» Thu Sep 02, 2010 11:22 pm
While I've read through this thread, it's 10:45PM after a long day, so I haven't really digested it and am probably about to look like an idiot by repeating somebody else with different words. Nonetheless, onwards:
As a simple answer to the direct question, no. You can probably calculate a percentage chance in the very high nineties that not every major religion is correct, whether it be due to technicalities such as a god who has become mortal, or because some religion is just plain wrong. A list of reasons I believe this to be the case:
1 - People make stuff up, for whatever reasons. You break somebody's bowling trophy and cover with "Oh no! Mephistopheleois, God of Minor Destructiveness has struck again!" in front of somebody's impressionable kid, and BOOM! Religion. Doesn't make it true. Similarly, some Imperial explorer rolls up onto the shores of Elsweyr, chugs down some skooma and ends up getting a surprise introduction to Durkas, God of All Things Colorful and Swirly and Bringer of The Munchies.
2 - Things change. As previously mentioned, during a single playthrough of TES3, you can knock off your choice of up to three "gods", or at least a bunch of semi-mortals that are the basis of major religion. Yet, play TES4 and you'll notice nobody seems to have caught on to your rampant godicide. And, while I haven't really followed this recently, I do know that mortals have become gods, and gods have become mortals, sometimes without people knowing. Those people worshipping mortals that used to be gods AS gods? Their religion is wrong.
3 - Technicalities, the things people don't know. For all we know, the Nine Divines absolutely hate getting woken up at 3AM to get that 1GP offering, unlike common belief. So, on that basis, that part of religion is incorrect, making the religion wrong to an extent. That's clutching at straws, I know, but you get me.
4 - This is probably the biggest one, but practically ALL of the religions on Nirn seem to conflict, particularly between Men, Mer and Beast. I've been reading up on Redguard religion lately, and while a lot does seem to correlate between their gods and gods of other races (to the point of shared gods, in places), there's also a lot of room for disagreement. Some doubling up of gods and purposes, some blank spots where another god should fit, but doesn't.
Point four is probably the most important, along with the first, given that all intelligent races seem to have the ability to fill in gaps with their imaginations and such. Even races like the Sload and the Hist probably have differing views on religion. My point is, I highly doubt that all religions are correct. However, many of them are, but there's no real way of telling without lots of research, and even then you can't absolutely prove which are wrong and which are right.
Like Human religions, which correlate in some places (many religions support the story of Noah's Ark, for example, coupled with some amount of scientific proof) but disagree in others (Creationism versus Darwinism is still, to this day, a huge and ultimately unproven debate), religion on Nirn just doesn't piece together perfectly, whether due to overlaps or gaps. Oh, and factor in a lot of Chinese whispers and botched translations, you've got a big melting pot of religions.
The conflict between religions? Sometimes it's on a mortal level, between believers with differing beliefs, sometimes it's at the levels of the gods, such as what ultimately became a stand off between Dagoth Ur and Vivec & Co. in Morrowind. For example, when the Ra Gada (later known as the Redguards) landed in Volenfell (before it became Hammerfell), it was the HoonDing and Diagna who facilitated (inspired, ordered, allowed, however you want to put it) the invasion and slaughter of the inhabitants of the time, along with guidance and help from the other Yokudan gods. Later, Malooc (also a god of the Redguards, though probably better defined as a demon) led the goblin hordes against the Redguards, only defeated by the army of (guess who?) the HoonDing. Basically put, just because races and religions understand each other, that doesn't mean they're not going to try and skin each other alive over the whole deal. Even gods have wars. I mean, even the God of our bible demanded the slaughter of unbelievers back in his hey-day.
Giant post locked-down and complete SAH! :facepalm: (I like to interpret that emoticon as a salute rather than a facepalm, just so's you know)