» Tue Apr 23, 2013 5:29 pm
Who knows, they might release in 2017 or even 2018. They might release sooner or they might decide not to do it at all just as you worry about. They do what they want, it's there world we just play in it. I'd suggest sending a politely worded email to them asking that they don't abandon the series and then it's in there hands. Nothing you can do really. They've been releasing games in the series so far but as I saw someone in another thread point out, nothing they do is some kind of "rule." TESO could do so well that they pull a Blizzard and not release any more. If it tanks then most likely they will relase another.
Even if you sent an email and they sent back that they would "definitely be making another game" doesn't mean that in 3 years they won't decide not to do it anymore and suspend the project or even cancel it.
They will or they won't, nothing you do will most likely change anything, I suggest having some tea or warm milk or some such thing relaxing, possibly finding another game to amuse yourself with or just play some skyrim, or morrowind or oblivion, or even daggerfall they give that away for free if you can get it to run.