I think the general consensus on the moon's shadows is that they are translucent, presumably because Lorkhan is busy resurrecting himself, bit by bit in each game (his heart in Morrowind, his mind- ie Sheogorath- in Shivering Isles, etc etc). Remember, Masser and Secunda are Lorkhan's body, and they're pretty much dissolving...
Ok, that's what I had thought, I didn't know Lorkhan was resurrecting himself though, that's pretty cool.
Check this out for anything I might have missed.

Yeah, I found that link right after I made the thread, it's a pretty useful reference.
-Are the Moons "shadows" really translucent? Should we be seeing the stars through them? Lore-wise, as of the Infernal City, yes. As of Morrowind, it was a graphical bug that Beth had to explain away and it unfortunately encoded itself into the literature. The moons are believed by some to be the decaying body of Lorkhan. Decaying here means "Slowly fading away in an achronal order."
Actually, in Morrowind the Moons don't have translucency, in this screenshot, I've made the moons shadows completely from alpha (so they should be seethrough, and put in a different place they are), and the game doesn't show stars behind, it just reads the sky colour and makes the shadows that colour. It's become a pest for me, since I can't figure out how to make the blasted moons translucent.
-I know constellations are defined, but is there really any set lore on nebulae? What are they anyways? Are there supposed to be certain ones with specific appearances? Nebulae in Morrowind and Oblivion were completely different. Nothing's really been said on Nebulae. Perhaps they're some phenomena associated with the mercurial Waters of Oblivion. You are looking into Oblivion when you look into the sky...
Ok then, I think I'm going to go by combining the Skyrim lore and the existing lore, the guardian constellations will have their own nebulae, and some other nebulae will be scattered across the sky.
-How do the constellations move across the sky? I heard this was shown in Oblivion, but I never noticed myself. What parts of the sky are they in? ect. http://www.imperial-library.info/content/general-information-history-and-depictions-planets in this link illuminates this somewhat. It also helps if you have the Orrery plugin for Oblivion too.
I have the Orrery plugin, although loading Oblivion with anything but Oblivion.esm causes the game to think that Oblivion.esm isn't there for some reason. But it shouldn't be a problem, I guess I'll extract the meshes/textures from the Orrery, then base the constellation placement on that, that, or I could base them on the Redguard starmap, which would be more accurate?
-What exactly is http://images.uesp.net//7/73/Rg_dwemerstarmap.jpg representing? The position of constellations on the visible zenith? Yes, it's the position of the constellations at the time it was representing. Notice the inner-most band is where the three guardians are with the Serpent wandering there now.
Ok then, so I guess the sky may have changed from Redguard to Morrowind, I'm leaning toward the Oblivion Orrery being more accurate, but I'm still not entirely sure.
-How would the "planets" appear in the sky? Would they look like stars, as we see them on Earth? Without magnification, how do planets appear on Earth? Like twinkling stars.
Planets in the night sky don't twinkle, they give constant light, but what you said is what I suspected. This suggestion seems like it could look cool though,
There is no reason the planet's couldn't have discernible details, though they should be much smaller than the moons. That would be a fine way to do it.
I'm not sure you would be able to see details though, You can see Mars, Venus, Jupiter, and sometimes Saturn in our night sky, yet they appear simalar to stars through the naked eye, the only 'details' you could really see would be colour (slightly reddish colour to Mars), and Saturn's rings through a telescope.
Anyways guys, thanks for the info, I should be able to start up my night skies with a little more confidence now.