Terrible settlement creation system.

Post » Sun Feb 07, 2016 12:51 am

Ok, so I just got Fallout 4 a few days ago, and have finally made it in the game to where I can construct stuff, plant crops, etc.

While I know that the game is not really meant/made for this stuff, I am a little disappointed in the system in place for building and planting.

I would love it if this could get fixed, or updated to be better in the future, as this really does make it difficult to construct well made settlements.

Also could we get some form of land sculpting to help as well?

I like the way regular land looks, but it's not the best for building if you know what I mean.

Mostly just want the building and planting system fixed though, it's a big bother.

Enjoy your day.


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Charles Mckinna
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Post » Sat Feb 06, 2016 11:57 pm

There are mods for some better settlement features if you are on PC but yeah I wish there was a terrain sculpting feature too. Best way I have found is lots of concrete foundation floors stacked on top of one another until I have made a flat level area I like.

By the way Xenogears was a great game. I still play it from time to time on PS3

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Emma Copeland
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Post » Sun Feb 07, 2016 10:05 am

It's not Sims or Minecraft...

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Post » Sun Feb 07, 2016 4:36 am

I wouldn't say "terrible". "Awkward", "Confusing", "Frustrating", "Infuriating", "Annoying" and "Hard to Execute", sure, but "Terrible"? No.

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Sian Ennis
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Post » Sun Feb 07, 2016 10:31 am

You can build some really fantastic structures, folks have made the Coliseum and the Parthenon. I especially found the Coliseum video helpful as many building tips were revealed.
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Post » Sun Feb 07, 2016 3:06 am

I agree, the guy who did the Coliseum video helped me to understand how to drop the stairs foundation to make it easy to do drop walls in place.

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Post » Sat Feb 06, 2016 10:23 pm

Given that one of the Factions (Minutemen) basically focuses on Settlements, more thought should have been put into the functionality of Settlements. Hopefully, this aspect of the game will be improved with a combination of patches, mods (for both PC and Console players) or even DLC.

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Charlotte X
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Post » Sat Feb 06, 2016 8:55 pm

Well said.
I feel the exact same way.

I enjoy it...but, I really wish it would be "polished" in the near future.
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Post » Sat Feb 06, 2016 11:25 pm

What do you mean "fixed"? What exactly is wrong with it? Why not give some constructive criticisms or suggestions instead of just demanding "fix it".

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Louise Andrew
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Post » Sun Feb 07, 2016 4:07 am

Yeah, it′s sux.

Fortunately, there's a lot of good mod in the nexus, which helps.

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Milad Hajipour
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Post » Sun Feb 07, 2016 5:37 am

It's definitely not the most polished aspect of the game, it has a lot of potential though. Luckily enough, between mods and console commands, the building part of the settlement system is simple enough if you're on PC. I'd rather see features either refined or added to it before they worry about the mechanical/building controls.

I'd recommend you're have a look on youtube for a channel called 'norespawns'. The guy does pretty decent settlements builds on console using various workarounds and a bit of creativity. Should give you an idea of exactly what you can do even if you are on console.

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Post » Sun Feb 07, 2016 12:41 am

Thanks for the YouTube name, but I would rather have the system fixed first before actually adding anything new.

This way you at least know that you can properly build something without having to fight with the game to place an object.

Although I would love to see some new stuff added, such as new building pieces.

But again, that won't mean anything if you have to constantly fight with the game just to build a simple structure.

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Post » Sat Feb 06, 2016 9:48 pm

Well, at least now you're saying what was the problem (although very vaguely), but have you read the Help tips for building in the game menu (listed under Wsh)? The only problems I've had building structures is half width "end" wall sections don't snap to the same size openings in corner prefabs (but can be placed close enough to get by), objects nearby will cling to an assembly you've snapped together when using the feature to move an assembly, and hanging light bulbs will go dark if you relocate them, even if same distance from a power pylon.

Plus there are plenty of objects in the workshop library to build plenty adequate structures for an apocalyptic setting game, but if you want to go crazy, there are fan made mods that let you do much more.

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Post » Sat Feb 06, 2016 11:56 pm

This is a very vague comment. What specifically is it that's bothering you about the system? I don't really have any major complaints about it. It can be a bit awkward at times, but I'd hardly call it terrible. I find it pretty intuitive actually. You can't just say 'fix this' without explaining what exactly you think needs to be fixed in the first place.

Honestly it sounds to me like you're just new to it and haven't had enough time to figure out how it works yet. It's finicky at times, but it can also be used to create some incredibly complex structures.

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Post » Sun Feb 07, 2016 12:38 pm

To be fair, settlement building was labelled as their 'burn feature' - the thing that was likely to be cut if the game wasn't going to be finished in time. It wasn't ever really meant to be a focus of the game (or in the game at all). There's an interview with one of the designers that brought this to light. So I can kind of see why it isn't as developed as perhaps we'd like it to be. No doubt future patches and DLC will add to and polish it a bit more, now that they now how popular it is.

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Post » Sun Feb 07, 2016 11:31 am

I find this hard to believe. Do you happen to have a link to this interview?

The settlement system isn't really an 'add on' feature in this game. It's a central element of the entire game (although it is still optional). The settlement system is integrated into all of the factions in at least some sense. With the Minutemen, it's obviously an integral part of the faction. The Railroad has the Mercer Safehouse which is established at one of the settlement locations. The Brotherhood of Steel has the Feeding the Troops radiant quests. The Institute even has a synth at a settlement that you have to go talk to during a quest for them.

I have a really hard time believing that this was an after thought that was just casually tossed together with plans to cut it if time didn't permit. I think it's safe to assume that a pretty significant amount of development time went into the settlement system. This is something that Fallout fans have been asking for for a very long time now. It seems to me that it was very much intended to be a focus of the game.

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Cassie Boyle
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Post » Sun Feb 07, 2016 1:16 am

Honestly what needs to be fixed is the system entirely, I know that may seem vague, but actually it's not.

The distance between placing the object and your character is random, and can often times be nowhere near you in terms of placing.

They use a distance system that never works for these types of features because of how terrible it is.

If I am looking directly at an object, I should be able to select that exact object, not the object next to it, or even the object on the other side of a building.

I mean I moved a Melon patch to the other side of a building, went to go select the Gourd patch, and I was able to pick up the Melon patch? (<-- What?)

Like I said the entire system needs to be fixed, not just simply the building and placing aspect.

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Donatus Uwasomba
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Post » Sat Feb 06, 2016 8:58 pm

There are alot of posts about the settlement features so it's important that we get some fixes. Wrong status, problem hire named npc etc etc. I want to know if we can use jukeboxes or not.



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Post » Sun Feb 07, 2016 3:06 am

To be honest, I fought with the pieces a little until realised

I had full control over rotation and moving the pieces close <--> away, and up <--> down.

(without moving myself of course)

I find it much easier now, and know what will snap and what won't.

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Post » Sat Feb 06, 2016 9:22 pm

So far (on PS4) I only know how to rotate pieces (R and L triggers) and move up and down (left thumbstick). Have yet to learn what makes them move close and far.

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gemma king
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Post » Sun Feb 07, 2016 10:35 am

Patience , a bottle of whisky , Knowing " it just works " - todd howard was explaining it just works but forgot to say in what context , not that it works , but just works bear minion with lots of bethesda glitchies tacked onto it.

There is a guy on you tube that uses a word to describe what u need to be able to use bethesda fo4 building system I won't say it as it might be offence to some , but it starts with a F And ends with ery. It's in the urban dictonary , and means

"Absolute [censored]; utter nonsense; something rather suspicious that can bring forth uneasy, angry, or irritated feelings. The stunt pulled by people who don't know how to tell the truth or enjoy messing with people's heads as a hobby.

You can only get away with that kind of [censored]ery for so long before it turns around and bites you in the ass. " urban dictonary
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Natalie Taylor
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Post » Sun Feb 07, 2016 10:47 am

It was in the 'Making of Fallout 4' article.


"I remember thinking, 'If anything has to get cut, the workshop is going to be it, " Gardiner says. "We had never done something like that before, and it's big, scary new tech. No one likes big, scary new things. As a producer, I was like, "In my little jigsaw puzzle of a schedule, if that falls off, that's the thing that will make me find time to accomplish the other goals we have for this project."

i.e, it's a major feature certainly, but it was considered burnable.

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Post » Sun Feb 07, 2016 1:46 am

You can zoom the pieces in and out, so that they're closer to you or farther away depending on what you need. On PC you do this with the scroll wheel. You can also use the left and right mouse buttons to rotate the objects while holding them. I don't know what the controls are on consoles, but you have the same options.

To your point about picking up the melon patch, sometimes when two objects are placed right next to one another, you can pick up multiple objects at once by holding down the E key for a few seconds and then releasing. This allows you to pick up whole connected structures. You can pick up a single wall piece from a building by pressing E normally. Or you can aim at the same wall piece and hold down E for a few seconds and pick up the entire building. The same is true for vegetable patches. If they're all close together, you can pick them up 1 at a time or the whole thing at once. The aiming can be a bit finicky at times. You're absolutely right about that. But I still think a lot of your complaints are coming from lack of experience. It takes a while to get the hang of the whole system and how it works.

There are plenty of us that have done some pretty impressive builds. I've got some incredibly elaborate ones myself. None of us jumped right in and started building these huge structures though. We all spent some time clumsily building a few undecorated rectangles at first too. You can't realistically expect them to completely overhaul the building system when it's already working well for so many people. There are definitely elements in it that could stand to be improved upon, but overall I don't have any complaints that I'd consider to be 'major' complaints about the building system.

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Post » Sat Feb 06, 2016 10:24 pm

That doesn't strike me as being representative of an official company statement of or a label on the settlement system in its entirety being considered 'burnable.' That reads to me as the comments of a single person regarding his own personal thoughts on it, basically due to concerns about the complexity of it and the difficulty involved in creating it. I'm definitely not seeing anything in that article that implies that it wasn't considered to be a focus of the game. It's part of the meta-game, and not really a major part of the main story line, but it's still a central part of the game.

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Jason Rice
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Post » Sun Feb 07, 2016 8:00 am

It is possible to move the item close and far on the ps4 , it can help in snapping an item in a difficult place
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