I would like to see some NavMesh in the new construction set, because it is alot easier to use than a NavGrid, and can be more fluent then NavGrids.
(NavMesh is where the NPC will walk ANYWHERE in a designated area, instead of stuck on straight lines, and only moving when they hit a grid point. If anybody knows a better way to explain this, please do)
Also, NavMesh was in the GECK, and I think its a keeper.
I also want to see an easier format for making Quests and Dialogue. I'm afraid to make my own custom Quests and Dialogue because I always mess up on it, and don't know what I'm doing, even with instructions.
Ever since I had the Construction set, I always wanted to make new weapons, but never had the right programs.
I think it would be cool if they had a built in program for basic weapons.
But you could also use the hardcoe programs and import them into the game.
I would also like to see an http://geck.gamesas.com/index.php/Object_palette in the new TES. Maybe even some preset palettes that come with the construction set.
What do you think They should put in it?
What should they leave out?
Please stay on topic.