I'm playing Terraria. I've made a silly house and I'm chopping trees. It feels exactly like Minecraft, but 2D!
I've also read the http://terraria.wikia.com/wiki/Starter_guide on the Wiki. Any other tips from you guys? Why am I seeing the same MC regulars over here too?

Some tips:
Put your doors so that there is a drop-off between it and the outside. Enemies cannot open these because it is outside of reach. 1 block drop-off will do.
When mining Hellstone or Meteorstone , constantly swing your pick to deflect fireballs/Meteorheads. A quick way to dispatch of meteorstone is with dynamite. If there is less than 50 meteorstone left, the Meteorheads will stop spawning.
If you find a Magic Mirror, always keep it with you. It will teleport you back to your spawnpoint when used and it doesn't run out.
Short swords are useless.
See my obsidian farm pic and the video i linked earlier on how to do obsidian farms (for making hellstone bars )
If you can't mine Ebonstone (the stone in the Corrupted areas) yet and there is a Shadow Orb you can't get to, use dynamite.
Boss Tips:
Eye of Cthulu:
Start the fight immediately as night falls. This will give you enough time to kill him.
Use an Enchanted Boomerang (or Flamarang) and always aim for his eye. This will make sure you almost always hit his servants as they come out.
When he switches forms, switch to a bow. I recommend a Gold bow or higher. You will also need at least one stack of fire arrows or stronger arrows. You can always collect these after the fight.
It is good to have Rocket Boots or a Cloud in a Bottle to dodge him as he charges but these aren't necessary.
Start as above.
Use a Minishark and LOTS of ammo. At least two stacks, Meteorshot if you can get it.
Try to get a full set of Molten Armor before attempting as well as at least 1 row of hearts.
If you run out of ammo, use a Flamarang. The Enchanted Boomerang isn't going to cut it here.
Skeletron has a TON of health so trying to take out his hands first will cost you valuable time. Just dodge his hands using a Cloud in a Bottle or Rocket Boots.
Dodge his spinning head with a Cloud or Rocket Boots.
Always aim for the head.
The wiki will save you time with crafting recipes.