors as Kings every 100 years, perhaps he will test his power and domination in these coming nights. One thing is sure though, you will have a part to play in it.

Councilor Devereux: Isabel Devereux is of the Toradore Clan more commonly known as the http://terranvampires.webs.com/connoisseurs.htm, and is a current Councilor of the The Coven. She is an elder of her kind and is a master manipulator. She is next in line for the Coven's throne, only if King Marcus goes quietly...

She is the representative for her Clan to the King, manipulating everyone around her with her mastery of http://terranvampires.webs.com/disciplines.htm#394508322. However, her age and potency of blood has caused her passion and urges to become nearly uncontrollable at times. Councilor Devereux is pathetically known for having a rather disturbing lust for torturing beautiful women in the most painful manners. She is a woman who carries herself in the finest fashions, and dines on the finest blood, in the finest of places...but when her cursed blood takes control she succumbs to violent torturous [censored], destroying and defiling the flesh of her victims, whether they be male female, vampire, men or mer.

-Lord Corvinus http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/Oblivion2009-10-0312-12-00-54.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/Oblivion2009-10-0312-12-00-54.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/Oblivion2009-10-0312-12-22-93.jpg: As Ventru Lord of the Imperial City, Victor manages all Coven affairs, finances, and law enforcement from his office above the Office of Imperial Commerce in the Market District, always http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/ICLord2.jpg. He is cold and calculated, seemingly caring only about himself, his Clan, and his standing within the Coven...and business always outranks humanity/morals.

Sewers: Nosferatu Control
-link to an underground tunnel system
-Haven in center of tunnel system

Kvatch: Coven Domain
-Malkav Lord's haven was destroyed in the daedra attack
-camp inside an abandoned fort
-decorated with random [censored] (tables on walls, chairs on ceilings, etc.)

Leyawiin: Forsaken “Free City”
The Crimson Nights: A bar just south of Leyawiin, they serve fresh blood and with the main clientele being of the Bruha Clan you can expect lots of shouting and fighting.

Christof Romuald: The unofficial leader of the Forsaken, he was the original Bruha Councilor of the Coven. After becoming fed up with the Council and the Coven as a whole he dissented, and later led the violent revolt in Leyawiin and destroyed the Toreador Lord, Fainerynn of Cloudrest. He now wears the Fainerynn's blood-red cape, a symbol of the Coven, as an act of defiance and has opened the Crimson Nights. Although he does not consider himself the leader of the Forsaken, the Forsaken do view him as their leader.

http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/Jeck.jpg: A smart-mouth Bruha brawler and a notable vampire from the nights of the Forsaken Revolt, Svan is the one who teaches you the basics after you meet with the council about your unauthorized embrace. Rumor has it he was a pirate. He is often found hanging around the vampire bar outside the Leyawiin.

http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/Skelter.jpg: A quite Forsaken Ventru working out of the Crimson Nights as the bartender. He served in the Hammerfell’s army during the War of Betony, between Sentinel of Hammerfell and Daggerfall of High Rock. Like other Forsaken, Sader distrusts the Coven and all it’s members.

Selvia: A female Forsaken living at the Crimson Nights, and one-time lover of Chistof. She’s hot tempered and always ready to fight…and her Bruha blood doesn’t help her rebellious attitude.

Frald Cool-Blood: A rather unusual Bruha, recognized by his calmness despite his action-oriented nature. He was embraced by Christof and joined him in the Forsaken Revolt, though he is actually of the Sabbat. Despite his allegiance, Frald appears to have managed to preserve a good part of his humanity and is generally accepted at the predominately Forsaken tavern, Crimson Nights, acting as a bouncer. He will eventually need to choose between the Sabbat and his Sire. To be noted about Frald , that besides his standard Bruha disciplines of Vampyric Strength, Vampyric Mobility, and Vampyric Resilience, he also has acquired some knowledge of “Adaptation”, a discipline characteristic to the Gangerl Clan.

Skingrad: Coven Domain
-Lord Sebastien Gernis http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/Oblivion2009-10-0312-56-17-93.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/Oblivion2009-10-0312-57-21-32.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/Oblivion2009-10-0312-57-58-68.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/Oblivion2009-10-0312-59-00-76.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/Oblivion2009-10-0312-59-14-78.jpg: Lord of Skingrad, this Toradore lives of a lush winery estate just outside the city.

-Thermae http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/Oblivion2009-10-0312-53-29-92.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/Oblivion2009-10-0312-53-49-12.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/Oblivion2009-10-0312-54-20-78.jpg: a bath and sauna acting as Skingrad's Elysium (yes, you can actually swim)

6. Team
BadCompany- general modding of all kinds as well as public relations
InsanitySorrow-- scripting
urkoftwilight- cluttering/furnishing
Astaras- modeling
Timewalker- coding
MidnightFang- quest writing/scripting

with help from...
Zorak Ramone
Drake the Dragon
Kassador Tel-Necriss
and others!

7. Download
Current Released Version (v1.4 BETA) 8-19-07 @ http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6492 (NOTE: this version has only the very basics of the mod.)

-Post your suggestions, especially concerning the lore and interiors
-Keep an eye out on the forums for opportunities to contribute
-This mod is now, and will be for a while, a work in progress. Please be patient
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CArla HOlbert
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:14 pm

General Pictures








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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:41 am

new thread =D and thx ill let u know how it goes.
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Andres Lechuga
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:51 am

are there any quests after you get in? lol. i got in and im like, "so this is it?" but i like it, im a vicious provista vamp =] and is there a way to change clans??????????????????????
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Anthony Santillan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:50 am

are there any quests after you get in? lol. i got in and im like, "so this is it?" but i like it, im a vicious provista vamp =] and is there a way to change clans??????????????????????

the version available for download does not currently have any quests. And once you pick your clan, you can't change it...unless you uninstall/reinstall :) that's why that version is beta.
and please try to refrain from double posting :)...that's what the edit function is for :goodjob:
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Maria Leon
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:28 pm

badco, Ive been waiting for a long time watching this grow into an amazing mod and im wondering when your first release will come?
Oh and also i've had a problem with oblivion and downloading it and the version looks the same as it did last year so I wanted to ask is the Thanaturage Clan available?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:23 am

badco, Ive been waiting for a long time watching this grow into an amazing mod and im wondering when your first release will come?
Oh and also i've had a problem with oblivion and downloading it and the version looks the same as it did last year so I wanted to ask is the Thanaturage Clan available?

well honestly probably not for another month or two, there so much to do :)

...but as far as i know the Thanaturge clan is playable with the current released version (which is the same one as last year)

Now since my last update seemed to go unnoticed i'll post it again :goodjob:

Mini Update
here is some of the things i've been working on...

-I rextextured the gold trim on the Vanguard armor to silver http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/SilverVanguard.jpg

-Gave the Brujah (Berserker) Councilor some more intimidating armor. http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/BrujahCoucilor2.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/BrujahCouncilar.jpg yes it's deadric lord armor, but i figure that it shows his battle prowess, to be wearing the armor of the highest ranking dremora in Dagon's armies, proving that he is quite a powerful vampire.

-I gave the King of the Coven a new throne http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/CovenThrone.jpg

-As i said before, the Coven's military will now be made up of http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/NewSoldiers.jpg (need to retex helm to match armor)< http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/EliteSoldiers.jpg < Vanguard < General < King.

-all Coven members who hold an official position (i.e. soldiers, Lords, Vizers, etc.) will wear the crimson cape of the Coven. The only reason you can't see it is because i'm having some issues getting the cape to show. I set it for the tail slot but i can't get it to work...

-Victor, Ventrue (Regent) Lord of the Imperial City and his Captain http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/ICLord2.jpg

-Victor's Office is located above the Office of Imperial Commerce http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/ICLord3.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/ICLord1.jpg

-Part of becoming a Lord of a domain within the Coven is gaining the ceremonial "http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/DaggeroftheCoven.jpg". The dagger symbolizes that the Lord is a direct extension of the Coven, and as such, to undermine a Lords authority is to undermine the Coven...and that will not be tolerated.

-http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/Skelter.jpg serves fresh blood at the "Crimson Nights", and http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/Jeck.jpg chills in the corner, basking in the ambiance of brawls, passion, filth, and freedom.

-also, i have been removing all fake lights/ambient lights and replacing them with real ones...making the atmosphere a little creepier :)

-Since the Recluses' Cathedral of Flesh will be under Skingrad, Castle Valcav will now be the HQ for the Sabbat leaders, and so i've been making it a little more forewarning to the public. Mortals will fear the castle itself...not to mention what's inside it.

-and i'm sure there's other stuff i can't remember but hopefully all this with satiate you guys for a little while :goodjob:

so watcha think?

EDIT: and http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr44/BadCo_4/Terran%20Vampires/TVSectsCellGridMap.jpg of the different domains/territories...just because i had some free time :P
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:44 am

Looks good. Where did the vanguard and Daedric Lord armor come from? They look pretty sweet.

The map is helpful. Have you finalized a list of the vampires and ghouls that will be in each location?

Is the Crimson Nights bar in Leyawiin (anarch territory, right?)? Will you be using that mansion I put outside of Leyawiin for the anarchs, or not?
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Mandi Norton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:23 am

Dammit, if only it was compatible with Open Cities.
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Chenae Butler
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:27 am

Looks good. Where did the vanguard and Daedric Lord armor come from? They look pretty sweet.

The map is helpful. Have you finalized a list of the vampires and ghouls that will be in each location?

Is the Crimson Nights bar in Leyawiin (anarch territory, right?)? Will you be using that mansion I put outside of Leyawiin for the anarchs, or not?

-http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24850 and http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16442 links :)

-i have a general out line for all the vampires, not the ghouls though...

-i think i will use the mansion but not as how you intended...if i remember correctly it was supposed to be a thanaturge haven (it will be no longer)

-lol, and i'm glad you like the map.

Dammit, if only it was compatible with Open Cities.

yes, unfortunately is the current released version is not, however, the new version that we're working on now will be. Since i want/need this to be compat with Better Cities i am relocating/changing an/or removing changes to the city world spaces. All new content will either be outside city walls or within interiors (i.e. the Coven Offices above (via inside) the Office of Imperial Commerce) :)

also, i working on Chorrol's Elysium right now, and it turning out quite beautifully. Those of the Toreador (Connoisseur) Clan will be most pleased...
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Sara Johanna Scenariste
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:16 pm

Bump for great justice.

Any news?
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Shirley BEltran
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:23 am

well i had an old version but after i got the beta i still can't find the Thanaturage Represantitive and when i talk to them and ask about the clans they dont talk about the Thanaturage Rep.
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Margarita Diaz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:01 am

Bump for great justice.

Any news?

heh, well i still working on a Connoisseur house/hotel/Elysium which is turning out to be pretty cool :)
also, i was looking through you scripts and decided to fiddle with some things....
-i rearranged the starting powers according to http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=994767&st=120&p=14587508&#entry14587508
-i removed the "night eye" given to all vamps but added it as part of the starting spells added to the Barons and the Protivia (Eye of the Night and Eyes of the Beast)
-Part of the Barons curse now includes sundamage so that they twice as hurt by the suns light
-I created "Adaptation" [BM:A] (Protivia will use this instead of [BM: Nature]) using bits from [BM: Nature] and [Malleable Flesh].
-t then dispersed the rest of the Nature spells to [BM: Elemental]as tier 6 powers, etc.
-i created 33 new spells for the various disciplines which will be dispersed among various trainers. None of these are overpowering and most require a lot of blood and dont last long at all. Also, many of them harm you in some way as a trade off.
Here they are:
Beast Mastery
Feast for the Bugs: massively disintegrate a foes armor at the expense of a lot of blood

Bestial Reflexes: Fortifies agility and adds shield but dramatically decrease fatigue
Eyes of the Beast: night eye
Inward Focus: Fortifies blade/blunt/block/hand2hand/marksman while draining fatigue (needs a lot of blood)
Primal Aggression: Fortifies agility/speed but dramatically decreases fatigue
Sight of the Scavenger: Life Detect

Blood Domination
Cease Blood Flow: instantly damages the foes fatigue by 2000pts (needs a lot of blood)
Ulcerous Lungs: damage health and silence


Mind Shock: slight shock damage and temporary silence/decreased Willpower
Storms Haste: Temporarily increase speed but take constant shock damage while doing so
Grasping Earth: Dramatically reduces everyone's speed (including your own) in the area
Magnetic Aura: Reflect Damage for 10sec
Frost Armor: Shield +75 and 100% Frost resistance but also burdens you for 100pts and weakens you to shock 100%
Elemental Ward: resist the various elements for 10sec
Winter: Masive fatigue and frost damage to everyone in the area (including yourself) for 30 sec (needs a lot of blood)

Magicka from the Blood

Ether Reversal: Wipe out the foes magicka completely but fully restore them to health

Mental Domination
Brain Wipe: for five seconds you become invisible to all those around you, but any action other than movement will break the effect (needs a lot of blood)
Migraine: Severely damage intelligence as well as some damage to fatigue and health (needs a lot of blood)

Malleable Flesh
maschism: Fortify strength and agility but suffer health degeneration
Sadism: Absorb some of a foes health at a huge cost to your fatigue
Order of Pain: For 15 sec, damage all foe's health and endurance in an area (needs a lot of blood)


Mark of Death: slowly damage a foes health over 120 sec
Pestilence: slowly damage a foes fatigue over 120 sec and weaken them to disease by 100% and weaken them to magic/normal weapons/poison for 20%
Rigor Mortis: Paralyze the opponent for 15 sec (needs a lot of blood)

Psychic Radiance
Blood Lust: Fill a group of people with bloodlust, causing them to attack anything, including themselves
Peace: Calm a group
Petrify: Paralyze a group for 15 sec (massive Blood requirement)

Shadow Affinity

Eyes of the Night: Night eye

Shroud of Illusions
Hypochondria: slowly damage a foes fatigue over 120 sec and weaken them to disease by 100% and weaken them to magic/normal weapons/poison for 20%
Nightmare: demoralize target for 100pts for 30 sec (needs a lot of blood)
Unseen Predator: 100% Chameleon for 30 60 sec (massive Blood requirement)

Vampyric Mobility

Flit: For 60 sec your speed is fortified by 100pts and your athletics by 50pts and you gain waterwalking, but your strength/endurance are damaged by 50pts and you have a 50% weakness to normal weapons.

Vampyric Resilience
Defy Pain: Fortify health by 200pts and shield for 50pts for 10sec

Vampyric Strength
Leap: Fortify acrobatics by 100pts for 10 sec
Shout of Rage: Demoralize target while damaging your agility

watcha think? also i been trying to come up with a texture for one of the nosferatu meshes but have been unsuccessful...any know any texturers?
..now i'm back to work :foodndrink:

oh, and @Thanaturge Elder
yeah, i realized the thanaturges were un-joinable after looking at the scripts so i edited the "VmpBaseInduceVampirismSpellScript" to include the following:
;;;Not finished yet	elseif GetStage VmpVQ01 == 60;;;;;;;;Thanaturges;;;;;;;		Player.SetFactionRank VmpFactionNec 0		Set VmpPlayerMDVar to 1		Set VmpPlayerNRVar to 1		Set VmpPlayerVSVar to 1		Player.AddSpell VmpNR1Ab		Player.AddSpell VmpNR11		  Player.AddSpell VmpNR1Command		Player.AddSpell VmpNR1Upgrade		Player.AddSpell VmpVS1		Player.AddSpell VmpVSToggle		set VmpBaseQuest.Undead1 to Player		set VmpBaseQuest.Undead2 to Player		set VmpBaseQuest.Undead3 to Player		set VmpBaseQuest.Undead4 to Player		set VmpBaseQuest.Undead5 to Player	endif

now we just nee to make VmpVQ01 stage 60 and the thanaturge will be fully joinable :)
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Ownie Zuliana
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:47 am

i just downloaded and im confused, how do you start the mod, i checked it off under data files and started game, how do i begin the mod in the game?
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Marquis T
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:02 am

great cant way
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Michelle Serenity Boss
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:53 pm

@ nightmare470
you finish the battle of kvatch then after a day or tow (could be a week unless your at the ic)
thenn all will be explained from there ;)
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Conor Byrne
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:54 am

i just downloaded and im confused, how do you start the mod, i checked it off under data files and started game, how do i begin the mod in the game?

did you read the readme?!!!
look at the manual?!!!

if you did some minor research you see that this same question was asked in the last couple posts of the previous thread (and many time before it)
so i'll quote myself:
-are you the hero of Kvatch yet?
-if you are already a vampire but not a Terran Vampire than you will need to drink the vampire reboot potion.
-did you read the readme?
-did you look through the manual?
(if you answered no to the last 2 question than please go back and look through those documents as they will pretty much explain everything)

and take note of:
- Belljack says, "there is a minor bug in that your character is considered to be 'tresspassing' in the hallways of their sleeping quarters - you should just have to get into the room of the selected elder and quickly engage in conversation to get embraced. I highly recommend you will need to save your game before going in the sleeping quarters. It will take you several tries (unless you are lucky) to get to Deveraux as each elder has a room but the door description does not tell you who is inside. I had to keep running from the guards and trying doors until I found the one I wanted and then when I left the sleeping quarters I had to outrun the guards again! Still it was worth it."

-The council only meets in the day 15 of each month. and only between 10pm to 2AM. Any other day/hour You'll get this answer from the servant.
For better information read the Readme and the guides.

your excitement pleases me :)
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josh evans
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:44 am

I just hope that this mod won't have any incompatibility with the DarkBrotherhood Chronicles when it's released cause this mod and DBC are the best mods ever bieng made in my opinion
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:00 am

Just an idea, maybe during the main quest and guild quest there should be 2 clans controling it. one for it and one against it like say during the Mages Guild quest the Arcanist have infiltrated them and as you progress through the mages guild with more deeds, the Arcanists might have greater respect for you since your still just a 3 classs vampire and if there are vampire hunters nearby the Arcanist might change your madquerade level to help you out and they want you to help them put the mages guild in their favor while on the other hand the Thanaturage want you to sabatoge the Mages Guild from the inside so thier cyrodilic necromancers can infiltrate and destroy them causing a Clan war maybe. Or for the assassins guild it would be the barons and say the wraiths or for the fighters guild it would be the beserkers or connuissers
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casey macmillan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:42 am

did you read the readme?!!!
look at the manual?!!!

I'm sorry i've read the manual and readme now and im getting the OBSE and the patch.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:34 pm

I've just visted the forums looking for something completely different when I happened upon these threads. I'm so pleased that the Terran Vampires mod is once again up and running. I've loved it since day one and have checked every week or so for updates. My minds buzzing with everything you've told us and I really cann't wait for the next releases. I'm relatively new to RPGing (started with Morrowind in 2004) have loved every minute of it since. If there's anything I can do to help let me know. Not done any modding but would love to beta test or whatever. Been reading through different tutorials and as we speak I'm sending this whilst watching the Wrestling with my son. Great to see the mod back. Keep up the good work will be checking back regularly now.
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Ellie English
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:55 pm

Just a quick aside, I've been looking through the screenshots of the Vampires and I don't know whether you should consider changing to the way the originator produced his characters. By that I mean they looked "human", the Terrans survived originally by looking and acting normally. To change them so they look "vampiric" would alter the way they survive. Surely they would be hunted as they are now creatures. That to me changes the orignal way in which they existed for so long. That's my twopennies worth and I hope I haven't offended.
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maria Dwyer
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:13 am

i'm glad you're so excited :)
on the vampires being human thing, im a little confused...
-if it's because some are of different races than remember that they came to Tamriel hundreds of years ago so they have had quite a bit of time to expand and embrace the races of nirn. The oldest of the clans are human, how ever there aren't any humans in Tamriel so for them to infiltrate society they had to embrace highelves, bretons, imperials, orcs, etc.

-if it's in relation to becoming ugly looking while feeding or something than you don't have to worry. This is a "vampire system independent of the built in vampire system of Oblivion". These vampires are not from Tamriel and as such are not like the native vamps. There is no change in appearance at all except for those of clan Nosferatu or Tzimisce (should they wish it). The only visible "vampyric" feature that is granted to all Terran Vampire are fangs, but that is not yet implemented in the currently released version...but will be so in the next (hopefully):goodjob:

hope that clears it all up
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lucy chadwick
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:34 am

-i removed the "night eye" given to all vamps but added it as part of the starting spells added to the Barons and the Protivia (Eye of the Night and Eyes of the Beast)
-Part of the Barons curse now includes sundamage so that they twice as hurt by the suns light
-I created "Adaptation" [BM:A] (Protivia will use this instead of [BM: Nature]) using bits from [BM: Nature] and [Malleable Flesh].
-t then dispersed the rest of the Nature spells to [BM: Elemental]as tier 6 powers, etc.
-i created 33 new spells for the various disciplines which will be dispersed among various trainers. None of these are overpowering and most require a lot of blood and dont last long at all. Also, many of them harm you in some way as a trade off.
Here they are:

RE Night Eye: Sounds fine.

RE Baron Curse: Also fine.

RE Adaptation: I would just just the prefix "AD" for simplicity's sake. Adaptation is a dicipline, not a blood magic line. Are you going with the suggested power distribution for Adaptation/Malleable Flesh that I suggested in the last thread? If not, which powers go where?

RE 33 new spells: Somebody here plays Guild Wars ;). Looks interesting, but I think that there should be discipline level requirements. For example, I think that Cease Blood Flow should require Blood Domination level 5, since its so powerful (also, I don't think this should kill vampires, but maybe paralyze them or disable their blood use temporarily).

RE Thanaturge code: Looks ok. The Necromancy upgrade "skill" (along with the Shadow Affinity upgrade "skill") were meant as placeholders, until I could get a training system developed. Which disciplines will you require training for, and how will you implement this? Ideally, once you recieve training, it should appear in the list of disciplines you can upgrade, unless you wanted to make the player go back to the person each time they wanted to upgrade (as I had it with Blood Magic before).

EDIT: Just read the above post. You know how to add fangs?
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Alycia Leann grace
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:11 pm

Thanks for coming back to me. Yes was a little confused with the Nesfaratu stuff as I remember how goddam "ugly" they were :-) Stephen King's Salem's Lot comes to mind :-) Love vampires as they can be good as well as bad (touch of Buffy and Angel there plus Nightwing and Blade). The photos I saw of Lucius reminded me of Marcus from Underworld. I guess the adaptations will tell. Like I said I'm no modder (done a few little things for myself but nothing huge) but would love to help if I can. On saying that though I'm having real trouble putting Oblivion back on my machine since a hard drive burn out a couple of weeks ago. Doing some lengthy and indepth scans as we speak as its apparently a registry problem. Starting to suffer withdrawal from not playing the best game ever.

Thanks again for all your hard work, its great to see the mod under production once again. Graduated from uni myself in 2004 so I know how hard it is to juggle commitments with passion.

Naomi ;-)
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