So here it is!
AND! It's been given the all clear by Rohugh.
So feel free to post up anything Tes related you have drawn, painted, scuplted or even made on the pc via Photoshop or a 3-D program even (that doesnt include mods or anything like that, thats a different forum)
And please feel free to stop by and give your opinion and criticism, but please no flaming artists if there artwork isnt as good as others, everyone has to start somewhere. (note: im not the best artist in the world, i'd even say im mediocre

1. Most importantly, CONSTRUCTIVE criticism only, we display our work to find out how we can improve, not where we went wrong. Just like with Fan-Fics.
2. Try not to constantly post singular images per post, no harm in doing so once in a while but if u do it frequently it will fill the thread too fast.
3. Be brave, even if you don't think it's all that good yourself, you might find that others will see whats right with an image before they see whats wrong.
and that's about it.
I'll start with a few of mine.
Because i'm not all that good at drawing my characters in good/realistic poses, i will quite often find an image online or in a book that has the right pose and then re-draw it with my own style etc..
the following 3 images were such which i re-drew on Photoshop and made my own (tho credit still goes to whoever designed the original.)
everything you see in the images i painted on with my mouse, i left no trace of the original.
I should also note, that my girlfriend is IMO an amazing artist, but her work is mainly in pencils on paper. I take her images sometimes (with her approval of course) and do the same thing as above.
just to give an example she drew one of my rp characters some of you might know called Dro'Zar and this is what she came up with
Which i turned into...
Lastly some of you might be wandering what MY hand drawn sketches look like, well these aren't my best by far but to give an impression of where i started with TES art here are 2 (imo) poor drawings by me.
and one of my much better sketches
Right enough of me, that should be enough to get this ball rolling, i don't know how many of you are artistic but i am looking forward to seeing everyones art
KK out