I understand there are lots of speculations and guesses, wish-lists perhaps in the forum due to lack of any game experience whatsoever. One thing I've noticed most is people's opinions on how much Skyrim would be different compared to previous series. I've seen many tedious posting in this issue, and equally tedious debates as well

Then I got this thought: what would developers think of all these debates and concerns? Surely they care, but how would they react? What would they do in developer's point of view? in sales manager's point of view?
Bethesda, as far as I'm concerned, cares about making a good game, not just a game that would sell. However what is 'good'? I'm sure everyone in this forum agrees people can easily disagree on any definition to 'good game'. Thus logical solution for Bethesda would be to make a game that largely falls in the category of 'satisfactory' to the largest number of people. Some in this group would think Skyrim rocks, some would say it's ok but could be better.
If this is what Bethesda is trying to do, how would they react to a spectrum of TES afficionados and potential new consumers? This is putting things very simple, but I've seen lots of 'whining' in this forum, saying Skyrim doesn't have this, they've deleted that, this new thing won't work and so on. If this forum DOES have certain influence to the developers and/or sales managers and they're trying to maximize the pool of people who accepts their 5th installment of TES legacy as 'satisfactory', and if I were one of them I would certainly gauge how easy/difficult it is to satisfy different groups of people in the entire spectrum of consumers.
Let's say at the very left of the spectrum are reserved for fans who love RPG elements of TES. They are immensely sensitive to changes in lore, variety of character creation, game system that can enhances RPing purpose... At the very right are those more concerned with action elements of TES. They think Skyrim should introduce more life-like and smooth animations, more combat options such as new maginc effects or new blocking system and such. From what I have seen this forum has vast supply of both of these groups, and less prominent group of people who falls somewhere in between like me. I love TES's RPG setting and its way of describing my character, but I also think there should be improvement in action too. Personally I think I played melee or ranged based character more than magic based ones because I wasn't much fond of hurling different colored spheres at my enemies all the time.
My conlcusion? More whining means that group is more difficult to satisfy, thus Bethesda would rather employ their limited resources to strengthen elements that can appeal more easily to less 'restless' fans and potential consumers. Since I wasn't much of a fervent participant in Bethesda forums before now I have no idea which type of 'whining' were in the upper hand until now. Anyway I guess all this falls within the grand design of 'appealing to the mass' thing. I don't know if this will make Skyrim less of a masterpiece than Oblivion or Morrowind(which I have played) but I'll be damned if Skyrim sells less than Oblivion or Morrowind cause that's what Bethesda is(and I think should for their own sake) trying to do.