Uh... from what Ive heard of the voice acting from he snippets bethesda has thrown us... I like it. It sounds a little more natural and less cloned. Similar yes, but less... fake.
The accent is neutral enough. The last thing I want to hear is a stereotypical american (no games come to mind) or english accent (like in fable). Too strong an accent can break the immersion.
That said some accents for english that are stronger add flavour to immersion.
What would I like to hear?
Light to medium Chinese accented english for some khajits. Light French accented english for some elves. Medium to heavy African accented english for red guards.
Representing other accents contributes towards more racial diversity.
I hope we don't see too much of the "don't think about picking that" blah blah just from so much as glancing at something that's not ours. Or the awkward hellos from standing around people and such. Or everyone talking to each other in a short distance with no volume alteration in that situation where you have 2 - 6 people talking at the same time and it's like this cacophony of noise.
I thought the voice acting for all of the characters in Oblivion was very good. I never even really thought of the female Redguards as having bad voicing acting. Not enough voice actors was what annoyed me. I got sick of hearing the same voices over and over. I am very glad to hear there will be many more voice actors in Skyrim.
Does anyone have a link, where you can get to hear the new voice-acting? I like the fact, that Beth have added more voice actors. I loved the unique voices in Oblivion (Gray Fox, Lucien and Sheogorath)!
I just wanted to ask in case anyone knew. Gayle Jessup, the voice actress for female Redguards, was a damn TERRIBLE ACTRESS!
I tried to avoid female Redguards like the plague because she took me out of my game so badly.
Personally, I thought that hearing Wonder Woman whenever I spoke to any female Orcs & Nords was more jarring from a "takes you out of the game" perspective.
Not that Lynda Carter doesn't have a great voice.... it's just that it was so recognizable to me.
Does anyone have a link, where you can get to hear the new voice-acting? I like the fact, that Beth have added more voice actors. I loved the unique voices in Oblivion (Gray Fox, Lucien and Sheogorath)!
Weren't those three examples all the same voice actor?
I really don't understand the hatred against the Voice Actor of the female redguards.. she was just fine..
Did she slight you or something? Maybe spit in your soup?
Seriously. The OP seems to have some personal issues with this lady. Personally, I didn't care much about the voice acting in Oblivion. Some of it was good, most was ok. But the only real problem was the lack of variety, which should be fixed this time around with 70+ actors.
But yeah... OP seems to be a slighted ex or something. Don't think I've seen someone be so aggressive about disliking a voice actor before.
A bit crude, but yes, I agree with the OP that she didn't really do that great of a job with voice acting. Her acting was quite stiff, like she didn't know what she was doing... and considering Wes Johnson, Michael Mack, Jonathan Bryce, etc, all did fine, I can't really lay the blame on the voice director, either.
I don't care if she comes back, though, as long as she improves.
I just wanted to ask in case anyone knew. Gayle Jessup, the voice actress for female Redguards, was a damn TERRIBLE ACTRESS!
I tried to avoid female Redguards like the plague because she took me out of my game so badly.
Anyone know if she's still doing someone at Bethesda is order to somehow hang onto her voice acting gig? Or will we finally be free of her?
Are you kidding? How did you manage to tolerate the male elves if the female Redguards bothered you? She was one of the better voice actors in the game.
Are you kidding? How did you manage to tolerate the male elves if the female Redguards bothered you? She was one of the better voice actors in the game.
The male elves' acting was good. The voice just didn't fit the haughty Altmer or harsh Dunmer (it worked quite well for the Bosmer, though).
not everyone in our world has stunning action hero voices. i would expect tamriel to be the same i just hope these terrible voices are well recorded. and the people who did them are at the least convincing meaning no empty voices when emotion is needed and no overacting in a similar emotion requiring scenario. but rest assured the important people likely will have good voices.