Don't know what their goal was. But just saying they could have made it a lot "more TES" than it is.
I felt it was TES first, MMO second. While the game obviously has many MMO aspects I didn't find any of them mutually exclusive to the elder scrolls.
This sounds like a goal to me:
" In [Matt] Firor's words, "We're an Elder Scrolls game, first and foremost, and if we deliver the Elder Scrolls experience that gamers are looking for, we'll be fine."
Its like swtor to me, swtor svckS. but star wars lore melts my heart, so i play swtor all the time. On that note, as long as i can do dungeons/pvp with other gamers online, and interact, then i dont care if its mmo first/ tes second or hello kitty island adventures/doom 2. It will still be elder scrolls lore, which i adore almost as much as star wars lore. Hence my enjoyment of the game can't really be matched unless you feel the same about lore.
And you know this how?
Quantitative claims require quantitative evidence.
Well, already answered then.
With 20 million sales of the latest TES?
"Quantitative claims", can be aquired by basic common sense. 100% positive that the majority of the people playing ESO have played or enjoyed TES games to an extent.
That is called marketing.
This game is obviously a MMO in an ES sauce.
And honestly i dont think its a bad thing per se, the last ES game i enjoyed was Morrowind.
Beth isnt releasing quality games anymore.
A quality one comes out on 4/4. 3/30 if you got the moneys.
I don't care what the hell it is...
MMO Game, TES Game, mix of both or blahh...
Who cares?
As long as it's fun to play and worth your time, why judge the makeup of the game?
And Morrowind was a quality game? Lol sorry I played Morrowind as a kid too but it had major gaping problems with the game design one of the facts being you could complete the game in under 5 mins! Not only that but just text doesn't get across to you emotion there is a lot of things that is left out with just text your mind can fill in the gaps but in Morrowind I felt like everyone was disposable asset I could just kill for their armour, That's something that Skyrim had greatly over Morrowind you felt immersed within the characters, I spent 1000 hours in Skyrim probably more testing out peoples mods and trying to make the game look as great as possible, I probably spent 400 or less in morrowind still a good amount of time but nowhere near as much as Skyrim.
The combat system with Morrowind was a complete nightmare, Having accuracy be determined by the value of the skill tied to the weapon you were using was a huge pain in the ass earlier levels and there were places you could go to make sure you got the best gear possible really early game which made the game extremely easy, My favourite place within Morrowind however was within the Telvanni controlled regions, I really liked the sanctum for those inflicted with blight disease and corpus and it was interesting talking to the last living dwarf, But I ain't gonna say Morrowind is better because I'm not going to let nostalgia rule over my mind when I can clearly see that Skyrim is the better game, In my opinion.
You are right -- being fun is the most important aspect of any game, the question is if ESO is more fun for a single player TES mind set type person and MMO mind set type person? Should ZOS put more "XYZ" for the single player in mind or a MMO player? Sometimes the type groups will agree on "XYZ" other type they will not, so how does the fan based think that ZOS handle that case?
Giving DPS meaters and what not in addons and not in defult UI? Whats the difference? New players will just have a harder time. So I don't see way, Ether you have DPS meaters or you don't. If they don't want DPS meaters they should not alow it in addons either. Because its extremely important in an MMO that all players have access to the same UI make the game understandable to "noob" in PvP and competitive game play in general.
Seems more like an exploit to me. The keening weapon switch perk was also patched in the Morrowind GOTY edition. Someone playing Morrowind for the first time would probably take 5 minutes to get from the Census & Excise office to the Silt Strider.
I think Zenimax Online is walking a fine line between two distinct fan-bases. And after playing TESO beta, It seems like they really haven't chosen a side. The MMO community is offset by the fact that they're using Mega servers, the TES community is mad about paying more than they ever have for a TES game. Buts there's a lot to be happy about too. Fully voiced quests that make away with the fetch and kill grinding sprees that we're used to. And a lot of new lore will be generated for the TES lore books.
Which for all we know could be moot because we're not entirely sure if the events of this game actually happened.
I'll expand on that a little further, Is Bethesda completely going to ignore this games storyline? Because I'll be expecting to read a book on the warriors of cold harbour who rised together to vanquish a god, I better read a book like that or I'm gonna be a little upset and dissapointed.
MMORPG fans are also usually single player RPG fans too. So most of the TES crowd are also MMORPG players as well. Thinking that TES players and MMORPG players are two different demographics that like totally different things is an idiotic theory. RPG fans are fans of the RPG no matter how its played. May it be PnP or MMO and every thing in between.
Problem is that an MMO put down an long list of hard requirements.
1) many players at once system and quests must handle this, both quests monsters and environment.
2) do not add stuff other players can use to cause grief, so collision detection and small doors does not fit This was an real problem in Morrowind.
Stuff on tables like in Skyrim would not work some asshat would fireball it for fun, yes we did that ourselves sometimes.
3) game need to be pretty balances, no exploits at all
In short an single player game made into an MMO will have lots of MMO features as lots of sinle player features will not work at all in an MMO.
As somebody said about the levels on enemies, yes its a bit stupid but they has to reuse some enemies up during the game.
All I'll say is that rpg gamers are less homogeneous than you think. We'll see how and when they do their advertising.
I absolutely agree that's what they are doing. I think they've done a great job at it too. I think, more than anything, being TES first and an MMO second will make this game sell like hotcakes.
Mostly due to the fact that MMOs to date have not really bothered to be RPGs *FIRST* and massively mutlplayer second, but have instead put all the focus on gear collection etc. and de-emphasized all RPG aspects completely (little character customization in looks, class etc. in most MMOs).
It's pretty easy to show that compared to AAA single player games, most MMOs are pretty terrible at being *good games* first and MMOs second, and that's something that has long been missing in the MMO industry (which thankfully we're finally starting to see change, for the better).
I play games to have fun and be entertained, and *certain* MMOs abandon that in favor of catering to the spreadsheet UI-playing crowd's "internet ego stroking" game.
fun 1st, what ever second. I thought I saw flying numbers and health buffs/debuffs in that shoddycast video yesterday
Mmos are spreadsheets with moving picture overlays. Some just disguise that fact better than others.