How difficult would it be to adapt content from the TES4 CE to the GECK? I don't think the meshes/textures would be too difficult (except for modifying NPC textures for the violent break-aparts), but could you transfer the same heightmaps and such directly into the GECK or do they use a different format? Obviously you could just convert all the mesh/textures and "recreate" it but if attempting to do anything of significant scale (even a single Oblivion realm) keeping it looking accurate becomes a huge nightmare chore, where-as if you can simply import the cells it's a lot easier?
Thanks for any help in answering this. Also let me know if anyone has attempted to do something like this (beyond just throwing TES weapons into FO3). I have a hankering to go blow the heads off Scamps and see Spider Daedra hobbling on only 3 legs.