On other topic on this forum, someone wanted to debate me on ZOS's view of the ESO:
" In [Matt] Firor's words, "We're an Elder Scrolls game, first and foremost, and if we deliver the Elder Scrolls experience that gamers are looking for, we'll be fine."
I take this to mean that RP aspects of the game are more important to ZOS then spreadsheets of "normal MMO players."[1] Where is I got this quote from, Mr. Firor was talking about consoles, but the same "big picture out look" can be apply to lack of DPS meters, combat logs and such. I know that single players of TES games must gave up collision detection (CD) to having 200+ chars on the screen at the same time. ESO have a trade off to the lack of CD for single players and MMO players must gave up their DPS meters / combat logs for the default UI. If they really want them, they can use add - on's
Also, the idea of ESO being a TES game 1st, a MMO 2nd can be seen in other aspects of the game also. Dungeons are more story driven, fully voiced, min UI idea, it follows lore. Thus, ZOS never will be interested in silly mounts like pink bunnies and bear riding. (I hope)
How many of you hope for and agree with the idea of "TES 1st, MMO 2nd?"